DJ java decompiler 可把二进制的 CLASS 文件重新构造出原代码。Decafe 能反编译复杂的 Java applets 程序和二进制程序。
标签: decompiler applets Decafe CLASS
上传时间: 2014-01-15
是MIDP 的API 查詢文件, 大家可以看一下裡面的index.html, 再用Package 或 Class 名字來查.
上传时间: 2013-12-13
The sd/mmc driver of linux 2.4.20 , it is much better than the one form samsung (good performance)
标签: performance samsung driver better
上传时间: 2013-12-24
The sd/mmc driver for s3c2410, it is much better than the one from samsung
标签: samsung driver better 2410
上传时间: 2014-01-13
This is an example how one could hide a process on Windows based operation systems from task viewers like ProcDump (G-RoM, Lorian & Stone) or ProcessExplorer (SysInternals). It could e.g. be used as some kind of dump protection. The way to get this done is very different on NT and 9x machines.
标签: operation Windows example process
上传时间: 2013-12-17
He was the first one (I noticed of) who coded a decrypter for yC 1.2 :)...good job. Also if it hasn t full support yet >:-) So as I s the source code. I hope it helps someone.
标签: decrypter noticed first coded
上传时间: 2015-05-03
MFC (Microsoft Foundation Class Library) 中的各种类结合起来构成了一个应用程序框架,它的目的就是让程序员在此基础上来建立Windows下的应用程序,这是一种相对SDK来说更为简单的方法。因为总体上,MFC框架定义了应用程序的轮廓,并提供了用户接口的标准实现方法,程序员所要做的就是通过预定义的接口把具体应用程序特有的东西填入这个轮廓。Microsoft Visual C++提供了相应的工具来完成这个工作:AppWizard可以用来生成初步的框架文件(代码和资源等);资源编辑器用于帮助直观地设计用户接口;ClassWizard用来协助添加代码到框架文件;最后,编译,则通过类库实现了应用程序特定的逻辑。
标签: Foundation Microsoft Library Class
上传时间: 2013-12-26
How to Use Tables With the JTable (in the API reference documentation) class you can display tables of data, optionally allowing the user to edit the data. JTable doesn t contain or cache data it s simply a view of your data. Here s a picture of a typical table displayed within a scroll pane
标签: documentation the reference display
上传时间: 2013-12-23
A base class for TreeTableModels. This class handles the list of listeners.
标签: class TreeTableModels listeners handles
上传时间: 2013-12-21
A wrapper class that implements the TableModel interface, given both TreeTableModel and a JTree.
标签: TreeTableModel TableModel implements interface
上传时间: 2013-12-23