T his book covers basic communications theory and practical imple- mentation of transmitters and receivers. In so doing, I focus on dig- ital modulation, demodulation methods, probabilities, detection of digital signals, and spread spectrum system design and analysis. This book was written for those who want a good understanding of the basic prin- ciples of digital wireless communication systems, including spread spec- trum techniques. This book also provides a good intuitive and practical approach to digital communications. Therefore it is a valuable resource for anyoneinvolvedinwirelesscommunicationsandtransceiverdesignfordig- ital communications. The reader will gain a broad understanding of basic communication PRINCIPLES for transceiver design, digital communications, and spread spectrum, along with examples of many types of commercial and military data link systems.
标签: Transceiver System Design
上传时间: 2020-06-01
It has been over a decade since the Chinese publication of Line Loss in Electric Power Systems. To keep pace with technological developments, I started a revision as early as 2002, following the main PRINCIPLES that the theoretical framework and characteristics of the first edition should be retained, with new contents added according to new problems after the reform of electric power systems and the new requirements for line loss management practices and in combination with practical experience.
上传时间: 2020-06-07
The continuous progress in modern power device technology is increasingly supported by power-specific modeling methodologies and dedicated simulation tools. These enable the detailed analysis of operational PRINCIPLES on the the device and on the system level; in particular, they allow the designer to perform trade- off studies by investigating the operation of competing design variants in a very early stage of the development process. Furthermore, using predictive computer simulation makes it possible to analyze the device and system behavior not only under regularoperatingconditions, but also at the rim of the safe-operatingarea and beyond of it, where destructive processes occur that limit the lifetime of a power system.
标签: POWERHVMOS_Devices_Compact_Modeli ng
上传时间: 2020-06-07
Radio frequency identification (RFID) technology is witnessing a recent explosion of development in both industry and academia. A number of applications include supply chain management, electronic payments, RFID passports, environmental monitoring and control, office access control, intelligent labels, target detection and tracking, port management, food production control, animal identification, and so on. RFID is also an indispensable foundation to realize the pervasive computing paradigm—“Internet of things.” It is strongly believed that many more scenarios will be identified when the PRINCIPLES of RFID are thoroughly understood, cheap components available, and when RFID security is guaranteed.
上传时间: 2020-06-08
The purpose of this book is to present detailed fundamental information on a global positioning system (GPS) receiver. Although GPS receivers are popu- larly used in every-day life, their operation PRINCIPLES cannot be easily found in one book. Most other types of receivers process the input signals to obtain the necessary information easily, such as in amplitude modulation (AM) and frequency modulation (FM) radios. In a GPS receiver the signal is processed to obtain the required information, which in turn is used to calculate the user position. Therefore, at least two areas of discipline, receiver technology and navigation scheme, are employed in a GPS receiver. This book covers both areas.
标签: Fundamentals_of_Global_Positionin g_System_Receivers
上传时间: 2020-06-09
The chief objective of Electric Machinery continues to be to build a strong foundation in the basic PRINCIPLES of electromechanics and electric machinery. Through all of its editions, the emphasis of Electric Machinery has been on both physical insight and analytical techniques. Mastery of the material covered will provide both the basis for understanding many real-world electric-machinery applications as well as the foundation for proceeding on to more advanced courses in electric machinery design and control.
上传时间: 2020-06-10
The idea of writing this book arose from the need to investigate the main PRINCIPLES of modern power electronic control strategies, using fuzzy logic and neural networks, for research and teaching. Primarily, the book aims to be a quick learning guide for postgraduate/undergraduate students or design engineers interested in learning the fundamentals of modern control of drives and power systems in conjunction with the powerful design methodology based on VHDL.
标签: Neural_and_Fuzzy_Logic_Control
上传时间: 2020-06-10
This Section covers the design of power transformers used in buck-derived topologies: forward converter, bridge, half-bridge, and full-wave centertap. Flyback transformers (actually coupled inductors) are covered in a later Section. For more specialized applications, the PRINCIPLES discussed herein will generally apply.
上传时间: 2021-12-16
标签: 等离子体诊
上传时间: 2022-02-14
MPC5748This reference manual is intended for system software and hardware developers andapplications programmers who want to develop products with this device. It assumes thatthe reader understands operating systems, microprocessor system design, and basicPRINCIPLES of software and hardware.
标签: MPC5748G
上传时间: 2022-07-25