verilog实现I2C通信的slave模块源码状态机设位计可做I2C接口的仿真模型//`timescale 1ns/1psmodule I2C_slv (input [6:0] slv_id,input RESET,input scl_i, //I2C clkinput sda_i, //I2C data ininput [7:0] I2C_RDDATA,////////////////////////output reg sda_o, //I2C data outoutput reg reg_w, //reg write enable pulse (1T of scl_i)output reg [7:0] I2C_ADDR,output reg [7:0] I2C_DATA); parameter ST_ADDR = 4'd0; parameter ST_ACK = 4'd1; parameter ST_WDATA1 = 4'd2; parameter ST_WACK1 = 4'd3; parameter ST_WDATA2 = 4'd4; parameter ST_WACK2 = 4'd5; parameter ST_WDATA3 = 4'd6; parameter ST_WACK3 = 4'd7; parameter ST_RDATA1 = 4'd8; parameter ST_RACK1 = 4'd9; parameter ST_IDLE = 4'd15;//---------------------------------------------------------------------------// Signal Declaration//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- reg i2c_start_n, i2c_stop_n; //wire RESET_scl; wire i2c_stp_n, i2c_RESET; reg [3:0] i2c_cs, i2c_ns; reg [3:0] cnt_bit; reg [7:0] d_vec; reg i2c_rd, i2c_ack; reg [7:0] I2C_RDDATA_latch;
上传时间: 2022-02-03
STM32L053C8T6数据手册Features • Ultra-low-power platform – 1.65 V to 3.6 V power supply – -40 to 125 °C temperature range – 0.27 µA Standby mode (2 wakeup pins) – 0.4 µA Stop mode (16 wakeup lines) – 0.8 µA Stop mode + RTC + 8 KB RAM retention – 139 µA/MHz Run mode at 32 MHz – 3.5 µs wakeup time (from RAM) – 5 µs wakeup time (from Flash) • Core: ARM® 32-bit Cortex®-M0+ with MPU – From 32 kHz up to 32 MHz max. – 0.95 DMIPS/MHz • Reset and supply management – Ultra-safe, low-power BOR (brownout reset) with 5 selectable thresholds – Ultralow power POR/PDR – Programmable voltage detector (PVD) • Clock sources – 1 to 25 MHz crystal oscillator – 32 kHz oscillator for RTC with calibration – High speed internal 16 MHz factory-trimmed RC (+/- 1%) – Internal low-power 37 kHz RC – Internal multispeed low-power 65 kHz to 4.2 MHz RC – PLL for CPU clock • Pre-programmed bootloader – USART, SPI supported • Development support – Serial wire debug supported • Up to 51 fast I/Os (45 I/Os 5V tolerant) • Memories – Up to 64 KB Flash with ECC – 8KB RAM – 2 KB of data EEPROM with ECC – 20-byte backup register
标签: stm32l053c8t6
上传时间: 2022-02-06
The PW5410B is a low noise, constant frequency (1.2MHz) switched capacitor voltage doubler. Itproduces a regulated output voltage from 1.8V to 5V input with up to 100mA of output current. Lowexternal parts count (one flying capacitor and two small bypass capacitors at VIN and VOUT) makethe PW5410B ideally suited for small, battery-powered applications
标签: pw5410
上传时间: 2022-02-11
The PW5410A is a low noise, constant frequency (1.2MHz) switched capacitor voltage doubler. Itproduces a regulated output voltage from 2.7V to 5V input with up to 250mA of output current. Lowexternal parts count (one flying capacitor and two small bypass capacitors at VIN and VOUT) makethe PW5410A ideally suited for small, battery-powered applications
