基于FPGA设计的vga显示测试实验Verilog逻辑源码Quartus工程文件+文档说明,FPGA型号Cyclone4E系列中的EP4CE6F17C8,Quartus版本17.1。module top( input clk, input rst_n, //vga output output vga_out_hs, //vga horizontal synchronization output vga_out_vs, //vga vertical synchronization output[4:0] vga_out_r, //vga red output[5:0] vga_out_g, //vga green output[4:0] vga_out_b //vga blue );wire video_clk;wire video_hs;wire video_vs;wire video_de;wire[7:0] video_r;wire[7:0] video_g;wire[7:0] video_b;assign vga_out_hs = video_hs;assign vga_out_vs = video_vs;assign vga_out_r = video_r[7:3]; //discard low bit dataassign vga_out_g = video_g[7:2]; //discard low bit dataassign vga_out_b = video_b[7:3]; //discard low bit data//generate video pixel clockvideo_pll video_pll_m0( .inclk0(clk), .c0(video_clk));color_bar color_bar_m0( .clk(video_clk), .rst(~rst_n), .hs(video_hs), .vs(video_vs), .de(video_de), .rgb_r(video_r), .rgb_g(video_g), .rgb_b(video_b));endmodule
标签: fpga vga显示 verilog quartus
上传时间: 2021-12-19
Texas instruments MIPI DSI to eDP converter. Input supports 2 channel, 4 lanes each, up to 1.5GBit/s. Total input bandwidth is 12Gbit/s. Output eDP 1.4 1,2 or 4 lanes up to 5.4Gbit/s. output up to 4096x2304 60fps.
上传时间: 2021-12-22
高通(Qualcomm)蓝牙芯片QCC5151_硬件设计详细指导书(官方内部培训手册)共52页其内容是针对硬件设计、部分重要元器件选择(ESD,Filter)及走线注意事项的详细说明。2 Power management 2.1 SMPS 2.1.1 Components specification 2.1.2 Input power supply selection 2.1.3 Minimize SMPS EMI emissions 2.1.4 Internal LDOs and digital core decoupling 2.1.5 Powering external components 2.2 Charger 2.2.1 Charger connections.2.2.2 General charger operation2.2.3 Temperature measurement during charging 2.3 SYS_CTRL 3 Bluetooth radio3.1 RF PSU component choice 3.2 RF band-pass filter3.3 Layout (天线 走线的注意事项)4 Audio4.1 Audio bypass capacitors 4.2 Earphone speaker output4.3 Line/Mic input 4.4 Headphone output optimizition5 LED pads 5.1 LED driver 5.2 Digital/Button input 5.3 Analog input5.4 Disabled 6 Reset pin (Reset#)7 QSPIinterface 8 USB interfaces 8.1 USB device port8.1.1 USB connections8.1.2 Layout notes8.1.3 USB charger detection
上传时间: 2022-01-24
ADS8329 Verilog fpga 驱动源码,2.7V 至 5.5V 16 位 1MSPS 串行模数转换器 ADC芯片ADS8329数据采集的verilog代码,已经用在工程中,可以做为你的设计参考。( input clock, input timer_clk_r, input reset, output reg sample_over, output reg ad_convn, input ad_eocn, output reg ad_csn, output reg ad_clk, input ad_dout, output reg ad_din, output reg [15:0] ad_data_lock);reg [15:0] ad_data_old;reg [15:0] ad_data_new; reg [19:0] ad_data_temp; reg [15:0] ad_data;reg [4:0] ad_data_cnt;reg [4:0] ad_spi_cnt; reg [5:0] time_dly_cnt; parameter [3:0] state_mac_IDLE = 0, state_mac_0 = 1, state_mac_1 = 2, state_mac_2 = 3, state_mac_3 = 4, state_mac_4 = 5, state_mac_5 = 6, state_mac_6 = 7, state_mac_7 = 8, state_mac_8 = 9, state_mac_9 = 10, state_mac_10 = 11, state_mac_11 = 12, state_mac_12 = 13, state_mac_13 = 14, state_mac_14 = 15; reg [3:0] state_curr;reg [3:0] state_next;
上传时间: 2022-01-30
FPGA Verilog HDL设计温度传感器ds18b20温度读取并通过lcd1620和8位LED数码管显示的QUARTUS II 12.0工程文件,包括完整的设计文件.V源码,可以做为你的学习及设计参考。module ds18b20lcd1602display ( Clk, Rst, DQ, //18B20数据端口 Txd, //串口发送端口 LCD_Data, //lcd LCD_RS, LCD_RW, LCD_En, SMData, //数码管段码 SMCom //数码管位码 );input Rst,Clk;output Txd,LCD_RS,LCD_En,LCD_RW;inout DQ;output[7:0] LCD_Data;output[7:0] SMData;output[3:0] SMCom;wire DataReady;//测温完成信号wire [15:0] MeasureResult;//DS18B20测温结果reg [15:0] Temperature;//产生LCD的位码和段码LCD1602Display Gen_LCD(.resetin(Rst),.clkin(Clk),.Data16bIn(Temperature),.lcd_data(LCD_Data),.lcd_rs(LCD_RS),.lcd_rw(LCD_RW),.lcd_e(LCD_En)/*,.SMCom(SMCom)*/);//DS18B20测温和发送 DS18B20 TmpMeasureAndTx(.Rst(Rst),.Clk(Clk),.DQ(DQ),.Txd(Txd),.FinishFlag(DataReady),.Data16b(MeasureResult));//产生数码管的位码和段码SMDisplay Gen_SM(.Rst(Rst),.
