The adaptive Neural Network Library is a collection of blocks that implement several Adaptive Neural Networks featuring different adaptation algorithms.~..~ There are 11 blocks that implement basically these 5 kinds of neural networks: 1) Adaptive Linear Network (ADALINE) 2) Multilayer Layer Perceptron with Extended Backpropagation algorithm (EBPA) 3) Radial Basis Functions (RBF) Networks 4) RBF Networks with Extended Minimal Resource Allocating algorithm (EMRAN) 5) RBF and Piecewise Linear Networks with Dynamic Cell Structure (DCS) algorithm A simulink example regarding the approximation of a scalar nonlinear function of 4 variables is included
标签: Neural collection implement Adaptive
上传时间: 2013-12-23
wiley, create your own future how to master the 12 critical factors of unlimited success (2002).pdf
标签: unlimited critical factors success
上传时间: 2015-05-08
This m file models a DPSK UWB system using a delay in one leg of the mixer, correlation receiver low pass filter combination requiring no template for synching. Various waveforms are displayed throughout the system to allow the user to observe operation of the system.
标签: correlation receiver models system
上传时间: 2013-12-13
an introduction paper for junior amateur of linux, usefull and helpful.
标签: introduction amateur helpful usefull
上传时间: 2015-05-09
sourse code of a very good book which is <<servlet and jsp core programing>>
标签: programing servlet sourse which
上传时间: 2014-01-08
Fpga Implementation Of Digital Timing Recovery In Software Radio Receiver
标签: Implementation Recovery Receiver Software
上传时间: 2015-05-10
JBoss, one of the leading java Open Source groups, integrates and develops these services for a full J2EE-based implementation. JBoss provides JBossServer, the basic EJB container, and Java Manage Preface 18 Great Events of the Twentieth Centuryment Extension (JMX) infrastructure. It also provides JBossMQ, for JMS messaging, JBossTX, for JTA/JTS transactions, JBossCMP for CMP persistence, JBossSX for JAAS based security, and JBossCX for JCA connectivity. Support for web components, such as servlets and JSP pages, is providedby an abstract integration layer. Implementations of the integration service are provided for third party servlet engines like Tomcat and Jetty. JBoss enables you to mix and match these components through JMX by replacing any component you want with a JMX compliant implementation for the same APIs.
标签: integrates develops services leading
上传时间: 2014-11-03
how to use the sybase database ,this is the use of pdf
上传时间: 2015-05-11
This code ports the uC/OS operating system by Jean LaBrosse to the TI TMS320C2xx family of DSP s.
上传时间: 2014-11-27
classical examples of database development based on Visual FoxPro 7.0
标签: development classical examples database
上传时间: 2014-01-03