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  • S60-programming-a-tutorial-guide-symbian. 1 Introduction to Mobile-Phone Systems 1 1.1 Wireless

    S60-programming-a-tutorial-guide-symbian. 1 Introduction to Mobile-Phone Systems 1 1.1 Wireless Technologies 1 1.2 Cellular Systems 2 1.3 Elements of a Mobile-Phone System 4 1.4 Keeping Users’ Calls Separate 5 1.5 Multipath PROPAGATION 7 1.6 2G Mobile-Phone Systems 9 1.7 GPRS Systems 10 1.8 3G Mobile-Phone Systems 13 1.9 IP Multimedia Subsystem 16 1.10 Mobile-Phone Hardware 17 2 Introduction to Symbian OS 19 Introduction 19 2.1 The Development of Symbian OS 20 2.2 Symbian OS User Interfaces 21 2.3 Coding Idioms 23 2.4 Tool Chains 28 3 The Console Application 33 Introduction 33 3.1 Creating a Console Application 33 3.2 CBase Classes 38 3.3 Protecting Memory 38 3.4 Putting It Into Practice: An Engine for a Simple Card Game 46 Summary 56

    标签: programming-a-tutorial-guide-symb Introduction Mobile-Phone Wireless

    上传时间: 2016-05-14


  • The package includes 3 Matlab-interfaces to the c-code: 1. inference.m An interface to the full

    The package includes 3 Matlab-interfaces to the c-code: 1. inference.m An interface to the full inference package, includes several methods for approximate inference: Loopy Belief PROPAGATION, Generalized Belief PROPAGATION, Mean-Field approximation, and 4 monte-carlo sampling methods (Metropolis, Gibbs, Wolff, Swendsen-Wang). Use "help inference" from Matlab to see all options for usage. 2. gbp_preprocess.m and gbp.m These 2 interfaces split Generalized Belief PROPAGATION into the pre-process stage (gbp_preprocess.m) and the inference stage (gbp.m), so the user may use only one of them, or changing some parameters in between. Use "help gbp_preprocess" and "help gbp" from Matlab. 3. simulatedAnnealing.m An interface to the simulated-annealing c-code. This code uses Metropolis sampling method, the same one used for inference. Use "help simulatedAnnealing" from Matlab.

    标签: Matlab-interfaces inference interface the

    上传时间: 2016-08-27


  • 外国人开发的电磁时域有限差分方法工具包 Electromagnetic Finite-Difference Time-Domain (EmFDTD) is a basic two-dimensio

    外国人开发的电磁时域有限差分方法工具包 Electromagnetic Finite-Difference Time-Domain (EmFDTD) is a basic two-dimensional FDTD code developed at the School of Electrical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology. This code has been written based on the standard Yee s FDTD algorithm. Applications include PROPAGATION, scattering, and diffraction of electromagnetic waves in homogeneous and non-homogeneous isotropic media for in-plane propagating waves. Negative permittivites or permeabilities as well as dispersion is not included. Zero, Periodic, and Perfectly Matched Layer boundary conditions may be selectively applied to the solution domain. The program is best suited for study of PROPAGATION and diffraction of electromagnetic waves in Photonic Crystal structures. EmFDTD is written in MATLAB language and has been tested under MATLAB 5.0 and higher versions.

    标签: Finite-Difference Electromagnetic two-dimensio Time-Domain

    上传时间: 2014-11-24


  • 窄带多径信号的matlab仿真

    窄带多径信号的matlab仿真,Modeling the wireless PROPAGATION channel code

    标签: matlab 窄带 多径信号 仿真

    上传时间: 2017-02-26


  •  人工神经网络(Aartificial Neural Network

     人工神经网络(Aartificial Neural Network,下简称ANN)是模拟生物神经元的结构而提出的一种信息处理方法。早在1943年,已由心理学家Warren S.Mcculloch和数学家Walth H.Pitts提出神经元数学模型,后被冷落了一段时间,80年代又迅猛兴起[1]。ANN之所以受到人们的普遍关注,是由于它具有本质的非线形特征、并行处理能力、强鲁棒性以及自组织自学习的能力。其中研究得最为成熟的是误差的反传模型算法(BP算法,Back PROPAGATION),它的网络结构及算法直观、简单,在工业领域中应用较多。

    标签: Aartificial Network Neural 人工神经网络

    上传时间: 2014-01-03


  • 无线信道阴影效应和多径效应的MATLAB仿真程序

    无线信道阴影效应和多径效应的MATLAB仿真程序,来自 Modeling the Wireless PROPAGATION Channel

    标签: MATLAB 无线信道 效应 多径效应

    上传时间: 2017-06-10


  • This program is to one-step EEG prediction. it is done by a fuzzy neural network based on a chaotic

    This program is to one-step EEG prediction. it is done by a fuzzy neural network based on a chaotic back PROPAGATION training method.

    标签: prediction one-step program chaotic

    上传时间: 2017-07-15


  • This program is prepared as an one-step EEG predictor. this is used a fuzzy neural network which is

    This program is prepared as an one-step EEG predictor. this is used a fuzzy neural network which is trained by a chaotic back PROPAGATION method

    标签: predictor is prepared one-step

    上传时间: 2013-12-26


  • Microphone Arrays : A Tutorial

    This report presents a tutorial of fundamental array processing and beamforming theory relevant to microphone array speech processing. A microphone array consists of multiple microphones placed at different spatial locations. Built upon a knowledge of sound PROPAGATION principles, the multiple inputs can be manipulated to enhance or attenuate signals emanating from particular directions. In this way, microphone arrays provide a means of enhancing a desired signal in the presence of corrupting noise sources. Moreover, this enhancement is based purely on knowledge of the source location, and so microphone array techniques are applicable to a wide variety of noise types. Microphone arrays have great potential in practical applications of speech processing, due to their ability to provide both noise robustness and hands-free signal acquisition.

    标签: Microphone array Tutorial Array Signal Processing

    上传时间: 2016-06-12


  • 无线信道仿真代码

    Modelling the Wireless PROPAGATION Channel -A simulation approach with Matlab - 1st Ed一书中的所有程序

    标签: 无线信道 仿真 代码

    上传时间: 2017-05-17
