用C51实现的拼音输入法,这是改写的网友 embuffalo、独步上载在www.21ic.com自由发布区的由张凯原作的51上的拼音输入法程序。 原作使用了一个二维数组用以查表,我认为这样比较的浪费空间,而且每个字表的索引地址要手工输入,效率不高。所以我用结构体将其改写了一下。就是大家现在看到的这个。 因为代码比较的大,共有6,000多汉字,这样就得要12,000 byte来存放GB内码,所以也是没办法的 :-( 编译结果约为3000h,因为大部分是索引表,代码优化几乎无效。 在Keil C里仿真芯片选用的是华邦的W77E58,它有32k ROM, 256B On-CHIP RAM, 1K On-CHIP SRAM (用DPTR1指针寻址,相当于有1K的片上xdata)。条件有限,没有上片试验,仿真而已。 打算将其移植到AVR上,但CodeAVRC与IAR EC++在结构体、指针的定义使用上似乎与C51不太一样,现在还未搞定。还希望在这方面有经验的网友能给予指导。
上传时间: 2014-01-26
This program demonstrates operation of ADC0 in polled mode. The ADC0 is // configured to use writes to AD0BUSY as its start of conversion source and // to measure the output of the On-CHIP temperature sensor. The temperature // sensor output is converted to degrees Celsius and is transmitted out UART0
标签: ADC0 demonstrates configured operation
上传时间: 2014-01-23
This program demonstrates operation of ADC0 in polled mode. The ADC0 is // configured to use writes to AD0BUSY as its start of conversion source and // to measure the output of the On-CHIP temperature sensor. The temperature // sensor output is converted to degrees Celsius and is transmitted out UART0
标签: ADC0 demonstrates configured operation
上传时间: 2014-08-18
ST7529液晶驱动 The ST7529 is a driver & controller LSI for 32 gray scale graphic dot-matrix liquid crystal display systems. It generates 255 Segment and 160 Common driver circuits. This chip is connected directly to a microprocessor, accepts Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI), 8-bit/16-bit parallel or IIC display data and stores in an On-CHIP display data RAM. It performs display data RAM read/write operation with no external operating clock to minimize power consumption. In addition, because it contains power supply circuits necessary to drive liquid crystal, it is possible to make a display system with the fewest components.
标签: 7529 controller dot-matrix graphic
上传时间: 2013-12-02
STR912FW44上的ADS项目工程,包含大部分on chip peripherals的使用示例。
上传时间: 2016-02-01
Full compliance with the USB Specification v1.1 and USB CDC v1.1 Support the RS232 Serial interface Support automatic handshake mode Support Remote wake-up and power management 256 bytes buffer each for upstream and downstream data flow Support default ROM or external EEPROM for device configuration On chip USB transceiver On chip crystal oscillator running at 12M Hz Supports Windows 98/SE, ME, 2000, XP, Windows CE3.0, CE .NET, Linux, and Mac OS 28 Pins SOIC package 28
标签: Specification compliance 1.1 USB
上传时间: 2016-08-21
ST7787 芯片的SPEC,比亚迪2.4inchLCM的SPEC。The ST7787 is a single-chip controller/driver for 262K-color, graphic type TFT-LCD. It consists of 720 source line and 320 gate line driving circuits. This chip is capable of connecting directly to an external microprocessor, and accepts Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI), 8-bits/9-bits/16-bits/18-bits parallel interface. Display data can be stored in the On-CHIP display data RAM of 240x320x18 bits. It can perform display data RAM read/write operation with no external operation clock to minimize power consumption. In addition, because of the integrated power supply circuits necessary to drive liquid crystal, it is possible to make a display system with the fewest components.
上传时间: 2016-09-22
Keil C251开发工具 DK251是为MCS251系列单片机所设计的开发工具,支持所有的251系列衍生产品,方便你编写和测试c代码与251汇编代码。通过DK251开发工具可轻松了解251的On-CHIP peripherals与及其他关键特性。
上传时间: 2016-10-30
The TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, and TMS320VC54x fixed-point, digital signal processor (DSP) families (hereafter referred to as the ’54x unless otherwise specified) are based on an advanced modified Harvard architecture that has one program memory bus and three data memory buses. These processors also provide an arithmetic logic unit (ALU) that has a high degree of parallelism, application-specific hardware logic, On-CHIP memory, and additional On-CHIP peripherals. These DSP families also provide a highly specialized instruction set, which is the basis of the operational flexibility and speed of these DSPs.
标签: TMS 320 fixed-point processor
上传时间: 2013-12-27
JTAGICE mkⅡ与AVR Studio(AVR Studio 4.09或更高版本才能使用JTAGICE mkⅡ)相结合,通过COM或USB可以对所有带JTAG或Debugwire接口的AVR单片机进行在片调试(On-CHIP Debugging)和编程。 JTAGICE mkⅡ所支持的芯片的列表见附件
上传时间: 2017-04-20