Numeric conversion program for msp430f
标签: conversion Numeric program 430f
上传时间: 2017-09-01
* DEFINITION * This a set of math functions that deal with time. The functions accept * 4-digit time values and 4-digit time of day values. Time values are * interpreted as hours-minutes and are valid if all digits are Numeric and * 9 or less, except the second-to-last digit must be 5 or less. Time of day * values are valid if they conform to normally accepted clock values of * 1:00 to 12:59 for a 12-hour clock or 00:00 to 23:59 for a 24-hour clock.
标签: functions DEFINITION accept digit
上传时间: 2014-01-15
Intro/: Directory containing introductory examples. HelloWorld.c A simple program that draws a box and writes "Hello World" in HelloWorld.f it. data The data file for the introductory progressive example. Lines.c Reads the data from file "data" and plots just the curve with Lines.f no labels, viewport or anything indicating quantity or units. Viewport.c Restricts the graph to a viewport and frames the viewport, Viewport.f leaving the remainder of the area for labels, etc. CharLbls.c Adds labels for the chart title, X-axis title, and Y-axis CharLbls.f title. Tics.c Adds tic marks to the viewport edges, but since clipping was Tics.f not set correctly, tics extend outside the viewport. Clip.c Sets clipping such that tic marks are clipped at the viewport Clip.f boundaries. TicLabels.c Adds Numeric tic labels to the graph this is the final TicLabels.f installment of the progressive example.
标签: introductory HelloWorld containing Directory
上传时间: 2016-03-29
A digital fi‘equeney meter designed with FPGA development software Q-~us 11 is introduced.The 1 Hz—l MHz input measured pulse signals of the digital ii‘equency meter can be used for measuring frequency,period,pulse width and duty ratio,etc.The test results stably display O71 3 seven—segment Numeric tubes,and the measuring ranges may be switched over automatically.The measuring error is equal to or less than 0.1%.
标签: development introduced designed software
上传时间: 2016-04-09
java的一个源代码,、 public class ThunderBoltAct extends Canvas implements Runnable { private int TIMEOUT = 0 private final static int Numeric = 10000 //总分 private final static int INERRGAL = 60 //频率 private final static int MAXBATTLE = 3 //最大飞机数 private final static int MAXBALLNUM = 30 //最多飞机子弹数 private final static int MAXCOPTERNUM = 16 //最大敌机数 private final static int MAXCOPTERBALLNUM = 16 //最多敌机子弹数 private final static int STEP = 1 private final static int MINCOPTER = 2 //最小敌机数
上传时间: 2016-04-26
C++STL STL(Standard Template Library,标准模板库)是惠普实验室开发的一系列软件的统称。它是由Alexander Stepanov、Meng Lee和David R Musser在惠普实验室工作时所开发出来的。现在虽说它主要出现在C++中,但在被引入C++之前该技术就已经存在了很长的一段时间。 STL的代码从广义上讲分为三类:algorithm(算法)、container(容器)和iterator(迭代器),几乎所有的代码都采用了模板类和模版函数的方式,这相比于传统的由函数和类组成的库来说提供了更好的代码重用机会。在C++标准中,STL被组织为下面的13个头文件:<algorithm>、<deque>、<functional>、<iterator>、<vector>、<list>、<map>、<memory>、<Numeric>、<queue>、<set>、<stack>和<utility>。以下笔者就简单介绍一下STL各个部分的主要特点。
标签: STL Standard Template Library
上传时间: 2016-06-20
Learn how to: * Tokenize a null-terminated string * Create a search and replace function for strings * Implement subtraction for string objects * Use the vector, deque, and list sequence containers * Use the container adaptors stack, queue, and priority_queue * Use the map, multimap, set, and multiset associative containers * Reverse, rotate, and shuffle a sequence * Create a function object * Use binders, negators, and iterator adapters * Read and write files * Use stream iterators to handle file I/O * Use exceptions to handle I/O errors * Create custom inserters and extractors * Format date, time, and Numeric data * Use facets and the localization library * Overload the [ ], ( ), and -> operators * Create an explicit constructor * And much, much more
标签: null-terminated Tokenize Create string
上传时间: 2014-01-18
A software input panel, a virtual keyboard for windows mobile/PocketPC. It is a undochable floating SIP with only Numeric input for calculators etc.. Uses bitmap buttons.
标签: undochable software PocketPC floating
上传时间: 2013-12-26
A programmable digital signal processor (PDSP) is a special-purpose microprocessor with specialized architecture and instruction set for implementing DSP algorithms. Typical architectural features include multiple memory partitions (onchip, off-chip, data memory, program memory, etc.), multiple (generally pipelined) arithmetic and logic units (ALUs), nonuniform register sets, and extensive hardware Numeric support [1,2]. Single-chip PDSPs have become increasingly popular for real-time DSP applications [3,4].
标签: special-purpose microprocessor programmable specialized
上传时间: 2017-08-13
Standard transfer specification (STS) –Physical layer protocol for one-way Numeric and magnetic card token carriers .
上传时间: 2017-02-04