标签: pw5410
上传时间: 2022-02-11
The PW3130 series product is a high integration solution for lithium-lion/polymer batteryprotection.PW3130 contains advanced power MOSFET, high-accuracy voltage detection circuits anddelay circuits. PW3130 is put into an ultra-small SOT23-5 package and only one external componentmakes it an ideal solution in limited space of battery pack. PW3130 has all the protection functionsrequired in the battery application including overcharging, overdischarging, overcurrent and loadshort circuiting protection etc. The accurate overcharging detection voltage ensures safe and fullutilization charging.The low standby current drains little current from the cell while in storage. Thedevice is not only targeted for digital cellular phones, but also for any other Li-Ion and Li-Polybattery-powered information appliances requiring long-term battery life
标签: pw3130
上传时间: 2022-02-11
CH341系列编程器芯片usb转串口Altium Designer AD原理图库元件库CSV text has been written to file : 1.9 - CH341系列编程器芯片.csvLibrary Component Count : 56Name Description----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CH311Q PC debug port monitorCH331T Mini USB Disk ControllerCH340G CH340H USB to TTL Serial / UART, USB to IrDACH340T USB to TTL Serial / UART, USB to IrDACH340R USB to IrDA, USB to RS232 SerialCH340S_P USB to Print Port / ParallelCH340S_S USB to TTL Serial / UART, pin compatible with CH341CH341A_S USB to TTL Serial / UART / I2C/IICCH341S_P USB to Print Port / ParallelCH341A_P USB to Print Port / ParallelCH341S_S USB to TTL Serial / UARTCH341S_X USB to EPP Parallel / SPI / I2C/IICCH341A_X USB to EPP Parallel / SPI / I2C/IICCH341T USB to TTL Serial / UART / I2C/IICCH345T USB to MidiCH352L_M PCI to 8255 mode 2 Parallel for MCU and 16C550 UART / IrDACH352L_P PCI to Print Port / Parallel and 16C550 UART / IrDACH352L_S PCI to Dual 16C550 UART, TTL Serial*2 / IrDA*1CH362L PCI Device / Slave only for RAM / Expansion ROMCH364F Member of CH364 chipsetsCH364P PCI Device / Slave Embedded Flash ROM, for Expansion ROMCH365P PCI Device / Slave, for I/O port or RAM / ROMCH372T USB Device / Slave for MCU, ParallelCH372A USB Device / Slave for MCU, ParallelCH372V USB Device / Slave for MCU, ParallelCH374S USB Host & Device / Slave for MCU, parallel / SPICH374T USB Host & Device / Slave for MCU, parallel / SPICH375S USB Host & Device / Slave for MCU, parallel / UART SerialCH375A USB Host & Device / Slave for MCU, parallel / UART SerialCH375V USB Host & Device / Slave for MCU, parallel / UART SerialCH411G FDC MFM encode and decodeCH421A Dual port bufferCH421S Dual port bufferCH423D I2C/IIC I/O expander, 16 GPO + 8 GPIO, 128 LEDs DriveCH423S I2C/IIC