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  • 用FPGA实现RS485通信接口芯片

    在点对多点主从通信系统中,需要合适的接口形式和通信协议实现主站与各从站的信息交换。RS -485 接口是适合这种需求的一种标准接口形式。当选择主从多点同步通信方式时,工作过程与帧格式符合HDLC/SDLC协议。介绍了采用VHDL 语言在FPGA 上实现的以HDLC/ SDLC 协议控制为基础的RS - 485 通信接口芯片。实验表明,这种接口芯片操作简单、体积小、功耗低、可靠性高,极具实用价值。

    标签: FPGA 485 RS 通信接口

    上传时间: 2014-01-02


  • XAPP708 -133MHz PCI-X到128MB DDR小型DIMM存储器桥

      The Virtex-4 features, such as the programmable IDELAY and built-in FIFO support, simplifythe bridging of a high-speed, PCI-X core to large amounts of DDR-SDRAM memory. Onechallenge is meeting the PCI-X target initial latency specification. PCI-X Protocol Addendum tothe PCI Local Bus Specification Revision 2.0a ([Ref 6]) dictates that when a target signals adata transfer, "the target must do so within 16 clocks of the assertion of FRAME#." PCItermination transactions, such as Split Response/Complete, are commonly used to meet thelatency specifications. This method adds complexity to the design, as well as additional systemlatency. Another solution is to increase the ratio of the memory frequency to the PCI-X busfrequency. However, this solution increases the required power and clock resource usage.

    标签: PCI-X XAPP DIMM 708

    上传时间: 2013-11-24


  • PCI-PCI桥在线读写EEPROM的技巧

      PCI-PCI 桥启动时,一般需要从EEPROM 预读取配置数据。更改EEPROM中的数据一般需要专用的烧结器,这给调试过程带来不便。尤其是采用表贴封装的EEPROM。本文以Intel 公司的Dec21554PCI-PCI 桥为例,介绍一种在线读写EEPROM 的方法。EEPROM选用的是ATMEL 公司生产的AT93LC66,4Kbit,按512×8bit 组织。

    标签: PCI-PCI EEPROM 在线读写

    上传时间: 2013-11-08


  • 基于Actel FPGA的双端口RAM设计

    基于Actel FPGA 的双端口RAM 设计双端口RAM 芯片主要应用于高速率、高可靠性、对实时性要求高的场合,如实现DSP与PCI 总线芯片之间的数据交换接口电路等。但普通双端口RAM 最大的缺点是在两个CPU发生竞争时,有一方CPU 必须等待,因而降低了访问效率。IDT 公司推出的专用双端口RAM 芯片解决了普通双端口RAM 内部竞争问题,并融合了中断、旗语、主从功能。它具有存取速度快、功耗低、可完全异步操作、接口电路简单等优点,但缺点也非常明显,那就是价格太昂贵。为解决IDT 专用双端口RAM 芯片的价格过高问题,广州致远电子有限公司推出了一种全新的基于Actel FPGA 的双端口RAM 的解决方案。该方案采用Actel FPGA 实现,不仅具有IDT 专用双端口RAM 芯片的所有性能特点,更是在价格上得到了很大改善,以A3P060双端口RAM 为例,在相同容量(2K 字节)下,其价格仅为IDT 专用芯片的六分之一。

    标签: Actel FPGA RAM 双端口

    上传时间: 2013-10-19


  • 基于FPGA的高速串行传输接口研究与实现

    摘 要:介绍了FPGA最新一代器件Virtex25上的高速串行收发器RocketIO。基于ML505开发平台构建了一个高速串行数据传输系统,重点说明了该系统采用RocketIO实现1. 25Gbp s高速串行传输的设计方案。实现并验证了采用FPGA完成千兆串行传输的功能目标,为后续采用FPGA实现各种高速协议奠定了良好的基础。关键词: FPGA;高速串行传输; RocketIO; GTP 在数字系统互连设计中,高速串行I/O技术取代传统的并行I/O技术成为当前发展的趋势。与传统并行I/O技术相比,串行方案提供了更大的带宽、更远的距离、更低的成本和更高的扩展能力,克服了并行I/O设计存在的缺陷。在实际设计应用中,采用现场可编程门阵列( FPGA)实现高速串行接口是一种性价比较高的技术途径。

