The Wifidog project is an open source captive portal solution. It was designed primarily for wireless community groups, but caters to various other business models as well. If you have questions about the wifidog project, they may be answered in the FAQ. You may also be interested in seeing some of the community wireless groups, WISP s, universities, and private businesses currently using Wifidog across the globe.
标签: primarily designed solution Wifidog
上传时间: 2013-11-29
ExcpHook is an open source (see license.txt) Exception Monitor for Windows made by Gynvael Coldwind (of Team Vexillium). t uses a ring0 driver to hook KiExceptionDispatch procedure to detect the exceptions, and then shows information about the exception on stdout (using the ring3 part of the program ofc). The difference between this method, and the standard debug API method it that this method monitores all of XP processes, and the program does not have to attach to any other process to monitor it, hence it s harder to detect. The code currently is considered as ALPHA, and it has been reported to BSoD sometimes (on multi core/cpu machines). Take Care!
标签: Exception ExcpHook Coldwind Monitor
上传时间: 2014-02-10
AUTOMGEN runtime is an open source royalty free runtime for open PLCs. By using this runtime, any target systems can become compatible with the AUTOMGEN automation workshop: IEC1131 languages (ladder, SFC, etc.), 2D and 3D scada, WEB SCADA, etc
标签: runtime open AUTOMGEN royalty
上传时间: 2016-04-07
Sofia-SIP is an Open-source SIP User-Agent library, compliant with the IETF RFC3261 specification. It can be used as a building block for SIP client software for uses such as VoIP, IM, and many other real-time and person-to-person communication services. The primary target platform for Sofia-SIP is GNU/Linux.
标签: specification Open-source User-Agent Sofia-SIP
上传时间: 2016-04-10
AIOTrade is a free, open source stock technical analysis platform built on pure java. Its pluggable architecture is also ideal for custom features extending, such as indicators and charts. It Requires JRE 1.5.0+.
标签: pluggable technical AIOTrade analysis
上传时间: 2014-12-05
libcap是常用的linux抓包程序,属于open source项目.
上传时间: 2013-12-21
代码阅读方法与实践(中文版) PDF 扫描 全本 【原 书 名】 Code Reading: The Open Source Perspective 【原出版社】 Addison-Wesley 【作 者】(希腊)Diomidis Spinellis 【译 者】 赵学良 【出版日期】 2004年3月 【开 本】 16开 【页 码】 340 本书荣获美国(2004年度)第14届Jolt大奖 图书:技术类 生产效率大奖 代码阅读有自身的一套技能,重要的是能够确定什么时候使用哪项技术。本书中,作者使用600多个现实的例子,向读者展示如何区分好的(和坏的)代码,如何阅读,应该注意什么,以及如何使用这些知识改进自己的代码。养成阅读高品质代码的习惯,可以提高编写代码的能力。
标签: Addison-Wesley Perspective Reading Source
上传时间: 2013-12-25
对应於codeworker的说明文档;CodeWorker is a versatile Open Source (GNU Lesser General Public License) parsing tool and a source code generator devoted to generative programming.
标签: codeworker CodeWorker versatile General
上传时间: 2014-08-14
Starting Struts 2 open source struts 2.0 ebook write by Ian Roughley
标签: Starting Roughley Struts source
上传时间: 2016-05-23
G.729 and G.723.1 codecs x86 (and x86_64) Linux and FreeBSD source code for Asterisk open source PBX
标签: source and Asterisk FreeBSD
上传时间: 2014-01-06