I/O expander, 16 GPO + 8 GPIO, 128 LEDs DriveCH423D_D I2C/IIC I/O expander, 16 GPO + 8 GPIO, 128 LEDs DriveCH423S_D I2C/IIC I/O expander, 16 GPO + 8 GPIO, 128 LEDs DriveCH423G I2C/IIC I/O expander, 6 GPO + 5 GPIOCH432Q Dual 16C550 UART with IrDA, parallel / SPICH432T SPI Dual 16C550 UART with IrDACH450K 6 Digits / 48 LEDs Drive & 8x6 Keyboard, I2C/IICCH450H 6 Digits / 48 LEDs Drive & 8x6 Keyboard, I2C/IICCH450L 8 Digits / 64 LEDs Drive & 8x8 Keyboard, I2C/IICCH451L 8 Digits / 64 LEDs Drive & 8x8 Keyboard, 4 Wire Interface, SPICH451S 8 Digits / 64 LEDs Drive & 8x8 Keyboard, 4 Wire Interface, SPICH451D 8 Digits / 64 LEDs Drive & 8x8 Keyboard, 4 Wire Interface, SPICH452L_2 8 Digits / 64 LEDs Drive & 8x8 Keyboard, I2C/IICCH452L_4 8 Digits / 64 LEDs Drive & 8x8 Keyboard, 4 Wire Interface, SPICH452S_2 8 Digits / 64 LEDs Drive & 8x8 Keyboard, I2C/IICCH452S_4 8 Digits / 64 LEDs Drive & 8x8 Keyboard, 4 Wire Interface, SPICH453S 16 Digits / 128 LEDs Drive, I2C/IICCH453D 16 Digits / 128 LEDs Drive, I2C/IICPCI 32Bit PCI Bus, simple / short cardPCI32 32Bit PCI BusUSB USB Port
标签: ch341 编程芯片 usb 串口 altium designer
上传时间: 2022-03-13
产品型号:VK0192M 产品品牌:永嘉微电/VINKA 封装形式:LQFP44 产品年份:新年份 联 系 人:陈锐鸿 Q Q:361 888 5898 联系手机:188 2466 2436(信) 原厂直销,工程服务,技术支持,价格最具优势! VK0192M概述: VK0192M是一个24x8的LCD駆动器. 可软件程控使其适用于多样化的LCD应用线路,仅用到3至4条讯号线便可控制LCD駆动器,除此之外亦可介由指令使其进入省电模式 特色: ★ 工作电压: 2.4V~5.2V ★ 内建256KHz RC oscillator ★ 提供1/4 偏压1/8 COM 周期 ★ 省电模式 ★ 24x8 LCD駆动器 ★ 内建24x8 bit 显示存储器 ★ 3-wire serial interface ★ 软件程控 ★ 资料及指令模式 ★ 自动增加读写位址 ★ VLCD 脚位元可用来调整LCD输出电压 ★ 此篇产品叙述为功能简介,如需要完整产品PDF资料可以联系陈先生索取! LCD/LED液晶控制器及驱动器系列芯片简介如下: RAM映射LCD控制器和驱动器系列: VK1024B 2.4V~5.2V 6seg*4com 6*3 6*2 偏置电压1/2 1/3 S0P-16 VK1056B 2.4V~5.2V 14seg*4com 14*3 14*2 偏置电压1/2 1/3 SOP-24/SSOP-24 VK1072B 2.4V~5.2V 18seg*4com 18*3 18*2 偏置电压1/2 1/3 SOP-28 VK1072C 2.4V~5.2V 18seg*4com 18*3 18*2 偏置电压1/2 1/3 SOP-28 VK1088B 2.4V~5.2V 22seg*4com 22*3 偏置电压1/2 1/3 QFN-32L(4MM*4MM) VK0192 2.4V~5.2V 24seg*8com 偏置电压1/4 LQFP-44 VK0256 2.4V~5.2V 32seg*8com 偏置电压1/4 QFP-64 VK0256B 2.4V~5.2V 32seg*8com 偏置电压1/4 LQFP-64 VK0256C 2.4V~5.2V 32seg*8com 偏置电压1/4 LQFP-52 VK1621 2.4V~5.2V 32*4 32*3 32*2 偏置电压1/2 1/3 LQFP44/48/SSOP48/SKY28/DICE裸片 VK1622 2.7V~5.5V 32seg*8com 偏置电压1/4 LQFP44/48/52/64/QFP64/DICE裸片 VK1623 2.4V~5.2V 48seg*8com 偏置电压1/4 LQFP-100/QFP-100/DICE裸片 VK1625 2.4V~5.2V 64seg*8com 偏置电压1/4 LQFP-100/QFP-100/DICE VK1626 2.4V~5.2V 48seg*16com 偏置电压1/5 LQFP-100/QFP-100/DICE 高抗干扰LCD液晶控制器及驱动系列: VK2C21A 2.4~5.5V 20seg*4com 16*8 偏置电压1/3 1/4 I2C通讯界面 SOP-28 VK2C21B 2.4~5.5V 16seg*4com 12*8 偏置电压1/3 1/4 I2C通讯界面 SOP-24 VK2C21C 2.4~5.5V 12seg*4com 8*8 偏置电压1/3 1/4 I2C通讯界面 SOP-20 VK2C21D 2.4~5.5V 8seg*4com 4*8 偏置电压1/3 1/4 I2C通讯界面 SOP-16 VK2C22A 2.4~5.5V 44seg*4com 偏置电压1/2 1/3 I2C通讯界面 LQFP-52 VK2C22B 2.4~5.5V 40seg*4com 偏置电压1/2 1/3 