The Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 5 (Java EE 5) has two different but complementary technologies for producing dynamic web content in the presentation tier—namely Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages (JSP). Java Servlet, the first of these technologies to appear, was initially described as extensions to a web server for producing dynamic web content. JSP, on the other hand, is a newer technology but is equally capable of generating the same dynamic content. However, the way in which a servlet and a JSP page produce their content is fundamentally different servlets embed content into logic, whereas JSP Pages embed logic into content.
标签: Java complementary technologie Enterprise
上传时间: 2017-09-04
本书图文并茂,以丰富的实例为引导,全面介绍了主流的 Java Web 开发技术—— JSP 2.0,重点介绍Java在展示层的两项重要技术:Java Servlet与JavaServer Pages。 它们是最重要的Java 核心技术。对这两项技术的深入了解,将有助于您未来对于 JavaServer Faces(JSF)技术以及Java Web Services技术的学习。
上传时间: 2017-09-06
本书图文并茂,以丰富的实例为引导,全面介绍了主流的 Java Web 开发技术—— JSP 2.0,重点介绍Java在展示层的两项重要技术:Java Servlet与JavaServer Pages。 它们是最重要的Java 核心技术。对这两项技术的深入了解,将有助于您未来对于 JavaServer Faces(JSF)技术以及Java Web Services技术的学习。
上传时间: 2013-12-20
LTE-Advanced becomes a truly global standard for 4G cellular communications. Relay, as one of the key technologies of LTE-Advanced, can significantly extend the coverage, and improve the system throughput. LTE-A standards and tech- nologies were described in several recent books where the limited Pages for relay feature prevent the detailed explanations of the technology. In this book, we tried to provide an in-depth description of LTE-A relay development. More specifically, significant portions are spent on relay channel modeling and potential technologies during the study item phase of the development, although some of those tech- nologies, such as Type 2 cooperative relay, multi-hop relay, relay with backhaul of carrier aggregation, were not standardized in Release 10 LTE.
标签: LTE-Advanced Technology Relay
上传时间: 2020-05-27
Fun. We (your authors) wanted a word to describe our ultimate goal for this book, as well as a word we hope you (our reader) will use to describe it, and that’s the one we chose. There are others goals, of course, but in the end, when you’ve finished the book, we’re hoping you’ll have enjoyed the activities described in these Pages. Many books use the Introduction to explain exactly what the book is about, what the reader will learn, what the reader needs (a skill or maybe an item or piece of software), and what the reader will be left with when that last page is completed. And this Introduction will do those things, but … hopefully it’ll make you excited to get started.
标签: Adventures Arduino Station Escape Gemini from
上传时间: 2020-06-09
介绍Socket 编程让你沮丧吗?从man Pages中很难得到有用的信息吗?你想跟上时代去编Intemet相关的程序,但是为你在调用connect()前的bind)的结构而不知所措?等等…好在我已经将这些事完成了,我将和所有人共享我的知识了。如果你了解C语言并想穿过网络编程的沼泽,那么你来对地方了。读者对象这个文档是一个指南,而不是参考书。如果你刚开始socket编程并想找一本入门书,那么你是我的读者。但这不是一本完全的socket编程书。平台和编译器这篇文档中的大多数代码都在Linux平台PC上用GNU的gcc成功编译过。面且它们在HPUX平台上用gcc也成功编译过。但是注意,并不是每个代码片段都独立测试过。
上传时间: 2022-06-23
VIP专区-嵌入式/单片机编程源码精选合集系列(87)资源包含以下内容:1. 在nios II DE2开发板上开发的实时时钟.2. 绝对好用的M64-SD卡MP3程序.3. 实现各种算数逻辑运算 根据输入的指令不同.4. 温度测控完整开发档案。包括原理图.5. 好记星的控件,包括button,list,对文件操作.6. FPGA/CPLD VHDL语言实现SPI.7. RS232-光纤的CPLD调制解调源程序.8. 液晶显示.9. 嵌入式的简单测试程序.10. Sbc2410的原理图.11. 高质量的软件代码规范.12. 充电芯片的ORCAD原理图.13. 使用VerilogHDL语言实现硬件的开发模拟.14. 使用VerilogHDL语言实现硬件的开发模拟.15. 一个全的2410试验板的原理图核PCB图,可以直接用,适合想做开发板的新手.16. 三星公司流行的ARM芯片44b0的原理图和PCB;可以帮助有志于学习使用ARM的同事参考和使用.17. 基于51的多功能电子钟,多闹钟,温度测试.18. 2410的三星的3.5寸液晶驱动程序.19. 该程序采用C语言编写,是程序员编写菜单程序的通用典范..20. 水平直线挖掘的源程序.21. This program controls a BLDC motor in closed loop using PIC18Fxx31 devices. Hardware used is PICDE.22. 硬件I2C软件包.23. 应用matlabGUI工具设计了数据循环显示程序.24. avr祥例。 附原理图.25. NEXTCHIP的OSD开发工具,很好用的,支持256色,支持鼠标样式编辑,生成FNTFLT等格式的文件..26. 基于复杂可编程逻辑器件(CPLD)的120MHz高速A_D采集卡的设计.27. at91sama3 IAR 环境下开发的例子.28. 此软件是ARM的键盘驱动软件.29. 此软件是云台控制软件.30. *本程序四位数码管作倒计时.P0为位选,P1数码管.P3.5输出(低电平).P3.0,P3.1串口通讯..31. 单片机资料at89c2051英文板详细资料.32. 介绍一种如何用DSP和CPLD控制插补的文章.33. 最近搞的一个51开发板的原理图.34. 一种51下载线的原理图.35. 电子跑表 基于DVCC设计的电子跑表,是微机原理课程设计的题目,欢迎大家参考.36. I2C汇编程序,用于100KB/S的I2C器件运用..37. ek-stm32f开发板测试程序,LCD+LED+按键.38. ps2键盘的时序介绍和开发程序.39. 东芝机器人处理器代码,sh2有时间学习很好!.40. 时钟分频电路实现精讲(19 Pages)——意法半导体.
上传时间: 2013-05-16