当今电子系统如高端处理器及记忆体,对电源的需求是趋向更低电压、更高电流的应用。同时、对负载的反应速度也要提高。因此功率系统工程师要面对的挑战,是要设计出符合系统要求的细小、价廉但高效率的电源系统。而这些要求都不是传统功率架构能够完全满足的。Vicor提出的分比功率架构(Factorized Power Architecture FPA)以及一系列的整合功率元件,可提供革命性的功率转换方案,应付以上提及的各项挑战。这些功率元件称为V•I晶片。
上传时间: 2013-11-15
数字控制的交流调速系统所选用的微处理器、功率器件及产生PWM波的方法是影响交流调速系统性能好坏的直接因素。在介绍了正弦脉宽调制(SPWM)技术的基础上,设计了一种以8098单片机作为控制器,以智能功率模块IPM为开关器件的变频调速系统。通过软件编程,产生正弦脉冲宽度调制波形来控制绝缘栅双极晶体管的导通和关断,从而达到控制异步电动机转速的目的。实验结果表明,该系统可调频率调电压,稳定度高,调速范围宽,具有较强的实用价值 Abstract: AC variable speed with digital control systems used microprocessors, power devices and generate PWM wave is the direct factors of affecting the performance AC speed regulation system. On the basis of introducing the sinusoidal pulse width modulation (SPWM) technology,this paper designed variable speed system which used 8098 as a controller, intelligent power module IPM as switching device. Through software programming, resulting in sinusoidal pulse width modulation waveform to control the insulated gate bipolar transistor turn on and off, so as to achieve the purpose of speed control of induction motors. Experimental results show that the system can adjust frequency modulation voltage, high stability, wide speed range, has a strong practical value.
上传时间: 2013-11-14
HIGH SPEED 8051 μC CORE - Pipe-lined Instruction Architecture; Executes 70% of Instructions in 1 or 2 System Clocks - Up to 25MIPS Throughput with 25MHz System Clock - 22 Vectored Interrupt Sources MEMORY - 4352 Bytes Internal Data RAM (256 + 4k) - 64k Bytes In-System Programmable FLASH Program Memory - External Parallel Data Memory Interface – up to 5Mbytes/sec DIGITAL PERIPHERALS - 64 Port I/O; All are 5V tolerant - Hardware SMBusTM (I2CTM Compatible), SPITM, and Two UART Serial Ports Available Concurrently - Programmable 16-bit Counter/Timer Array with 5 Capture/Compare Modules - 5 General Purpose 16-bit Counter/Timers - Dedicated Watch-Dog Timer; Bi-directional Reset CLOCK SOURCES - Internal Programmable Oscillator: 2-to-16MHz - External Oscillator: Crystal, RC, C, or Clock - Real-Time Clock Mode using Timer 3 or PCA SUPPLY VOLTAGE ........................ 2.7V to 3.6V - Typical Operating Current: 10mA @ 25MHz - Multiple Power Saving Sleep and Shutdown Modes 100-Pin TQFP (64-Pin Version Available) Temperature Range: –40°C to +85°C
标签: C8051F020
上传时间: 2013-10-12
Designing read/write device (RWD) units for industrial RF-Identification applications is strongly facilitated by the NXP Semiconductors HITAG Reader Chip HTRC110. All needed function blocks, like the antenna driver, modulator demodulator and antenna diagnosis unit, are integrated in the HTRC110. Therefore only a minimum number of additional passive components are required for a complete RWD. This Application Note describes how to design an industrial RF-Identification system with the HTRC110. The major focus is dimensioning of the antenna, all other external components including clock and power supply, as well as the demodulation principle and its implementatio
上传时间: 2013-10-22
Digitemp Junior – An RS-232 Port-Powered Digital Thermometer Digitemp Jr. is a device that is designed to measure and report ambient temperature. When connected to an RS-232 port on any PC, it will periodically measure and report in ASCII form the ambient temperature in degrees Celsius. These temperature readings can be monitored with any terminal program. If the terminal program supports capture to disk, the temperature readings can be saved to disk for further analysis with a spreadsheet program or other data analysis tool. The simple ASCII output format of Digitemp Jr. makes it rel- atively easy to write custom software for receiving, recording, and analyzing ambient temperature data. Best of all, Digitemp Jr. requires no external power sup- plies or batteries. It is powered directly by the RS-232 port.
上传时间: 2013-10-21
为了提高传统温度控制系统的性能,将PID控制理论与嵌入式系统相结合,采用瑞萨电子公司的H8S/2166作为核心处理器,AD公司的AD7705以及热敏电阻温度传感器作为温度检测单元,利用4×6小键盘、LCD显示器和S1D13305液晶控制器达到良好的人机交互,设计出了一个应用于化工领域的嵌入式实时温度控制系统。相比于传统温度控制系统,该系统提供了更强的计算能力和可扩展能力,采用增量PID控制算法实现复杂控制。通过实验,该系统能达到0.1 ℃的温度控制精度以及小于120 s的温度稳定时间。 Abstract: In order to improve the performance of conventional temperature control system, combining PID control theory with embedded systems, using the Renesas Electronics Corp. H8S/2166 micro-controller as a core processors, AD7705 and thermistor temperature sensor as a temperature detection unit and 4×6 small keyboard, LCD and S1D13305 LCD controller as a good human-computer interaction, this paper designed an embedded real-time temperature control system which is applied in chemical industry. Compared with conventional temperature control system, this system provides more computing power and extensibility, and adopts PID control algorithm for complex control. Through the experiment, the system can reach temperature control accuracy of 0.1 ℃ and temperature stabilization time of less than 120 seconds.
