i have no time , for short, this is about serial port communication in VC envirement.
标签: communication envirement serial about
上传时间: 2014-11-01
The main features of the considered identification problem are that there is no an a priori separation of the variables into inputs and outputs and the approximation criterion, called misfit, does not depend on the model representation. The misfit is defined as the minimum of the l2-norm between the given time series and a time series that is consistent with the approximate model. The misfit is equal to zero if and only if the model is exact and the smaller the misfit is (by definition) the more accurate the model is. The considered model class consists of all linear time-invariant systems of bounded complexity and the complexity is specified by the number of inputs and the smallest number of lags in a difference equation representation. We present a Matlab function for approximate identification based on misfit minimization. Although the problem formulation is representation independent, we use input/state/output representations of the system in order
标签: identification considered features separati
上传时间: 2016-09-20
单片机简易数控电源no interupt 源代码
上传时间: 2014-12-02
蕃茄炸弹超人[ACT]I ve no Tomatoes 开放原始码,45度视角,有点像炸弹超人, 你操作一个"蕃茄",在迷宫里炸敌人,这是跨平台游戏。游戏目的很简单,就是把对手炸了,至於为什么主角是蕃茄... 游戏本身是开源的,而且跨Windows/Linux/Mac,基於SDL,说起来SDL跨平台的能力是很不错...虽然有些人不是很喜欢。游戏支援2人同时玩~
上传时间: 2016-10-02
This book is for you if You re no "dummy," and you need to get quickly up to speed in intermediate to advanced C++ You ve had some experience in C++ programming, but reading intermediate and advanced C++ books is slow-going You ve had an introductory C++ course, but you ve found that you still can t follow your colleagues when they re describing their C++ designs and code You re an experienced C or Java programmer, but you don t yet have the experience to develop nuanced C++ code and designs You re a C++ expert, and you re looking for an alternative to answering the same questions from your less-experienced colleagues over and over again C++ Common Knowledge covers essential but commonly misunderstood topics in C++ programming and design while filtering out needless complexity in the discussion of each topic. What remains is a clear distillation of the essentials required for production C++ programming, presented in the author s trademark incisive, engaging style.
标签: intermediate you quickly dummy
上传时间: 2014-01-09
abaqus 爆炸模拟 *Heading ** Job name: cbs Model name: Model-1 *Preprint, echo=NO, model=NO, history=NO, contact=NO ** ** PARTS ** *Part, name=Part-1 *Node
标签: Model name Preprint Heading
上传时间: 2016-10-15
*Heading ** Job name: cbs Model name: Model-1 *Preprint, echo=NO, model=NO, history=NO, contact=NO ** ** PARTS ** *Part, name=Part-1 *Node
上传时间: 2016-10-15
上传时间: 2016-10-16
本文简单介绍了OSI 抽象语法符号(ASN.1)的子集——基本编码规则(BER)和可辨别编码规则(DER)。
上传时间: 2014-01-22
Simulates the BER for BPSK modulation in Rayleigh channel
标签: modulation Simulates Rayleigh channel
上传时间: 2016-10-26