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  • This m file hide an image jpeg,png in another jpeg,png image. The height and width of the secr

    This m file hide an image jpeg,png in another jpeg,png image. The height and width of the secret image is in LSB of 1st 32 pixels of 1st row of the cover image.This helps in the recovery of secret image. The secret image must be smaller than cover image.A message box will appear with a number ,that number is the maximum product of width and height of secret image that can be successfully embedded in the cover image. The final png image will appear in workspace with random name.This image contains the secret image.One such png image is in the zip file with name 4447.png it contains an image of res 100x122.

    标签: image jpeg png another

    上传时间: 2017-07-25


  • Exploring C++ uses a series of self–directed lessons to divide C++ into bite–sized chunks that you c

    Exploring C++ uses a series of self–directed lessons to divide C++ into bite–sized chunks that you can digest as rapidly as you can swallow them. The book assumes only a basic understanding of fundamental programming concepts (variables, functions, expressions, statements) and requires no prior knowledge of C or any other particular language. It reduces the usually considerable complexity of C++. The included lessons allow you to learn by doing, as a participant of an interactive education session. You’ll master each step in a one sitting before you proceed to the next. Author Ray Lischner has designed questions to promote learning new material. And by responding to questions throughout the text, youll be engaged every step of the way.

    标签: Exploring directed lessons series

    上传时间: 2014-11-15


  • LIBSVM 是台湾大学林智仁(Chih-Jen Lin)博士等开发设计的一个操作简单、易于使用、快速有效的通用SVM 软件包

    LIBSVM 是台湾大学林智仁(Chih-Jen Lin)博士等开发设计的一个操作简单、易于使用、快速有效的通用SVM 软件包,可以解决分类问题(包括C- SVC、n - SVC )、回归问题(包括e - SVR、n - SVR )以及分布估计(one-class-SVM )等问题,提供了线性、多项式、径向基和S形函数四种常用的核函数供选择,可以有效地解决多类问题、交叉验证选择参数、对不平衡样本加权、多类问题的概率估计等。 2.89版本是09年刚更新的一个版本。

    标签: Chih-Jen LIBSVM Lin SVM

    上传时间: 2014-01-18


  • This article discusses some issues that a typical Windows C++ programmer will encounter when approac

    This article discusses some issues that a typical Windows C++ programmer will encounter when approaching Symbian OS for the first time. Our experience in developing for three successive versions of Symbian OS has given us considerable perspective on what can be difficult when working in this otherwise rich and stable environment. While one reason for Symbian s success may be the desire of many mobile phone manufacturers not to be tied to Microsoft, the other reason is that Symbian has put together a lightweight, elegant system that succeeds in providing a very impressive range of functionality. Here are some pointers to help ease the transition to successful Symbian OS application development.

    标签: programmer discusses encounter article

    上传时间: 2017-07-30


  • A Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) binds cryptographic public keys to physical entities through digi

    A Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) binds cryptographic public keys to physical entities through digital certificates. A PKI includes components that issue digital certificates and distribute certificate status information. PKI users select one or more certificate issuers as trust anchors, and establish security services based on certificates that may be validated using one of their trust anchors.

    标签: Infrastructure cryptographic entities physical

    上传时间: 2017-07-31


  • This C++ code example demonstrates how to localise an application to adapt to the selected phone lan

    This C++ code example demonstrates how to localise an application to adapt to the selected phone language. The example application has two sets of localised strings (English and German) for the application name, labels, text, and image. The application also includes number, currency, date, and time localisation, in which the TLocale method is used for localisation even if the selected phone language is neither one of the two application languages. The updated example has been tested to support S60 5th Edition and touch UI.

    标签: demonstrates application to localise

    上传时间: 2013-12-17


  • Abtract - We propose a new family of fi lter banks, named NDFB, that can achieve the direction

    Abtract - We propose a new family of fi lter banks, named NDFB, that can achieve the directional decomposition of arbitrary N-dimensional (N ≥ 2) signals with a simple and effi cient tree-structured construction.

    标签: direction Abtract propose achieve

    上传时间: 2014-01-15


  • Abstract - A fl exible multiscale and directional representation for images is proposed. The s

    Abstract - A fl exible multiscale and directional representation for images is proposed. The scheme combines directional fi lter banks with the Laplacian pyramid to provides a sparse representation for two- dimensional piecewise smooth signals resembling images. The underlying expansion is a frame and can be designed to be a tight frame. Pyramidal directional fi lter banks provide an effective method to implement the digital curvelet transform. The regularity issue of the iterated fi lters in the directional fi lter bank is examined.

    标签: representation directional multiscale Abstract

    上传时间: 2013-12-15


  • For developers who design and program devices that use the USB interface. Introduce the USB and hel

    For developers who design and program devices that use the USB interface. Introduce the USB and help to get your devices and communicating as quickly and easily as possible.The USB is versatile enough for a wide range of peripheral devices. Standard peripherals that use USB include mice, keyboards, drives, printers, and audio/video devices. USB is also suitable for data-acquisition units, control systems, and other devices with specialized functions, including one-of-a-kind designs.

    标签: developers and USB Introduce

    上传时间: 2017-08-15


  • this is a document about radio frequency identification RFID, this was a project ,i have done last y

    this is a document about radio frequency identification RFID, this was a project ,i have done last year ,actually this technology is a very inpotrtant one due to its relation with newest technologies , like GPS , or the miniturization of integrated circuits ,and that is described in chapter 3 . chapter 1 gives an introduction of the technology RFID , chapter 2 gives a discussion of a library using RFID , and chapter 3 is about the future of RFID , and finally the conclusion .

    标签: this identification frequency document

    上传时间: 2014-01-10
