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  • PID温度控制的PLC程序设计

    PID由于用途广泛、使用灵活,已有系列化产品,使用中只需设定三个参数(Kp, Ti和Td)即可。在很多情况下,并不一定需要全部三个单元,可以取其中的一到两个单元,但比例控制单元是必不可少的。  

    标签: PID PLC 温度控制 程序设计

    上传时间: 2013-11-21


  • RF至数字接收器的信号链噪声分析

      Designers of signal receiver systems often need to performcascaded chain analysis of system performancefrom the antenna all the way to the ADC. Noise is a criticalparameter in the chain analysis because it limits theoverall sensitivity of the receiver. An application’s noiserequirement has a signifi cant infl uence on the systemtopology, since the choice of topology strives to optimizethe overall signal-to-noise ratio, dynamic range andseveral other parameters. One problem in noise calculationsis translating between the various units used by thecomponents in the chain: namely the RF, IF/baseband,and digital (ADC) sections of the circuit.

    标签: 数字接收器 信号链 噪声分析

    上传时间: 2014-12-05


  • 西门子S7-300 PID用法


    标签: 300 PID 西门子

    上传时间: 2013-11-24


  • 用Step7中SFB4x实现PID控制

    本文中所讨论的功能块(SFB41/FB41,SFB42/FB42,SFB43/FB43)仅仅是使用于S7 和C7 的CPU 中的循环中断程序中。该功能块,定期计算所需要的数据,保存在指定的DB 中(背景数据块)。允许多次调用该功能块.

    标签: Step7 SFB4x PID 控制

    上传时间: 2013-10-13


  • DN454 单端至差分放大器设计技巧

      A fully differential amplifi er is often used to converta single-ended signal to a differential signal, a designwhich requires three signifi cant considerations: theimpedance of the single-ended source must match thesingle-ended impedance of the differential amplifi er,the amplifi er’s inputs must remain within the commonmode voltage limits and the input signal must be levelshifted to a signal that is centered at the desired outputcommon mode voltage.

    标签: 454 DN 单端 差分放大器

    上传时间: 2013-11-09


  • 中控内部PID参数调整讲座资料


    标签: PID 参数调整 讲座

    上传时间: 2013-10-31


  • 在单端应用中采用差分I/O放大器

      Recent advances in low voltage silicon germaniumand BiCMOS processes have allowed the design andproduction of very high speed amplifi ers. Because theprocesses are low voltage, most of the amplifi er designshave incorporated differential inputs and outputs to regainand maximize total output signal swing. Since many lowvoltageapplications are single-ended, the questions arise,“How can I use a differential I/O amplifi er in a single-endedapplication?” and “What are the implications of suchuse?” This Design Note addresses some of the practicalimplications and demonstrates specifi c single-endedapplications using the 3GHz gain-bandwidth LTC6406differential I/O amplifi er.

    标签: 单端应用 差分 放大器

    上传时间: 2013-11-23


  • 高精度Delta-Sigma A/D转换器原理及其应用

    本次在线座谈主要介绍TI的高精度Delta-Sigma A/D转换器的原理及其应用,Delta-Sigma A/D转换器在称重仪器中,大量采用比例测量方法。

    标签: Delta-Sigma 高精度 转换器

    上传时间: 2013-10-17


  • 将您的微控制器ADC升级至真正的12位性能

      Many 8-bit and 16-bit microcontrollers feature 10-bitinternal ADCs. A few include 12-bit ADCs, but these oftenhave poor or nonexistent AC specifi cations, and certainlylack the performance to meet the needs of an increasingnumber of applications. The LTC®2366 and its slowerspeed versions offer a high performance alternative, asshown in the AC specifi cations in Table 1. Compare theseguaranteed specifi cations with the ADC built into yourcurrent microcontroller.

    标签: ADC 微控制器 性能

    上传时间: 2013-10-26


  • STM32F10xxx设备中如何得到高精度ADC

    The STM32F10xxx microcontroller family embeds up to three advanced 12-bit ADCs (depending on the device) with a conversion time down to 1 μs. A self-calibration feature is provided to enhance ADC accuracy versus environmental condition changes.

    标签: STM 32F F10 ADC

    上传时间: 2014-12-23
