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  • Java Regex Primer Since version 1.4, Java has had support for Regular Expressions in the core API. J

    Java Regex Primer Since version 1.4, Java has had support for Regular Expressions in the core API. Java Regex follows the same basic principles used in other languages, just withdi erent access methods, and some subtledi erences with the patterns. This primer is aimed towards developers already familiar with regex in other languages wanting a brief OutLine of its support in Java. It may also be beneficial to developers learning regex if used in conjunction with detailed documentation explaining the construction of regex patterns. Reading the javadoc forjava.util.regex. Pattern is a must to see how the Java regex patterns aredi erent from other languages such as Perl. Most of the functions discussed herin are from thejava.util.regex. Matcher class with a few fromjava.util.regex. Pattern. Reading this text in conjunction with the javadoc of those classes is advised.

    标签: Java Expressions Regular version

    上传时间: 2013-12-18


  • Python Development Environment (Python IDE plugin for Eclipse). Features editor, code completion, re

    Python Development Environment (Python IDE plugin for Eclipse). Features editor, code completion, refactoring, OutLine view, debugger, and other goodies - check http://pydev.sf.net)

    标签: Python Development Environment completion

    上传时间: 2013-12-26


  • China ancient times the official system was China ancient times in a political history science, this

    China ancient times the official system was China ancient times in a political history science, this book divided three parts: The first part of all previous dynasties government system OutLine, the second part of introduction ancient times the government official control system, third part of all previous dynasties government system noun Jan released.

    标签: ancient China times political

    上传时间: 2017-02-15


  • PowerPCB教程简介 欢迎使用 PowerPCB 教程。本教程描述了PADS-PowerPCB 的绝大部分功能 和特点

    PowerPCB教程简介 欢迎使用 PowerPCB 教程。本教程描述了PADS-PowerPCB 的绝大部分功能 和特点,以及使用的各个过程,这些功能包括: · 基本操作 · 建立元件(Component) · 建立板子边框线(Board OutLine) · 输入网表(Netlist) · 设置设计规则(Design Rule) ·元件(Part)的布局(Placement) · 手工和交互的布线 · SPECCTRA全自动布线器(Route Engine) ·覆铜(Copper Pour) · 建立分隔/混合平面层(Split/mixed Plane) · Microsoft 的目标连接与嵌入(OLE)(Object Linking Embedding) · 可选择的装配选件(Assembly options) · 设计规则检查(Design Rule Check) · 反向标注(Back Annotation) · 绘图输出(Plot Output) 使用本教程后,你可以学到印制电路板设计和制造的许多基本知识。 你不必一次完成整个教程,如果在任何时候退出后,下次直接找到你要进入 的部分,继续学习本教程。 当你完成了本教程的学习后,可以参考在线帮助(On-line Help)以便得到更多 的信息。如果你需要附加的信息内容,你可以与PADS 在各地办事处或代理商取 得联系,以便得到更多的帮助。 欢迎使用PowerPCB进行PCB设计!

    标签: PowerPCB PADS-PowerPCB 教程

    上传时间: 2013-12-12


  • Introduction to Statistical and Adaptive Signal Processing – Random Signals – Spectral Estimation

    Introduction to Statistical and Adaptive Signal Processing – Random Signals – Spectral Estimation – Signal Modeling – Adaptive Filtering • Course Overview – Course OutLine – Textbook – References

    标签: Introduction Statistical Estimation Processing

    上传时间: 2013-12-11


  • To introduce software process models To describe three generic process models and when they may be

    To introduce software process models To describe three generic process models and when they may be used To describe OutLine process models for requirements engineering, software development, testing and evolution To explain the Rational Unified Process model To introduce CASE technology to support software process activities

    标签: process models introduce describe

    上传时间: 2013-12-07


  • emWin用户手册

    emWin旨在提供一个高效、处理器和显示controller-independent图形用户 界面(GUI)运行的任何应用程序的图形化显示。这是官方的用户手册

    标签: emWin 图形界面 参考手册

    上传时间: 2015-04-24


  • Boost C++ Libraries 1.35.0

    Boost C++ Libraries Free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries Boost C++ Libraries 基本上是一個免費的 C++ 的跨平台函式庫集合,基本上應該可以把它視為 C++ STL 的功能再延伸;他最大的特色在於他是一個經過「同行評審」(peer review,可參考維基百科)、開放原始碼的函式庫,而且有許多 Boost 的函式庫是由 C++ 標準委員會的人開發的,同時部分函式庫的功能也已經成為 C++ TR1 (Technical Report 1,參考維基百科)、TR2、或是 C++ 0x 的標準了。 它的官方網站是:http://www.boost.org/,包含了 104 個不同的 library;由於他提供的函式庫非常地多,的內容也非常地多元,根據官方的分類,大致上可以分為下面這二十類: 字串和文字處理(String and text processing) 容器(Containers) Iterators 演算法(Algorithms) Function objects and higher-order programming 泛型(Generic Programming) Template Metaprogramming Preprocessor Metaprogramming Concurrent Programming 數學與數字(Math and numerics) 正確性與測試(Correctness and testing) 資料結構(Data structures) 影像處理(Image processing) 輸入、輸出(Input/Output) Inter-language support 記憶體(Memory) 語法分析(Parsing) 程式介面(Programming Interfaces) 其他雜項 Broken compiler workarounds 其中每一個分類,又都包含了一個或多個函式庫,可以說是功能相當豐富。

    标签: Boost C++ Libraries

    上传时间: 2015-05-15


  • Matlab及在电子信息课程中的应用(源代码、ppt、pdf)

    MATLAB及在电子信息课程中的应用  西电陈怀琛 包括源代码,原书pdf,ppt

    标签: Matlab 电子信息 源码 ppt pdf

    上传时间: 2015-05-22


  • 点阵产品培训教材


    标签: LED数码管点阵资料

    上传时间: 2015-11-23
