MATLAB Programming for Engineering
标签: Engineering Programming MATLAB for
上传时间: 2013-12-29
书的名称为:C++ in Action Industrial Strength Programming Techniques 作者:Bartosz Milewski 是一本英文原版的c++的学习书籍
标签: Programming Industrial Techniques Strength
上传时间: 2013-12-23
标签: Multithreaded Programming Threads Primer
上传时间: 2014-01-22
The market for miniature computer programming is exploding. C++ Footprint and Performance Optimization supplies programmers the knowledge they need to write code for the increasing number of hand-held devices, wearable computers, and intelligent appliances. This book gives readers valuable knowledge and programming techniques that are not currently part of traditional programming training. In the world of C++ programming, all other things being equal, programs that are smaller and faster are better. C++ Footprint and Performance Optimization contains case studies and sample code to give readers concrete examples and proven solutions to problems that don t have cut and paste solutions.
标签: Performance programming Optimizati Footprint
上传时间: 2013-12-09
A Beginner’s Introduction to Computer Programming
标签: Introduction Programming Beginner Computer
上传时间: 2014-11-15
CAN Bus commmunication programming with ARM7 - LPC21xx series
标签: commmunication programming series ARM7
上传时间: 2013-12-16
标签: Programming Windows prosise Jeff
上传时间: 2016-03-10
[Game.Programming].Academic - Graphics Gems (6 books source code)
标签: Programming Academic Graphics source
上传时间: 2016-03-11
Foundations of Python Network Programming leads readers through every aspect of client and server programming with Python. Python is a new and innovative scripting language. It is set to replace Perl as the programming language of choice for scripters and for serious application developers wanting a feature rich yet simple language to deploy their products in. This book features extensive examples that not only demonstrate important concepts and practices, but also provide a cadre of fully-functional stand-alone programs. Readers can use the examples as the basis and building blocks for their own software
标签: Foundations Programming Network readers
上传时间: 2013-12-16
【下载说明】 此为《C Programming for Embedded Systems》(嵌入式系统的C程序设计)一书的英文高清晰PDF下载。 【内容提要】 当今嵌入式处理器的生产已远远超过了为桌面系统所设计的处理器。本书通过介绍8位微控制器(MCU)的开发原理和C语言的相关知识,向读者展示了如何用C语言编写8位嵌入式MCU程序,内容涉及数据类型和变量、函数库、优化和测试嵌入式C语言程序等。利用贯穿全书的样例工程,揭示了特定设备硬件开发的详细细节,以及用C语言进行嵌入式程序设计所带来的快速开发、增强的可移植性和再利用等优越性能。 本书适合于从事嵌入式研究的相关技术人员使用。
标签: Programming Embedded Systems
上传时间: 2013-12-24