mini Norm算法Matlab代码, DOA方向估计中最常用最简单的算法之一
上传时间: 2015-09-16
class for work with 3d Vectors: add, sub, saclar multiple, cross multiple, Norm, div
标签: multiple Vectors saclar class
上传时间: 2016-11-23
contains documents relating to improvement of adaptive beamforming using mixed Norm algorithm, combination of lms with smi algorithm, sample code for implementation of lms in matlab
标签: beamforming improvement algorithm documents
上传时间: 2014-01-21
Final draft of the ISO 14443 Norm
上传时间: 2013-12-18
基本矩阵运算 : + - *, power, transpose, trace, determinant, minor, matrix of minor, cofactor, matrix of cofactor, adjoint, inverse, gauss, gaussjordan, linear transformation, LU decomposition , Gram-Schmidt process, similarity. b) Basic vectors functions : Norm, distance, innerproduct,coldim, rowdim, rank, nullity. *
标签: matrix minor determinant transpose
上传时间: 2013-12-09
模拟人物和动画的书籍,由著名图形学专家Norm BADLER 编写,全面地介绍了人物动画的生成和开发。
上传时间: 2016-01-15
数值分析算法源码(java) 这个学期一边学习java一边学习数值分析,因此用java写了一个数值分析算法的软件包numericalAnalysis. [说明] 适合使用者:会java的,想要学习数值分析算法的人. 本代码对照书:数值分析第二版,史万明等编,北京理工大学出版社. 本代码尽量按书中描述的来写,可以提供参考. [使用方法] 在java的ide中新建一个项目,把numericalAnalysis包直接拷贝到此项目的源文件夹中,然后要解决什么问题,就相应的编译运行什么包. 另外有这些类的API提供参考,可以自己根据自己要求写驱动类.运行API文件夹中的index.html文件就行. [包的结构] numericalAnalysis包中又含有9个包,除function包的是接口外,其余包都含有一个独立的数值分析问题的类以及其驱动类.9个包如下: differential:微分问题 equation:方程 function:只含一个接口,用来让用户写自己的函数 functionApproximation:离散情况下函数逼近问题 integration:积分问题 interpolation:插值问题 linearEquationGroup:线性方程组问题(包括过定方程组) Norm:求解向量和矩阵的范数 ode:常微分方程数值解的求解
标签: java numericalAnalysis 数值分析 算法
上传时间: 2014-01-04
The main features of the considered identification problem are that there is no an a priori separation of the variables into inputs and outputs and the approximation criterion, called misfit, does not depend on the model representation. The misfit is defined as the minimum of the l2-Norm between the given time series and a time series that is consistent with the approximate model. The misfit is equal to zero if and only if the model is exact and the smaller the misfit is (by definition) the more accurate the model is. The considered model class consists of all linear time-invariant systems of bounded complexity and the complexity is specified by the number of inputs and the smallest number of lags in a difference equation representation. We present a Matlab function for approximate identification based on misfit minimization. Although the problem formulation is representation independent, we use input/state/output representations of the system in order
标签: identification considered features separati
上传时间: 2016-09-20
The toolbox solves a variety of approximate modeling problems for linear static models. The model can be parameterized in kernel, image, or input/output form and the approximation criterion, called misfit, is a weighted Norm between the given data and data that is consistent with the model. There are three main classes of functions in the toolbox: transformation functions, misfit computation functions, and approximation functions. The approximation functions derive an approximate model from data, the misfit computation functions are used for validation and comparison of models, and the transformation functions are used for deriving one model representation from another. KEYWORDS: Total least squares, generalized total least squares, software implementation.
标签: approximate The modeling problems
上传时间: 2013-12-20
Mapack可用来做矩阵运算 Mapack is a .NET class library for basic linear algebra computations. It supports the following matrix operations and properties: Multiplication, Addition, Subtraction, Determinant, Norm1, Norm2, Frobenius Norm, Infinity Norm, Rank, Condition, Trace, Cholesky, LU, QR, Single Value decomposition, Least Squares solver, Eigenproblem solver, Equation System solver. The algorithms were adapted from Mapack for COM, Lapack and the Java Matrix Package.
标签: Mapack computations supports algebra
上传时间: 2017-01-26