Applying power to a standard logic chip, SRAM, or EPROM, usually results in output pinstracking the applied voltage as it rises. Programmable logic attempts to emulate that behavior,but physics forbids perfect emulation, due to the device programmability. It requires care tospecify the pin behavior, because programmable parts encounter unknown variables – yourdesign and your power environment.
上传时间: 2013-11-24
Today’s digital systems combine a myriad of chips with different voltage configurations.Designers must interface 2.5V processors with 3.3V memories—both RAM and ROM—as wellas 5V buses and multiple peripheral chips. Each chip has specific power supply needs. CPLDsare ideal for handling the multi-voltage interfacing, but do require forethought to ensure correctoperation.
上传时间: 2013-11-10
The CoolRunner-II CPLD is a highly uniform family of fast, low-power devices. Theunderlying architecture is a traditional CPLD architecture, combining macrocells intofunction blocks interconnected with a global routing matrix, the Xilinx AdvancedInterconnect Matrix (AIM). The function blocks use a PLA configuration that allowsall product terms to be routed and shared among any of the macrocells of the functionblock.
上传时间: 2013-11-03
The Virtex-4 features, such as the programmable IDELAY and built-in FIFO support, simplifythe bridging of a high-speed, PCI-X core to large amounts of DDR-SDRAM memory. Onechallenge is meeting the PCI-X target initial latency specification. PCI-X Protocol Addendum tothe PCI Local Bus Specification Revision 2.0a ([Ref 6]) dictates that when a target signals adata transfer, "the target must do so within 16 clocks of the assertion of FRAME#." PCItermination transactions, such as Split Response/Complete, are commonly used to meet thelatency specifications. This method adds complexity to the design, as well as additional systemlatency. Another solution is to increase the ratio of the memory frequency to the PCI-X busfrequency. However, this solution increases the required power and clock resource usage.
上传时间: 2013-11-24
Xilinx FPGAs require at least two power supplies: VCCINTfor core circuitry and VCCO for I/O interface. For the latestXilinx FPGAs, including Virtex-II Pro, Virtex-II and Spartan-3, a third auxiliary supply, VCCAUX may be needed. Inmost cases, VCCAUX can share a power supply with VCCO.The core voltages, VCCINT, for most Xilinx FPGAs, rangefrom 1.2V to 2.5V. Some mature products have 3V, 3.3Vor 5V core voltages. Table 1 shows the core voltagerequirement for most of the FPGA device families. TypicalI/O voltages (VCCO) vary from 1.2V to 3.3V. The auxiliaryvoltage VCCAUX is 2.5V for Virtex-II Pro and Spartan-3, andis 3.3V for Virtex-II.
上传时间: 2013-10-22
Xilinx Next Generation 28 nm FPGA Technology Overview Xilinx has chosen 28 nm high-κ metal gate (HKMG) highperformance,low-power process technology and combined it with a new unified ASMBL™ architecture to create a new generation of FPGAs that offer lower power and higher performance. These devices enable unprecedented levels of integration and bandwidth and provide system architects and designers a fully programmable alternative to ASSPs and ASICs.
上传时间: 2013-12-07
WP369可扩展式处理平台-各种嵌入式系统的理想解决方案 :Delivering unrivaled levels of system performance,flexibility, scalability, and integration to developers,Xilinx's architecture for a new Extensible Processing Platform is optimized for system power, cost, and size. Based on ARM's dual-core Cortex™-A9 MPCore processors and Xilinx’s 28 nm programmable logic,the Extensible Processing Platform takes a processor-centric approach by defining a comprehensive processor system implemented with standard design methods. This approach provides Software Developers a familiar programming environment within an optimized, full featured,powerful, yet low-cost, low-power processing platform.
上传时间: 2013-10-18
当设计高速信号PCB或者复杂的PCB时,常常需要考虑信号的干扰和抗干扰的问题,也就是设计这样的PCB时,需要提高PCB的电磁兼容性。为了实现这个目的,除了在原理图设计时增加抗干扰的元件外,在设计PCB时也必须考虑这个问题,而最重要的实现手段之一就是使用高速信号布线的基本技巧和原则。 高速信号布线的基本技巧包括控制走线长度、蛇形布线、差分对布线和等长布线,使用这些基本的布线方法,可以大大提高高速信号的质量和电磁兼容性。下面分别介绍这些布线方法的设置和操作。
上传时间: 2015-01-02
欢迎使用 PowerPCB 教程。本教程描述了 PADS-POwerPCB 的绝大部分功能和特点,以及使用的各个过程,这些功能包括: · 基本操作 · 建立元件(Component) · 建立板子边框线(Board outline) · 输入网表(Netlist) · 设置设计规则(Design Rule) · 元件(Part)的布局(Placement) · 手工和交互的布线 · SPECCTRA全自动布线器(Route Engine) · 覆铜(Copper Pour) · 建立分隔/混合平面层(Split/mixed Plane) · Microsoft的目标连接与嵌入(OLE)(Object Linking Embedding) · 可选择的装配选件(Assembly options) · 设计规则检查(Design Rule Check) · 反向标注(Back Annotation) · 绘图输出(Plot Output) 使用本教程后,你可以学到印制电路板设计和制造的许多基本知识。
上传时间: 2013-10-08
如果用户现有的是 Protel99SE 。ProtelDXP,Protel2004 版本: 1 在powerpcb 软件的中打开 PCB 文件,选择导出 ASCII 文件(export ascii file) ,ascii file 的版本应该选择 3.5 及以下的版本。 2 a 在 Protel99SE 。ProtelDXP , 选择 File->Import->在出现的对话框中,选择文件类型中的PADS Ascil Files (*.ASC)输入对应文件即可 1.powerpcb-->export ascii file--->import ascii file with protel99 se sp5(u must install padsimportor that is an add-on for 99sesp5 which can downloan from protel company ). 2.powerpcb-->export ascii file-->import ascii file in orcad layout-->import max file(orcad pcb file)with protel 99 or 99se.
上传时间: 2013-10-16