Embest Arm EduKit II Evaluation Board External Interrupt Test Example Please Select the trigger: 1 - Falling trigger 2 - Rising trigger 3 - Both Edge trigger 4 - Low level trigger 5 - High level trigger any key to exit... Press the buttons push buttons may have glitch Noise problem EINT6 had been occured... LED1 (D1204) on
标签: Evaluation Interrupt External Example
上传时间: 2015-10-08
A system simulation environment in Matlab/Simulink of RFID is constructed in this paper. Special attention is emphasized on the analog/RF circuit.Negative effects are concerned in the system model,such as phase Noise of the local oscillator,TX-RX coupling,reflection of the environment, AWGN Noise,DC offset,I/Q mismatch,etc.Performance of the whole system can be evaluated by changing the coding method,parameters of building blocks,and operation distance.Finally,some simulation results are presented in this paper.
标签: environment constructed simulation Simulink
上传时间: 2014-01-09
ITU-T G.729语音压缩算法。 description: Fixed-point description of commendation G.729 with ANNEX B Coding of Speech at 8 kbit/s using Conjugate-Structure Algebraic-Code-Excited Linear-Prediction (CS-ACELP) with Voice Activity Decision(VAD), Discontinuous Transmission(DTX), and Comfort Noise Generation(CNG).
标签: description commendation Fixed-point 729
上传时间: 2014-11-23
This program includes: [5 7] convolutional code (encoder) + BPSK + AWGN + MAP (decoder). It evaluates Bit Error Rate and plots it versus SNR(signal to Noise Ratio).
标签: convolutional includes program encoder
上传时间: 2015-12-24
We address the problem of blind carrier frequency-offset (CFO) estimation in quadrature amplitude modulation, phase-shift keying, and pulse amplitude modulation communications systems.We study the performance of a standard CFO estimate, which consists of first raising the received signal to the Mth power, where M is an integer depending on the type and size of the symbol constellation, and then applying the nonlinear least squares (NLLS) estimation approach. At low signal-to Noise ratio (SNR), the NLLS method fails to provide an accurate CFO estimate because of the presence of outliers. In this letter, we derive an approximate closed-form expression for the outlier probability. This enables us to predict the mean-square error (MSE) on CFO estimation for all SNR values. For a given SNR, the new results also give insight into the minimum number of samples required in the CFO estimation procedure, in order to ensure that the MSE on estimation is not significantly affected by the outliers.
标签: frequency-offset estimation quadrature amplitude
上传时间: 2014-01-22
An unsatisfactory property of particle filters is that they may become inefficient when the observation Noise is low. In this paper we consider a simple-to-implement particle filter, called ‘LIS-based particle filter’, whose aim is to overcome the above mentioned weakness. LIS-based particle filters sample the particles in a two-stage process that uses information of the most recent observation, too. Experiments with the standard bearings-only tracking problem indicate that the proposed new particle filter method is indeed a viable alternative to other methods.
标签: unsatisfactory inefficient property particle
上传时间: 2014-01-11
To estimate the input-output mapping with inputs x % and outputs y generated by the following nonlinear, % nonstationary state space model: % x(t+1) = 0.5x(t) + [25x(t)]/[(1+x(t))^(2)] % + 8cos(1.2t) + process Noise % y(t) = x(t)^(2) / 20 + 6 squareWave(0.05(t-1)) + 3 % + time varying measurement Noise % using a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) and both the EKF and % the hybrid importance-samping resampling (SIR) algorithm.
标签: input-output the generated following
上传时间: 2014-01-05
Analytical constant-modulus algorithm, to separate linear combinations of CM sourcesThe algorithm is robust in the presence of Noise, and is tested on measured data, collected from an experimental set-up.
标签: algorithm constant-modulus combinations Analytical
上传时间: 2016-02-17
This packet is a IS-95 baseband simulation for 1 data channel of 9.6 KBps rate. The simulation is written for static channel and AWGN Noise. The packet include: 1) Packet Builder (Viterbi Encoding, Interleaver, PN generation) 2) Modulator (RRC filter) 3) Demodulator (Matched Filter, RAKE receiver) 4) Receiver (HD or SD) (Deinterleaver, Viterbi Decoder).
标签: simulation baseband channel packet
上传时间: 2014-12-20
DBSCAN是一个基于密度的聚类算法。改算法将具有足够高度的区域划分为簇,并可以在带有“噪声”的空间数据库中发现任意形状的聚类。-DBSCAN is a density-based clustering algorithm. Algorithm change will have enough height to the regional cluster. and to be with the "Noise" of the spatial database found clusters of arbitrary shape.
上传时间: 2013-12-28