object arx标高绘图计算,在autocad中加载
上传时间: 2015-08-18
标签: A-Moving-Object-Database-Model-Ba sed-on-Road-NetWork 道路网络 移动
上传时间: 2014-01-01
Object Oriented Programming In ANSI C
标签: Programming Oriented Object ANSI
上传时间: 2015-08-20
xstream是一个把java object序列化成xml文件的开源库,轻便好用
上传时间: 2015-08-27
标签: Object-oriented Programming ANSI-C with
上传时间: 2015-08-28
This is the machine-generated representation of a Handle Graphics object and its children. Note that handle values may change when these objects are re-created. This may cause problems with any callbacks written to depend on the value of the handle at the time the object was saved.
标签: machine-generated representation Graphics children
上传时间: 2013-12-18
database tools object 9
上传时间: 2013-12-18
本书以4个面向来表现C++的本质:procedural(程序性的)、generic(泛型的)、object-based(个别对象的)、object-oriented(面向对象的)。本书的组织围绕着一系列逐渐繁复的程序问题,以及用以解决这些问题的语言特性。循此方式,你不只学到C++的函数和结构,也会学习到它们的设计目的和基本原理。 你可以由本书发现以下关键主题: ● Generic (泛型)编程风格和Standard Template Library(STL) ● Object-based(个别对象)编程风格和class的设计 ● Object-oriented(面向对象)编程风格和classes阶层体系的设计 ● Function template 和class template 的设计和运用 ● Exception handling(异常处理)与执行期型别鉴定(Run-Time Type Identification)
标签: object-oriented object-based procedural generic
上传时间: 2013-12-30
* This a software code module for a time-of-day clock object. * The clock may be fixed 12-hour, fixed 24-hour, or dynamically * configurable between these two types. Clock data can be accessed * as a binary number representing the number of minutes since midnight * or a BCD number formatted according to the time-of-day description * in the TIME module 0404x. The functions work with time-of-day values * which conform to normally accepted clock values of 1:00 to * 12:59 BCD / 0 to 719 binary for a 12-hour clock or clock values * 00:00 to 23:59 BCD / 0 to 1439 binary for a 24-hour clock. On power-up * the clock is 12:00 BCD / 0 binary for a 12-hour or dynamically * configurable clock, or 00:00 BCD / 0 binary for a 24-hour clock.
标签: clock time-of-day software module
上传时间: 2013-12-07
Data Structures And Algorithms With Object-Oriented Design Patterns In Python (2003) source code and html file
标签: Object-Oriented Algorithms Structures Patterns
上传时间: 2014-01-25