Peers is a very minimalistic SIP User-Agent. It s a softphone, written in java, and it has been tested on linux and windows. It allows a user to call from one PC to another on a local area network, using SIP/SDP/RTP with Ulaw encoding for voice.
标签: minimalistic User-Agent softphone written
上传时间: 2014-12-02
Multirate filters provide a practical approach to designing and implementing finite response (FIR) filters with narrow spectral constraints. By changing the input data rate at one or more intermediate points the filter lengths and computational rates can be greatly reduced when compared to a standard single-rate filter implementation.
标签: implementing Multirate designing practical
上传时间: 2016-07-01
In this paper, we present LOADED, an algorithm for outlier detection in evolving data sets containing both continuous and categorical attributes. LOADED is a tunable algorithm, wherein one can trade off computation for accuracy so that domain-specific response times are achieved. Experimental results show that LOADED provides very good detection and false positive rates, which are several times better than those of existing distance-based schemes.
标签: algorithm detection containi evolving
上传时间: 2014-01-08
This code is described in "Computational Geometry in C" (Second Edition), Chapter 8. It is not written to be comprehensible without the explanation in that book. Prints out one arm configuration to reach given target. Assumes number of links >= 3. Input: nlinks Number of links L1 L2 ... Ln Link lengths x0 y0 target0 x1 x2 target1
标签: Computational described Geometry Chapter
上传时间: 2014-01-25
Run the SQL script given to you to create a Library database. Note that each row in the Book table denotes a book copy. Thus, if the library carries three copies of the title "DBMS", there will be three rows in the Book table, one for each copy. Write the SQL statements to do the following against the database
标签: the database Library script
上传时间: 2014-08-29
libsvm is a simple, easy-to-use, and efficient software for SVM classification and regression. It solves C-SVM classification, nu-SVM classification, one-class-SVM, epsilon-SVM regression, and nu-SVM regression. It also provides an automatic model selection tool for C-SVM classification. This document explains the use of libsvm.
标签: classification easy-to-use regression and
上传时间: 2013-12-18
本程序使用MSP430F149驱动DS18B20,并再1602液晶显示温度;DS18B20 是一款小巧的温度传感器,它通过单总线协议与 MCU 进行通信,硬件连接十分简洁,它具有如下特性:测温范围-55℃~+125℃,并且在-10℃~+85℃范围内具有±0.5℃的精度,9-Bit 到 12-Bit 的可编程分辨率,用户自定义、非易失性温度阈值。MCU的P1.6端口与DS18B20的DQ端连接, 通过在MCU的IO 端口模拟1-Wire协议的时序就能实现对 DS18B20 的读写了。
上传时间: 2016-07-04
The Ruby Way takes a "how-to" approach to Ruby programming with the bulk of the material consisting of more than 400 examples arranged by topic. Each example answers the question "How do I do this in Ruby?" Working along with the author, you are presented with the task description and a discussion of the technical constraints. This is followed by a step-by-step presentation of one good solution. Along the way, the author provides detailed commentary and explanations to aid your understanding.
标签: Ruby programming consisting the
上传时间: 2013-12-13
上传时间: 2016-07-14
300 km 传输线和功率补偿仿真 The circuit below represents an equivalent power system feeding a 300 km transmission line. The line is compensated by a shunt inductor at its receiving end. A circuit breaker allows energizing and de-energizing of the line. To simplify matters, only one of the three phases is represented. The parameters shown in the figure are typical of a 735 kV power system.
标签: equivalent represents 300 transmis
上传时间: 2016-07-14