I2C通讯界面 LQFP-48 VK2C23A 2.4~5.5V 56seg*4com 52*8 偏置电压1/3 1/4 I2C通讯界面 LQFP-64 VK2C23B 2.4~5.5V 36seg*8com 偏置电压1/31/4 I2C通讯界面 LQFP-48 VK2C24 2.4~5.5V 72seg*4com 68*8 60*16 偏置电压1/3 1/4 1/5 I2C通讯界面 LQFP-80 静态显示LCD液晶控制器及驱动系列: VKS118 2.4~5.2V 118seg*2com 偏置电压 -- 4线通讯界面 LQFP-128 VKS232 2.4~5.2V 116seg*2com 偏置电压1/1 1/2 4线通讯界面 LQFP-128 超低功耗LCD液晶控制器及驱动系列: VKL060 2.5~5.5V 15seg*4com 偏置电压1/2 1/3 I2C通讯界面 SSOP-24 VKL128 2.5~5.5V 32seg*4com 偏置电压1/2 1/3 I2C通讯界面 LQFP-44 VKL144A 2.5~5.5V 36seg*4com 偏置电压1/2 1/3 I2C通讯界面 TSSOP-48 VKL144B 2.5~5.5V 36seg*4com 偏置电压1/2 1/3 I2C通讯界面 QFN48L (6MM*6MM) _________________________________________________________________________________________________: 存储器映射的LED控制器及驱动器: VK1628 --- 通讯界面:STB/CLK/DIO 电源电压:5V(4.5~5.5V) 驱动点阵:70/52 共阴驱动:10段7位/13段4位 共阳驱动:7段10位 按键:10x2 封装SOP28 VK1629 --- 通讯界面:STB/CLK/DIN/DOUT 电源电压:5V(4.5~5.5V) 驱动点阵:128共阴驱动:16段8位 共阳驱动:8段16位 按键:8x4 封装QFP44 VK1629A --- 通讯界面:STB/CLK/DIO 电源电压:5V(4.5~5.5V) 驱动点阵:128共阴驱动:16段8位 共阳驱动:8段16位 按键:--- 封装SOP32 VK1629B --- 通讯界面:STB/CLK/DIO 电源电压:5V(4.5~5.5V) 驱动点阵:112 共阴驱动:14段8位 共阳驱动:8段14位 按键:8x2 封装SOP32 VK1629C --- 通讯界面:STB/CLK/DIO 电源电压:5V(4.5~5.5V) 驱动点阵:120 共阴驱动:15段8位 共阳驱动:8段15位 按键:8x1 封装SOP32 VK1629D --- 通讯界面:STB/CLK/DIO 电源电压:5V(4.5~5.5V) 驱动点阵:96 共阴驱动:12段8位 共阳驱动:8段12位 按键:8x4 封装SOP32 VK1640 --- 通讯界面: CLK/DIN 电源电压:5V(4.5~5.5V) 驱动点阵:128共阴驱动:8段16位 共阳驱动:16段8位 按键:--- 封装SOP28 VK1640B LED驱动IC 8×12段位 8段12位共阴 12段8位共阳 封装SSOP24 VK1650 --- 通讯界面: SCL/SDA 电源电压:5V(3.0~5.5V) 驱动点阵:8x16共阴驱动:8段4位 共阳驱动:4段8位 按键:7x4 封装SOP16/DIP16 VK1651--- VK1651 LED驱动IC 7×4段位 7段4位共阴 7段4位共阳 7×1按键 封装SOP16/DIP16 VK1668 ---通讯界面:STB/CLK/DIO 电源电压:5V(4.5~5.5V) 驱动点阵:70/52共阴驱动:10段7位/13段4位 共阳驱动:7段10位 按键:10x2 封装SOP24 VK6932 --- 通讯界面:STB/CLK/DIN 电源电压:5V(4.5~5.5V) 驱动点阵:128共阴驱动:8段16位17.5/140mA 共阳驱动:16段8位 按键:--- 封装SOP32 VK16K33 --- 通讯界面:SCL/SDA 电源电压:5V(4.5V~5.5V) 驱动点阵:128/96/64 共阴驱动:16段8位/12段8位/8段8位 共阳驱动:8段16位/8段12位/8段8位按键:13x3 10x3 8x3 封装SOP20/SOP24/SOP28 VK1616 ---是 1/5~1/8 占空比的 LED 显示控制驱动电路,具有 7 根段输出、4 根栅输出,是一个由显示存储器、控制电路组成的高可靠性的 LED 驱动电路。串行数据通过三线串行界面输入到 VK1616,采用SOP16/DIP16 的封装形式 VK1618 ---是带键盘扫描界面的 LED 驱动控制专用电路,内部集成有 MCU 数字界面、数据锁存器、键盘扫描等电路。本产品主要应用于 VCR、VCD、DVD 及家庭影院等产品的显示屏驱动 封装SOP18/DIP18 VK1S68C --- LED驱动IC 10x7/13x4段位 10段7位/11段6位共阴 10x2按键,封装SSOP24 VK1Q68D --- 更小体积LED驱动IC 10x7/13x4段位 10段7位/11段6位共阴 10x2按键,封装QFP24 VK1S38A --- LED驱动IC 8段×8位 SSOP24L 封装SSOP24 VK1638 ---是一种带键盘扫描界面的LED(发光二极管显示器)驱动控制专用IC,内部集成有MCU数字界面、数据锁存器、LED驱动、键盘扫描等电路,封装SOP32 KPP638
标签: 0192M 0192 LCD VK 液晶 智能手表 驱动芯片
上传时间: 2022-03-25
