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  • 演算法評估

    演算法評估 用空間和時間評估演算法效能 時間複雜度(Time Complexity) 空間複雜度(Space Complexity) 效能評估 效能分析(Performance Analysis):事前評估 效能評估(Performance Measurement):效能量測 評估時均假設處理的資料量為n到無窮大

    标签: 演算

    上传时间: 2015-06-13


  • Matlab 画三维立体图形

    Matlab 画三维立体图形 The aim of geom3d library is to handle and visualize 3D geometric primitives such as points, lines, planes, polyhedra... It provides low-level functions for manipulating 3D geometric primitives, making easier the development of more complex geometric algorithms.      Some features of the library are:   - creation of various shapes (3D points, 3D lines, planes, polyhedra...)     through an intuitive syntax.      Ex: createPlane(p1, p2, p3) to create a plane through 3 points.     - derivation of new shapes: intersection between 2 planes, intersection between     a plane and a line, between a sphere and a line...   - functions for 3D polygons and polyhedra. Polyhedra use classical vertex-faces     arrays (face array contain indices of vertices), and support faces with any     number of vertices. Some basic models are provided (createOctaedron,     createCubeoctaedron...), as well as some computation (like faceNormal or     centroid)      - manipulation of planar transformation. Ex.:     ROT = createRotationOx(THETA);     P2  = transformPoint3d(P1, ROT);     - direct drawing of shapes with specialized functions. Clipping is performed      automatically for infinite shapes such as lines or rays. Ex:     drawPoint3d([50 50 25; 20 70 10], 'ro');    % draw some points     drawLine3d([X0 Y0 Z0 DX DY DZ]);            % clip and draw straight line Some functions require the geom2d package.       Additional help is provided in geom3d/Contents.m file, as well as summary files     like 'points3d.m' or 'lines3d.m'.

    标签: Matlab 画三维立体图形

    上传时间: 2015-11-02


  • Pspice lab manual

    it is electronics pspice lab manual. very helpful  for beginners. its is  in the form of a lab manual. hope the reader will like it very much

    标签: orcad pspics electronics

    上传时间: 2016-01-10



    Computational models are commonly used in engineering design and scientific discovery activities for simulating complex physical systems in disciplines such as fluid mechanics, structural dynamics, heat transfer, nonlinear structural mechanics, shock physics, and many others. These simulators can be an enormous aid to engineers who want to develop an understanding and/or predictive capability for complex behaviors typically observed in the corresponding physical systems. Simulators often serve as virtual prototypes, where a set of predefined system parameters, such as size or location dimensions and material properties, are adjusted to improve the performance of a system, as defined by one or more system performance objectives. Such optimization or tuning of the virtual prototype requires executing the simulator, evaluating performance objective(s), and adjusting the system parameters in an iterative, automated, and directed way. System performance objectives can be formulated, for example, to minimize weight, cost, or defects; to limit a critical temperature, stress, or vibration response; or to maximize performance, reliability, throughput, agility, or design robustness. In addition, one would often like to design computer experiments, run parameter studies, or perform uncertainty quantification (UQ). These approaches reveal how system performance changes as a design or uncertain input variable changes. Sampling methods are often used in uncertainty quantification to calculate a distribution on system performance measures, and to understand which uncertain inputs contribute most to the variance of the outputs. A primary goal for Dakota development is to provide engineers and other disciplinary scientists with a systematic and rapid means to obtain improved or optimal designs or understand sensitivity or uncertainty using simulationbased models. These capabilities generally lead to improved designs and system performance in earlier design stages, alleviating dependence on physical prototypes and testing, shortening design cycles, and reducing product development costs. In addition to providing this practical environment for answering system performance questions, the Dakota toolkit provides an extensible platform for the research and rapid prototyping of customized methods and meta-algorithms

    标签: Optimization and Uncertainty Quantification

    上传时间: 2016-04-08


  • The Universal Radio Hacker (URH)

    The Universal Radio Hacker (URH) is a software for investigating unknown wireless protocols. Features include * __hardware interfaces__ for common Software Defined Radios * __easy demodulation__ of signals * __assigning participants__ to keep overview of your data * __customizable decodings__ to crack even sophisticated encodings like CC1101 data whitening * __assign labels__ to reveal the logic of the protocol * __fuzzing component__ to find security leaks * __modulation support__ to inject the data back into the system * __simulation environment__ to perform stateful attacks

    标签: Universal Hacker Radio The URH

    上传时间: 2018-11-23


  • NotePad++软件


    标签: NotePad 软件

    上传时间: 2018-12-21


  • L9352B

    Description The L9352B is an integrated quad low-side power switch to drive inductive loads like valves used in ABS systems. Two of the four channels are current regulators with current range from 0 mA to 2.25 A. All channels are protected against fail functions. They are monitored by a status output.

