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  • develop drawing PROGRAMS where the user can build, display, store, load and print object structures.

    develop drawing PROGRAMS where the user can build, display, store, load and print object structures.

    标签: structures PROGRAMS develop drawing

    上传时间: 2017-09-26


  • 嵌入式实时操作系统MicroCOS_II光盘内容.rar

    MicroC/OS-II The Real-Time Kernel Second Edition By Jean J. Labrosse CMP Books, CMP Media LLC Copyright 2002 by CMP Books ISBN 1-57820-103-9 CMP Books CMP Media LLC 1601 West 23rd Street, Suite 200 Lawrence, Kansas 66046 785-841-1631 www.cmpbooks.com email: books@cmp.com The PROGRAMS and applications on this disk have been carefully tested, but are not guaranteed for any particular purpose. The publisher does not offer any warranties and does not guarantee the accuracy, adequacy, or completeness of any information and is not responsible for any errors or omissions or the results obtained from use of such information.

    标签: MicroCOS_II 嵌入式 实时操作系统

    上传时间: 2013-06-09


  • vncviewer_source_1.0

    免费开源的远程桌面程序,vnc客户端源代码,windows版本-Free open source remote desktop PROGRAMS

    标签: vncviewer_source 1.0

    上传时间: 2013-04-24


  • Excel 使用技巧大全

    如果想在启动系统自动运行Excel,可以这样操作: 1.双击“我的电脑”图标,进入Windows目录,依次打开“Start Menu\PROGRAMS\启动”文件夹; 2.打开Excel所在的文件夹,用鼠标将Excel图标拖到“启动”文件夹,这时Excel的快捷方式就被复制到“启动”文件夹中,下次启动Windows就可快速启动Excel了。

    标签: Excel 使用技巧

    上传时间: 2013-04-24


  • 用VISUAL C++编程实现指纹图像的特征提取以及对指纹图像的识别

    ·详细说明:用VISUAL C++编程实现指纹图像的特征提取以及对指纹图像的识别-Utilising VISUAL C++ to make PROGRAMS, we can get the characters of image and identify the image of finger mark 文件列表:   fvs.ncb   fvs.sln   fvs.v

    标签: VISUAL nbsp 指纹图像 编程实现

    上传时间: 2013-04-24


  • 双绞线和低通滤波器降低EMI_RFI

    Abstract: Alexander Graham Bell patented twisted pair wires in 1881. We still use them today because they work so well. In addition we have the advantage ofincredible computer power within our world. Circuit simulators and filter design PROGRAMS are available for little or no cost. We combine the twisted pair and lowpassfilters to produce spectacular rejection of radio frequency interference (RFI) and electromagnetic interference (EMI). We also illustrate use of a precision resistorarray to produce a customizable differential amplifier. The precision resistors set the gain and common mode rejection ratios, while we choose the frequencyresponse.

    标签: EMI_RFI 双绞线 低通滤波器

    上传时间: 2014-11-26


  • 基于ISA总线与KH-9300的数据采集系统

    介绍基于ISA总线与KH-9300的数据采集板卡的设置,详细说明8254定时计数器及8259中断控制器的结构特点、工作方式、控制字等,探讨中断类型、中断处理程序、中断矢量表及其填写。重点讲述使用TorboC编写中断服务程序的方法,应注意的主要问题及程序测试的结果。 Abstract:  The settings of KH-9300 data acquisition board based on the ISA bus is introduced,the structural characteristics,working methods,control characters of the timing counter 8254 and interruptioncontroller 8259 are explained in detail.The interruption type,interrupt handling PROGRAMS,interruption vector table and its filling also are discussed.Further,great emphasis is put on the method of interrupt service program compiled by Torbo C,the main issues that should be noted,and the results of program testing.

    标签: 9300 ISA KH 总线

    上传时间: 2013-11-14


  • P90CL301 I2C driver routines

    This application note shows how to write an Inter Integrated Circuit bus driver (I²C) for the Philips P90CL301micro-controller.It is not only an example of writing a driver, but it also includes a set of application interface software routines toquickly implement a complete I²C multi-master system application.For specific applications the user will have to make minimal changes in the driver program. Using the drivermeans linking modules to your application software and including a header-file into the application sourcePROGRAMS. A small example program of how to use the driver is listed.The driver supports i.a. polled or interrupt driven message handling, slave message transfers and multi-mastersystem applications. Furthermore, it is made suitable for use in conjunction with real time operating systems, likepSOS+.

    标签: routines driver P90 301

    上传时间: 2013-11-23


  • 用MDK生成bin格式的可执行文件

    用MDK 生成bin 文件1用MDK 生成bin 文件Embest 徐良平在RV MDK 中,默认情况下生成*.hex 的可执行文件,但是当我们要生成*.bin 的可执行文件时怎么办呢?答案是可以使用RVCT 的fromelf.exe 工具进行转换。也就是说首先将源文件编译链接成*.axf 的文件,然后使用fromelf.exe 工具将*.axf 格式的文件转换成*.bin格式的文件。下面将具体说明这个操作步骤:1. 打开Axf_To_Bin 文件中的Axf_To_Bin.uv2 工程文件;2. 打开Options for Target ‘Axf_To_Bin’对话框,选择User 标签页;3. 构选Run User PROGRAMS After Build/Rebuild 框中的Run #1 多选框,在后边的文本框中输入C:\Keil\ARM\BIN31\fromelf.exe --bin -o ./output/Axf_To_Bin.bin ./output/Axf_To_Bin.axf 命令行;4. 重新编译文件,在./output/文件夹下生成了Axf_To_Bin.bin 文件。在上面的步骤中,有几点值得注意的是:1. C:\Keil\ARM\BIN31\表示RV MDK 的安装目录;2. fromelf.exe 命令的具体语法格式如下:命令的格式为:fromelf [options] input_file命令选项如下:--help 显示帮助信息--vsn 显示版本信息--output file 输出文件(默认的输出为文本格式)--nodebug 在生成的映象中不包含调试信息--nolinkview 在生成的映象中不包含段的信息二进制输出格式:--bin 生成Plain Binary 格式的文件--m32 生成Motorola 32 位十六进制格式的文件--i32 生成Intel 32 位十六进制格式的文件--vhx 面向字节的位十六进制格式的文件t--base addr 设置m32,i32 格式文件的基地址--text 显示文本信息文本信息的标志-v 打印详细信息-a 打印数据地址(针对带调试信息的映象)-d 打印数据段的内容-e 打印表达式表print exception tables-f 打印消除虚函数的信息-g 打印调试表print debug tables-r 打印重定位信息-s 打印字符表-t 打印字符串表-y 打印动态段的内容-z 打印代码和数据大小的信息

    标签: MDK bin 可执行文件

    上传时间: 2013-12-17


  • 面向Eclips的Nios II软件构建工具手册

    面向Eclips的Nios II软件构建工具手册 The Nios® II Software Build Tools (SBT) for Eclipse™ is a set of plugins based on the Eclipse™ framework and the Eclipse C/C++ development toolkit (CDT) plugins. The Nios II SBT for Eclipse provides a consistent development platform that works for all Nios II embedded processor systems. You can accomplish all Nios II software development tasks within Eclipse, including creating, editing, building, running, debugging, and profiling PROGRAMS.

    标签: Eclips Nios 软件

    上传时间: 2013-11-02