温度控制如今已成为当代社会研究的热点之一,而温度检测在现代设备参数检测中也是一项极其重要的技术,应用十分广泛。与传统的测温方法相比,红外测温方法具有时间短、精度高、使用简单方便等优点。本文以环境温度为被测对象,设计了以STC89C52单片机为控制中心的红外测温装置,能够实现对目标温度的实时采集、处理、显示和报警等功能。本设计主要是由STC89C52单片机、红外测温传感器、LCD1602液晶显示器、按键和蜂鸣器等部分组成,采用非接触的方式对目标温度进行实时检测。Temperature control has become one of the hotspots in contemporary social research,and temperature detection is an extremely important technology in modern equipment parameter detection.Compared with traditional method,the infrared temperature measuring method has advantages of short time,high precision and convenient operation,etc.This paper consider environment temperature as research objects and designs an infrared temperature measuring device which employs the STC89C52singlechipas-control center,and it can realize timely collection,processing,display and alarm function of the target temperature.The design is mainly composed of STC89C52 singlechip,infrared temperature sensor,LCD1602monitor,keys and buzzer,etc.This design detects the target temperature by non-contact method.
上传时间: 2022-03-27
LED 线阵显示装置, 分为 LED 线性旋转显示主机和图文录入器两部分。主机用直流电机带动由红绿 LED 组成的线阵旋转, 同时线阵按照时序依次切换显示状态, 在固定区域利用视觉暂留效果形成 16×16 点阵, 用以显示图文;图文录入器用 HMI 触控屏作为人机交互界面, 实现图文录入和回放功能。主机与图文录入器通过无线通信方式进行信息交互,可由图文录入器控制主机切换不同工作任务, 以及改变线阵显示内容。The LED linear array display device is divided into two parts:the one is the main unit used to display content,and the other one is used to input the contents.The main unit is driven by a DC motor to rotate the linear array composed by red and green light emitting diodes.At the same time,the 16×16 dot matrix that switching the display state according to the time sequence on the main unit displays pictures and texts in the fixed area,by using the visual temporary effect.The HMI touch screen is used as human machine interface to realize the function that input and playback pictures and texts.The two parts of the device communicate with each other through wireless communication.The image and text input controller can control the main unit to switch different tasks and change the content of linear array displayed.
标签: stc12c5a60s2 单片机 led
上传时间: 2022-03-28
因此,您想编写一个内核模块。您知道C,您已经编写了一些可以作为进程运行的常规程序,现在您想知道真正的动作在哪里,一个通配指针可以擦掉文件系统,核心转储意味着重新启动。内核模块到底是什么?模块是可以根据需要加载和卸载的代码段。它们扩展了内核的功能,而无需重新引导系统。例如。模块驱动程序的一种类型是设备驱动程序,它允许内核访问没有模块的系统硬件,我们将不得不构建单片内核并将新功能直接添加到内核映像中,除了具有更大的内核之外,这还具有缺点每次我们想要新功能时都要求我们重建并重新启动内核的过程So, you want to write a kernel module. You know C, you, ve written a few normal programs to run as processes, and now you want to get to where the real action is, to where a single wild pointer can wipe out your file system and a core dump means a reboot.What exactly is a kernel module? Modules are pieces of code that can be loaded and unloaded into th upon demand. They extend the functionality of the kernel without the need to reboot the system. For type of module is the device driver, which allows the kernel to access hardware connected to the syste without modules, we would have to build monolithic kernels and add new functionality directly into the em ernel image, Besides having larger kernels
标签: linux
上传时间: 2022-03-30