标签: fpga verilog hdl 温度传感器 ds18b20 lcd1620 数码显示
上传时间: 2022-01-30
Precision, Low Noise, CMOS, Rail-to-Rail, Input/Output Operational Amplifiers Data Sheet AD8605/AD8606/AD8608The AD8605, AD8606, and AD86081 are single, dual, and quad rail-to-rail input and output, single-supply amplifiers. They feature very low offset voltage, low input voltage and current noise, and wide signal bandwidth. They use the Analog Devices, Inc. patented DigiTrim® trimming technique, which achieves
标签: 运算放大器
上传时间: 2022-02-02
spi 通信的master部分使用的verilog语言实现,可以做为你的设计参考。module spi_master(rstb,clk,mlb,start,tdat,cdiv,din, ss,sck,dout,done,rdata); input rstb,clk,mlb,start; input [7:0] tdat; //transmit data input [1:0] cdiv; //clock divider input din; output reg ss; output reg sck; output reg dout; output reg done; output reg [7:0] rdata; //received dataparameter idle=2'b00; parameter send=2'b10; parameter finish=2'b11; reg [1:0] cur,nxt; reg [7:0] treg,rreg; reg [3:0] nbit; reg [4:0] mid,cnt; reg shift,clr;
上传时间: 2022-02-03
verilog实现I2C通信的slave模块源码状态机设位计可做I2C接口的仿真模型//`timescale 1ns/1psmodule I2C_slv (input [6:0] slv_id,input RESET,input scl_i, //I2C clkinput sda_i, //I2C data ininput [7:0] I2C_RDDATA,////////////////////////output reg sda_o, //I2C data outoutput reg reg_w, //reg write enable pulse (1T of scl_i)output reg [7:0] I2C_ADDR,output reg [7:0] I2C_DATA); parameter ST_ADDR = 4'd0; parameter ST_ACK = 4'd1; parameter ST_WDATA1 = 4'd2; parameter ST_WACK1 = 4'd3; parameter ST_WDATA2 = 4'd4; parameter ST_WACK2 = 4'd5; parameter ST_WDATA3 = 4'd6; parameter ST_WACK3 = 4'd7; parameter ST_RDATA1 = 4'd8; parameter ST_RACK1 = 4'd9; parameter ST_IDLE = 4'd15;//---------------------------------------------------------------------------// Signal Declaration//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- reg i2c_start_n, i2c_stop_n; //wire RESET_scl; wire i2c_stp_n, i2c_RESET; reg [3:0] i2c_cs, i2c_ns; reg [3:0] cnt_bit; reg [7:0] d_vec; reg i2c_rd, i2c_ack; reg [7:0] I2C_RDDATA_latch;
上传时间: 2022-02-03
The PW5410B is a low noise, constant frequency (1.2MHz) switched capacitor voltage doubler. Itproduces a regulated output voltage from 1.8V to 5V input with up to 100mA of output current. Lowexternal parts count (one flying capacitor and two small bypass capacitors at VIN and VOUT) makethe PW5410B ideally suited for small, battery-powered applications
标签: pw5410
上传时间: 2022-02-11
The PW5410A is a low noise, constant frequency (1.2MHz) switched capacitor voltage doubler. Itproduces a regulated output voltage from 2.7V to 5V input with up to 250mA of output current. Lowexternal parts count (one flying capacitor and two small bypass capacitors at VIN and VOUT) makethe PW5410A ideally suited for small, battery-powered applications
标签: pw5410
上传时间: 2022-02-11