    标签: L9352B

    上传时间: 2019-03-27


  • Cyber-Physical Systems

    This book provides an overview of recent innovations and achievements in the broad areas of cyber-physical systems (CPS), including architecture, networking, systems, applications, security, and privacy. The book discusses various new CPS technologies from diverse aspects to enable higher level of innovation towards intelligent life. The book provides insight to the future integration, coordination and interaction between the physical world, the information world, and human beings. The book features contributions from renowned researchers and engineers, who discuss key issues from various perspectives, presenting opinions and recent CPS-related achievements.Investigates how to advance the development of cyber-physical systems Provides a joint consideration of other newly emerged technologies and concepts in relation to CPS like cloud computing, big data, fog computing, and crowd sourcing Includes topics related to CPS such as architecture, system, networking, application, algorithm, security and privacy

    标签: Cyber-Physical Systems

    上传时间: 2019-04-21


  • python爬虫获取大量免费有效代理ip--有效防止ip被封

    以后再也不用担心写爬虫ip被封,不用担心没钱买代理ip的烦恼了 在使用python写爬虫时候,你会遇到所要爬取的网站有反爬取技术比如用同一个IP反复爬取同一个网页,很可能会被封。如何有效的解决这个问题呢?我们可以使用代理ip,来设置代理ip池。 现在教大家一个可获取大量免费有效快速的代理ip方法,我们访问西刺免费代理ip网址 这里面提供了许多代理ip,但是我们尝试过后会发现并不是每一个都是有效的。所以我们现在所要做的就是从里面提供的筛选出有效快速稳定的ip。 以下介绍的免费获取代理ip池的方法: 优点:免费、数量多、有效、速度快 缺点:需要定期筛选 主要思路: 从网址上爬取ip地址并存储 验证ip是否能使用-(随机访问网址判断响应码) 格式化ip地址 代码如下: 1.导入包 import requests from lxml import etree import time 1 2 3 2.获取西刺免费代理ip网址上的代理ip def get_all_proxy():     url = 'http://www.xicidaili.com/nn/1'     headers = {         'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/68.0.3440.106 Safari/537.36',     }     response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)     html_ele = etree.HTML(response.text)     ip_eles = html_ele.xpath('//table[@id="ip_list"]/tr/td[2]/text()')     port_ele = html_ele.xpath('//table[@id="ip_list"]/tr/td[3]/text()')     proxy_list = []     for i in range(0,len(ip_eles)):         proxy_str = 'http://' + ip_eles[i] + ':' + port_ele[i]         proxy_list.append(proxy_str)     return proxy_list 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 3.验证获取的ip def check_all_proxy(proxy_list):     valid_proxy_list = []     for proxy in proxy_list:         url = 'http://www.baidu.com/'         proxy_dict = {             'http': proxy         }         try:             start_time = time.time()             response = requests.get(url, proxies=proxy_dict, timeout=5)             if response.status_code == 200:                 end_time = time.time()                 print('代理可用:' + proxy)                 print('耗时:' + str(end_time - start_time))                 valid_proxy_list.append(proxy)             else:                 print('代理超时')         except:             print('代理不可用--------------->'+proxy)     return valid_proxy_list 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 4.输出获取ip池 if __name__ == '__main__':     proxy_list = get_all_proxy()     valid_proxy_list = check_all_proxy(proxy_list)     print('--'*30)     print(valid_proxy_list) 1 2 3 4 5 技术能力有限欢迎提出意见,保证积极向上不断学习 ———————————————— 版权声明:本文为CSDN博主「彬小二」的原创文章,遵循 CC 4.0 BY-SA 版权协议,转载请附上原文出处链接及本声明。 原文链接:https://blog.csdn.net/qq_39884947/article/details/86609930

    标签: python ip 代理 防止

    上传时间: 2019-11-15


  • 3GPP LTE Radio and Cellular Technology

    This book provides technical information about all aspects of 3GPP LTE. The areas covered range from basic concepts to research-grade material, including future directions. The book captures the current state of 3GPP LTE technology and serves as a source of comprehensive reference material on this subject. It has a total of 12 chapters authored by 50 experts from around the world. The targeted audi- ence includes professionals who are designers or planners for 3GPP LTE systems, researchers (faculty members and graduate students), and those who would like to learn about this field.

    标签: Technology Cellular Radio 3GPP LTE and

    上传时间: 2020-05-26