上传时间: 2014-12-26
为了使音频信号分析仪小巧可靠,成本低廉,设计了以2片MSP430F1611单片机为核心的系统。该系统将音频信号送入八阶巴特沃兹低通滤波器,对信号进行限幅放大、衰减、电平位移、缓冲,并利用一单片机负责对前级处理后的模拟信号进行采样,将采集得到的音频信号进行4 096点基2的FFT计算,并对信号加窗函数提高分辨率,另一单片机负责对信号的分析及控制显示设备。此设计精确的测量了音频信号的功率谱、周期性、失真度指标,达到较高的频率分辨率,并能将测量结果通过红外遥控器显示在液晶屏上。 Abstract: o make the audio signal analyzer cheaper, smaller and more reliable, this system sends the audio signal to the eight-order butterworth filter, and then amplifies, attenuates, buffers it in a limiting range, transfers the voltage level of the signal before utilizing two MSP430F1611 MCU to realize the audio analysis. One is charged for sampling and dealing with the processed audio signal collected by the 4096 point radix-2 FFT calculation and imposes the window function to improve the frequency resolution. The other one controls the display and realizes the spectrum, periodicity, power distortion analysis in high resolution which is displayed in the LCD screen through the infrared remote control.
上传时间: 2013-12-11
设计了一种基于PIC16C71单片机的数字水温配制阀。该配制阀采用NTC热敏电阻作温度传感器,与固定电阻组成简单分压电路作为水温测量电路,利用PIC16C71单片机内置的8位A/D转换器把热敏电阻上的模拟电压转换为数字量,PIC16C71单片机控制直流电机驱动混水阀调节冷热水的混合比例实现水温调节。给出了控制电路图,对水温测量电路的参数选择和测温精度作了详细讨论。实验和分析表明,选用阻值较大的NTC热敏电阻和分压电阻可较好地解决热敏电阻因功耗较大造成的热击穿问题。 Abstract: A digital valve for controlling water temperature based on PIC16C71 was presented in this paper.A bleeder circuit which consisted of a NTC thermistor as temperature sensor and a fixed resistance was designed as water temperature measuring circuit.The analog voltage on the thermistor was converted into digital signal by a 8-bit A/D converter embedded in PIC16C71. Based on the digital signal, the MCU PIC16C71 drived the valve by a DC motor to adjust the water temperature through adjusting the proportion of hot water and cold water.The circuit diagram of controller was given,the principle,the component parameters and the accuracy of measuring temperatures were also dissertated in detail. It was found by experiment and analysis that thermal breakdown of thermistor caused by high power could be solved by selecting thermistor and fixed resistance with high impedance value.
上传时间: 2013-11-08
上传用户:Yue Zhong
目录: 1. Character Type Functions - 字符类型函数 2. Standard C Input/Output Functions - 标准输入输出函数 3. Standard Library Functions - 标准库和内存分配函数 4. Mathematical Functions - 数学函数 5. String Functions - 字符串函数 6. BCD Conversion Functions - BCD 转换函数 7. Memory Access Functions - 存储器访问函数 8. Delay Functions - 延时函数 9. LCD Functions - LCD函数 10. LCD Functions for displays with 4x40 characters - 4×40 字符型LCD函数 11. LCD Functions for displays connected in 8 bit memory mapped mode -以8 位外部存储 器模式接口的LCD显示函数 12. I2C Bus Functions - I2C 总线函数 13. National Semiconductor LM75 Temperature Sensor Functions - LM75 温度传感器函数 14. Dallas Semiconductor DS1621 Thermometer/Thermostat Functions - DS1621 温度计函 数 15. Philips PCF8563 Real Time Clock Functions - PCF8563 实时时钟函数 16. Philips PCF8583 Real Time Clock Functions - PCF8583 实时时钟函数 17. Dallas Semiconductor DS1302 Real Time Clock Functions - DS1302 实时时钟函数 18. Dallas Semiconductor DS1307 Real Time Clock Functions - DS1307 实时时钟函数 19. 1 Wire Protocol Functions - 单线通讯协议函数 20. Dallas Semiconductor DS1820/DS1822 Temperature Sensors Functions - DS1820/1822 温度传感器函数 21. SPI Functions - SPI 函数 22. Power Management Functions - 电源管理函数 23. Gray Code Conversion Functions - 格雷码转换函数
上传时间: 2013-10-22
为了有效地提升铅酸蓄电池的使用寿命,同时实现对充电过程的监控,设计出一种用单片机控制的36 V铅酸蓄电池充电电源。本电路采用反激式拓扑,连续电流工作模式,电源管理IC设计在电源的副边,由ELAN公司的EM78P258N单片机模拟,是用可编程器件模拟电源管理IC,实现智能电源低成本化的一次成功尝试,通过对单片机的软件设计实现了充电电源的状态显示、充电时间控制、报警、过温保护、过压保护、过流保护等功能。本充电器真正的实现了铅酸蓄电池的三段式充电过程,其最高输出功率可达90 W,效率约85%,成本不到20元,具有很高的市场竞争力。 Abstract: In order to extend the life of lead-acid battery efficiently and supervise the charging process meanwhile, a 36V lead-acid battery charge powe supply controlled by microcontroller is designed. The charger is flyback switching power supply and works in CCM mode. A EM78P258N microcontroller made by ELAN microelectronics corporation is used as power management IC which is designed at the secondary circuit. The project is a successful attempt to low-cost intelligent power used microcontroller simulating power management IC. The charger also has the functions of the status reveal, charge time control, alarming, thermal protect, current limit and overvoltage protect by the software design. The circuit actually implements the three-step charge process, whose power is up to 90W and whose efficiency can get 85%. The net cost of this charger is less than 20 RMB, so that the charger is of powerful market competitiveness.
上传时间: 2013-11-16