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  • 基于自编程功能的MCU Bootloader设计

    Bootloader是微处理器上电时运行的第一段代码,它可以通过通信接口实现对微处理器内部应用程序的更新升级,为网络化嵌入式产品的应用程序升级带来极大的便利。由于目前没有统一嵌入式系统的Bootloader。基于NEC 78K0系列单片机自编程原理,设计出一个适用于78K0/Fx2系列单片机的Bootloader,并能够通过单片机串口在线升级应用程序。 Abstract:  Bootloader is the first piece of code executed after microprocessor startup. It makes the embedded product’s firmware update conveniently through communication interface. However, no unified bootloader is available for all kinds of microprocessor products. Based on the principle of self-programming NEC 78K0s’ series, a useful Bootloader which is suitable for 78K0/Fx2s’ series MCU is designed,the design can update the application through serial ports.

    标签: Bootloader MCU 自编程

    上传时间: 2013-10-26


  • 基于AT89S52 的水温控制系统的设计

    本文介绍了基于AT89C52 单片机的自动水温控制系统的设计及实现过程。该系统具有实时显示、温度测量、温度设定并能根据设定值对环境温度进行调节实现控温的目的以及达到上下限温度报警功能,控制算法是基于数字PID 算法。关键词 :PID AT89C52 脉宽调制 实时 Abstract : This article describes AT89C52 single-chip microcomputer-basedautomatic water temperature control system design and implementation process. Thesystem has real-time display, temperature measurement, temperature settings and theenvironment in accordance with the temperature settings adjusted to achieve thepurpose of temperature control and reach the upper and lower limits of temperaturealarm function, the control algorithm is based on the digital PID algorithm.Keyword: PID AT89C52 PWM real time

    标签: 89S S52 AT 89

    上传时间: 2013-10-10


  • 基于msp430单片机的便携式数字倾角仪的研制

    介绍了一种基于MSP430系列单片机和ADXL203加速度传感器的数字式倾角仪,它不仅可以实现水平度检测,而且可以测量00~3600范围内的任意倾角,分辨率可达O.1。。此外,由于该倾角仪输出为数字结果,因此它也可以与其他的数字设备结合起来,组合成一个功能更加强大的仪器。该数字倾角仪可广泛应用于建筑、机械、道路、桥梁、石油、煤矿和地质勘探等各种需要测量重力参考系下倾角的场合。关键词:MSP430F133单片机;力敏传感器;ADXL203加速度计;角度测量 Abstract:This paper presents a new style digital inclinometer which is developed on the basis of the MSP430F133 MCU and the ADXL203 dual axis aeeelerometer.This inclinometer not only can test levelness,but also can measure any angle between 0。and 360。with an accuracy of 0.1 O.In addition,its output is a digital result,which makes it possible to integrate itself with other digital devices to form a more functional unit.This inclinometer can be widely used in any construction site,oil field,coal-mine or geologic survey and SO on where it will provide the working people with convenience to measure any angles.Key words:MSP430F133 MCU;force sensor;ADXL203 accelerometer;angle measurement

    标签: msp 430 单片机 便携式

    上传时间: 2013-11-14


  • keilA51原版教程

    Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does notrepresent a commitment on the part of the manufacturer. The software describedin this document is furnished under license agreement or nondisclosureagreement and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of theagreement. It is against the law to copy the software on any medium except asspecifically allowed in the license or nondisclosure agreement. The purchasermay make one copy of the software for backup purposes. No part of this manualmay be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic ormechanical, including photocopying, recording, or information storage andretrieval systems, for any purpose other than for the purchaser’s personal use,without written permission.

