Visual Tracking Based On Object Appearance Modeling,中国科学院自动化实验室关于基于目标表观建模的视频跟踪
标签: Appearance Tracking Modeling Visual
上传时间: 2016-07-16
基于现代谱估计方法的间谐波检测Spectrum estimates based on modern methods of detection of harmonic
标签: estimates detection Spectrum harmonic
上传时间: 2014-12-20
基于AR模型的间谐波检测算法的研究Based on the model of inter-AR harmonic detection algorithm research
标签: detection algorithm inter-AR harmonic
上传时间: 2016-07-16
DO-178B document The rapid license in the use of software in airbore system and equipment used on aircraft and engines
标签: equipment document software airbore
上传时间: 2016-07-18
Single Neural Net PID Controller based on RBF Identification using matlab
标签: Identification Controller Single Neural
上传时间: 2014-11-29
Quartus II command-line 说明文档,详细介绍了在quartus II中如何使用命令行工具进行开发。
标签: command-line Quartus II 文档
上传时间: 2014-01-05
Ajax.on.Rails...不用多说了吧,Rails web2.0 必备
上传时间: 2014-01-18
Finally: a hands-on, Java-centric workbook companion for the classic Design Patterns! Workbook approach deepens your understanding, builds your confidence, and strengthens your skills. Covers all five categories of design pattern intent: interfaces, responsibility, construction, operations, and extensions. CD-ROM contains all code examples from the book -- plus bonus code examples not found in the book. About the Author: Steven John Metsker is a researcher and author focused on advanced techniques for magnifying the abilities of object-oriented software developers. A rising star in the patterns community, he was recently invited to join the acclaimed Hillside Group. He is author of Building Parsers with Java? (Addison-Wesley).
标签: Java-centric companion hands-on Patterns
上传时间: 2013-12-01
Zero-order-hold Intended for a senior-level course on the analysis and design of digital control systems, the text is also useful for graduate students and practicing engineers who are learning state-space design techniques.
标签: Zero-order-hold senior-level Intended analysis
上传时间: 2013-12-04
Upper gain margin Intended for a senior-level course on the analysis and design of digital control systems, the text is also useful for graduate students and practicing engineers who are learning state-space design techniques.
标签: senior-level Intended analysis control
上传时间: 2013-12-12