    标签: FPGA 高速串行 传输接口

    上传时间: 2013-10-22


  • 基于GAL的VME总线接口电路及程序设计


    标签: GAL VME 总线接口电路 程序设计

    上传时间: 2013-11-03


  • USB接口控制器参考设计,xilinx提供VHDL代码 us

    USB接口控制器参考设计,xilinx提供VHDL代码 usb xilinx vhdl ;  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ;  (at your option) any later version. ;      ;  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;  MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the ;  GNU General Public License for more details. ;      ;  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ;  Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

    标签: xilinx VHDL USB us

    上传时间: 2013-10-29


  • HyperLynx仿真软件在主板设计中的应用

    信号完整性问题是高速PCB 设计者必需面对的问题。阻抗匹配、合理端接、正确拓扑结构解决信号完整性问题的关键。传输线上信号的传输速度是有限的,信号线的布线长度产生的信号传输延时会对信号的时序关系产生影响,所以PCB 上的高速信号的长度以及延时要仔细计算和分析。运用信号完整性分析工具进行布线前后的仿真对于保证信号完整性和缩短设计周期是非常必要的。在PCB 板子已焊接加工完毕后才发现信号质量问题和时序问题,是经费和产品研制时间的浪费。1.1 板上高速信号分析我们设计的是基于PowerPC 的主板,主要由处理器MPC755、北桥MPC107、北桥PowerSpanII、VME 桥CA91C142B 等一些电路组成,上面的高速信号如图2-1 所示。板上高速信号主要包括:时钟信号、60X 总线信号、L2 Cache 接口信号、Memory 接口信号、PCI 总线0 信号、PCI 总线1 信号、VME 总线信号。这些信号的布线需要特别注意。由于高速信号较多,布线前后对信号进行了仿真分析,仿真工具采用Mentor 公司的Hyperlynx7.1 仿真软件,它可以进行布线前仿真和布线后仿真。

    标签: HyperLynx 仿真软件 主板设计 中的应用

    上传时间: 2013-11-17


  • pci e PCB设计规范

    This document provides practical, common guidelines for incorporating PCI Express interconnect layouts onto Printed Circuit Boards (PCB) ranging from 4-layer desktop baseboard designs to 10- layer or more server baseboard designs. Guidelines and constraints in this document are intended for use on both baseboard and add-in card PCB designs. This includes interconnects between PCI Express devices located on the same baseboard (chip-to-chip routing) and interconnects between a PCI Express device located “down” on the baseboard and a device located “up” on an add-in card attached through a connector. This document is intended to cover all major components of the physical interconnect including design guidelines for the PCB traces, vias and AC coupling capacitors, as well as add-in card edge-finger and connector considerations. The intent of the guidelines and examples is to help ensure that good high-speed signal design practices are used and that the timing/jitter and loss/attenuation budgets can also be met from end-to-end across the PCI Express interconnect. However, while general physical guidelines and suggestions are given, they may not necessarily guarantee adequate performance of the interconnect for all layouts and implementations. Therefore, designers should consider modeling and simulation of the interconnect in order to ensure compliance to all applicable specifications. The document is composed of two main sections. The first section provides an overview of general topology and interconnect guidelines. The second section concentrates on physical layout constraints where bulleted items at the beginning of a topic highlight important constraints, while the narrative that follows offers additional insight.  

    标签: pci PCB 设计规范

    上传时间: 2014-01-24


  • 8051接口VHDL代码

    PLD与8051接口的参考设计 Xilinx提供

    标签: 8051 VHDL 接口 代码

    上传时间: 2013-11-05
