Wireless range extenders or wireless repeaters can extend the range of an existing wireless network. Range extenders can be strategically placed to elongate a signal area or allow for the signal area to reach around barriers such as those created in L-shaped corridors. Wireless devices connected through repeaters will suffer from an increased latency for each hop. Additionally, a wireless device connected to any of the repeaters in the chain will have a throughput that is limited by the weakest link between the two nodes in the chain from which the connection originates to where the connection ends
标签: wireless range extenders repeaters
上传时间: 2014-01-02
nslookup - *nix simple nslookup clone for the Win32 platform (Console Application) /// Does A DNS lookup by Host Name or IP. Host Name lookups can return /// multiple IP Ranges.
标签: nslookup Application platform Console
上传时间: 2014-01-09
base implementaion of the protein (starting from the amino acid sequence) feature extractor used in "L. Nanni and A. Lumini, An ensemble of Support Vector Machines for predicting virulent proteins, Expert Systems With Applications, vol.36, no.4, pp.7458-7462, May 2009. "
标签: implementaion extractor the starting
上传时间: 2017-08-02
标签: 计算器
上传时间: 2013-12-21
上传时间: 2013-12-18
* TFTP client compatible with RFC-1350 * compile under visiual c++ or borland c++ * author email: yuyushine@163.com ***************************************************/ #define _VC /* if compile under visiual c++ else undefine this*/ #include <stdio.h> #include <winsock.h> #include <conio.h> #ifndef MAKEWORD #define MAKEWORD(l,h) ((WORD)(((BYTE)(l))|(((WORD)(BYTE)(h))<<8))) #endif #define WSA_MAJOR_VERSION 1 #define WSA_MINOR_VERSION 1 #define WSA_VERSION MAKEWORD(WSA_MAJOR_VERSION, WSA_MINOR_VERSION)
标签: compatible borland compile visiual
上传时间: 2014-01-15
A java based programming environment - processing - free from processing.org. here it uses a free library - OpenCV - to detect blobs in a live video capture - some parts like - hands or head or the entire human are evidenced through some visual effects.
标签: processing free environment programming
上传时间: 2013-12-26
本文所设计的系统是基于AT89C52单片机控制的简易RLC测试仪。为了充分利用单片机的运算和控制功能,方便的实现测量。把参数R、L、C转换成频率信号f,然后用单片机计数后再运算求出R、L、C的值,并送显示。 转换的原理分别是RC振荡电路和电容三点式振荡电路。为了比较准确的测试而频率的计数则是利用等精度数字频率计完成。然后再将结果送单片机运算,并在LED显示器上显示所测得的数值。通过一系列的系统调试,本测试仪到达了测试标准。经过测试,
上传时间: 2013-12-22
利用大型仿真软件MATLAB编程和矩阵计算的优点,使用一种全新的方法来进行有限元分析.结合一个实例, 利用编写的J】l,函数文件,求得节点的位移、反力,并绘出单元的剪力图和弯矩图,经验证后,证明该方法行之有效.
上传时间: 2013-12-23
(1)以回车( \n )为输入结束标志,输入数列L,生成一棵二叉排序树T; (2)对二叉排序树T作中序遍历,输出结果; (3)计算二叉排序树T查找成功的平均查找长度,输出结果; (4)输入元素x,查找二叉排序树T,若存在含x的结点,则删除该结点,并作中序遍历(执行操作2);否则输出信息“x不存在”; (5) 输入元素x,查找二叉排序树T,若整棵树不存在含值为x的结点,则插入该结点,并作中序遍历(执行操作2);否则输出信息“x已经存在”。
标签: 输入结束
上传时间: 2014-03-04