    标签: keilA 51 教程

    上传时间: 2014-12-27


  • FET430PIF自制资料

    The MSP-FET430PIF is a Parallel Port interface (does not include target board) that is used to program and debug MSP430 FET tools and test boards through the JTAG interface. This interface is included in our FET tools, but sold without the development board. This interface uses a Parallel PC Port to communicate to the Debugger Software (IAR Kickstart software included) running on the PC. The interface uses the standard 14 pin header to communicate to the MSP430 device using the standard JTAG protocol. The flash memory can be erased and programmed in seconds with only a few keystrokes, and since the MSP430 flash is extremely low power, no external power supply is required. The tool has an integrated software environment and connects directly to the PC which greatly simplifies the set-up and use of the tool. The flash development tool supports development with all MSP430 flash parts. Features MSP430 debugging interface to connect a MSP430-Flash-device to a Parallel port on a PC Supports JTAG debug protocol (NO support for Spy-Bi-Wire (2-wire JTAG) debug protocol, Spy-Bi-Wire (2-wire JTAG) is supported by MSP-FET430UIF) Parallel Port cable and a 14-conductor target cable Full documentation on CD ROM Integrated IAR Kickstart user interface which includes: Assembler Linker Limulator Source-level debugger Limited C-compiler Technical specifications: Backwardly compatable with existing FET tool boards.

    标签: FET 430 PIF

    上传时间: 2013-10-26


  • MSP430 USB JTAG自制资料

    The MSP-FET430U14 is a powerful flash emulation tool to quickly begin application development on the MSP430 MCU. It includes USB debugging interface used to program and debug the MSP430 in-system through the JTAG interface or the pin saving Spy Bi-Wire (2-wire JTAG) protocol. The flash memory can be erased and programmed in seconds with only a few keystrokes, and since the MSP430 flash is ultra-low power, no external power supply is required. The debugging tool interfaces the MSP430 to the included integrated software environment and includes code to start your design immediately.  The MSP-FET430UIF development tools supports development with all MSP430 flash devices

    标签: JTAG MSP 430 USB

    上传时间: 2013-10-28


  • lpc2478完全使用手册

    NXP Semiconductor designed the LPC2400 microcontrollers around a 16-bit/32-bitARM7TDMI-S CPU core with real-time debug interfaces that include both JTAG andembedded Trace. The LPC2400 microcontrollers have 512 kB of on-chip high-speedFlash memory. This Flash memory includes a special 128-bit wide memory interface andaccelerator architecture that enables the CPU to execute sequential instructions fromFlash memory at the maximum 72 MHz system clock rate. This feature is available onlyon the LPC2000 ARM Microcontroller family of products. The LPC2400 can execute both32-bit ARM and 16-bit Thumb instructions. Support for the two Instruction Sets meansEngineers can choose to optimize their application for either performance or code size atthe sub-routine level. When the core executes instructions in Thumb state it can reducecode size by more than 30 % with only a small loss in performance while executinginstructions in ARM state maximizes core performance.

    标签: 2478 lpc 使用手册

    上传时间: 2013-11-15


  • TPS65930 TPS65920与OMAP3530硬件连接

    This document describes the system hardware implementation for the OMAP3530 processor and theTPS65930/20 companion power integrated circuit (IC). The document concentrates on the powerconnectivity for the processor and the companion power IC. The document also briefly explains someother specifics related to power, such as the boot modes and the power-up sequence.

    标签: TPS 65930 65920 3530

    上传时间: 2013-11-14


  • 用户程序示例教程

    用户程序示例教程 The Blinky project is a simple program for the LPC2138using Keil MCB2130 Microcontroller Board. It blinks the LEDs at speed according to the Potentiometer setting and prints the current seting to the Serial Port 1.In addition it generates a sine wave with an adjustable frequency on the speaker of the board.

    标签: 用户 教程 程序

    上传时间: 2014-12-27


  • MC9S08QG8英文资料 pdf

    MC9S08QG8英文资料 The MC9S08QG8 is the newest member of the Freescale 8-bit family of highly integratedmicrocontrollers, based on the high-performance yet low power HCS08 core. The MC9S08QG8is an excellent solution for power-sensitive applications with extended battery life and maximum performance down to 1.8VDC.

    标签: MC9 S08 QG8

    上传时间: 2014-12-28
