上传时间: 2013-12-26
trie tree, 是一个高效处理字符串的比较常见的算法,能够让我们在复杂度 O(log(n))的情况下插入和查询一个字符串
上传时间: 2013-12-22
About: hamsterdb is a database engine written in ANSI C. It supports a B+Tree index structure, uses memory mapped I/O (if available), supports cursors, and can create in-memory databases. Release focus: Major feature enhancements Changes: This release comes with many changes and new features. It can manage multiple databases in one file. A new flag (HAM_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE) places an exclusive lock on the file. hamsterdb was ported to Windows CE, and the Solution file for Visual Studio 2005 now supports builds for x64. Several minor bugs were fixed, performance was improved, and small API changes occurred. Pre-built libraries for Windows (32-bit and 64-bit) are available for download. Author: cruppstahl
标签: C. hamsterdb structure database
上传时间: 2013-12-11
spoj CCOST . Usage of a 2 dimensional fenwick tree.Querying (log(n)^2) a 2 dimensional matrix for sub sum and updating a cell in O(logn)
标签: dimensional Querying fenwick matrix
上传时间: 2017-03-02
This is a binary search tree with void* pointer in data segment in order you to search store and delete O(n) worst case, O(log(n)) agerage case data.
标签: search pointer segment binary
上传时间: 2013-12-22
Heapsort 1.A heap is a binary tree satisfying the followingconditions: -This tree is completely balanced. -If the height of this binary tree is h, then leaves can be at level h or level h-1. -All leaves at level h are as far to the left as possible. -The data associated with all descendants of a node are smaller than the datum associated with this node. Implementation 1.using a linear array not a binary tree. -The sons of A(h) are A(2h) and A(2h+1). 2.time complexity: O(n log n)
标签: followingconditions tree completely satisfying
上传时间: 2017-05-25
I2C 总线8 位远程I-O 扩展口芯片PCF8574 的原
上传时间: 2013-07-28
专辑类----单片机专辑 I2C-总线8-位远程I-O-扩展口芯片PCF8574-的原.rar
上传时间: 2013-06-04
专辑类-单片机专辑-258册-4.20G I2C-总线8-位远程I-O-扩展口芯片PCF8574-的原.pdf
上传时间: 2013-05-29
一种8 位I/O口的单片机显示器和键盘接口
上传时间: 2013-07-29