The second edition of WiMax Operator鈥檚 Manual includes most of the material from the first edition, plus new discussions of 鈥?The ultra-high-speed mobile telephone standard, HSDPA 鈥?Ultrawideband (UWB) 鈥?Changes to DSL technologies 鈥?Mobile voice 鈥?Mobile entertainment 鈥?New backup systems The new edition also reflects the changes that have occurred in the industry over the last year and half, including the emergence of restandards wireless broadband equipment with fully developed mobile capabilities, ignificant alterations in the competitive landscape, and he opening of valuable new spectrum for roadband wireless operators.
标签: edition the Operator includes
上传时间: 2014-01-02
Mac OS X for Java Geeks delivers a complete and detailed look at the Mac OS X platform, geared specifically at Java developers. Programmers using the 10.2 (Jaguar) release of Mac OS X, and the new JDK 1.4, have unprecedented new functionality available to them. Whether you are a Java newbie, working your way through Java Swing and classpath issues, or you are a Java guru, comfortable with digital media, reflection, and J2EE, this book will teach you how to get around on Mac OS X. You ll also get the latest information on how to build applications that run seamlessly, and identically, on Windows, Linux, Unix, and the Mac.
标签: Mac delivers complete detailed
上传时间: 2017-04-08
Learn to build applications with Jakarta Struts, the most popular JSP development framework. Struts Kick Start is a "hands-on" book filled with sample applications and code snippets you can reuse, and in-depth coverage of new features in Struts 1.1. If you are looking for a practical book that "shows you how to do it", then Struts Kick Start is for you. Plus, it s the first Struts book with detailed examples of the major Struts tags
标签: Struts applications development framework
上传时间: 2013-12-30
NanoStack is a 6lowpan IPv6 + IEEE 802.15.4 protocol stack, enabling wireless embedded and sensor networking. The goal is to help 6lowpan spread globally and to encourage new features from the IETF and ISA100 to be implemented and tested.
标签: NanoStack enabling embedded protocol
上传时间: 2014-01-21
Fortran has always been the principal language used in the fields of scientific, numerical, and engineering programming, and a series of revisions to the standard defining successive versions of the language has progressively enhanced its power and kept it competitive with several generations of rivals. Beginning in 1978, the technical committee responsible for the development of Fortran standards, X3J3 (now called J3), laboured to produce a new, much- needed modern version of the language, Fortran 90. Its purpose is to "promote portability, reliability, maintainability, and efficient execution... on a variety of computing systems". The standard was published in 1991, and work began in 1993 on a minor revision, known informally as Fortran 95. Now this revised
标签: scientific the principal numerical
上传时间: 2017-04-12
This paper presents a novel technique to increase the quality of medical images based on Histogram Equalization. In the proposed method first we have applied a noise reduction method and then we apply some suitable preprocessing on histogram of the medical images and after that histogram equalization has been applied on the new histogram. Our proposed method in despite of its simplicity has better results in compare to other usual methods based on histogram equalization. The quality of resulted images after applying our proposed methods has been tested on a database (medical images) with a confirmed criterion by viewer. Also we have considered a mathematical criterion for comparing our proposed algorithm with other available methods for contrast enhancement. Results show the better efficiency of the proposed method.
标签: Histogram technique increase presents
上传时间: 2017-04-20
servlet api全解 This document is built from the HTML documentations available at It is regularly updated, when new versions of original documentations become available. To download updates and many other WinHelp and HTMLHelp Java documentations for free, visit Franck Allimant s web site : (in English) (in French)
标签: documentations available document servlet
上传时间: 2013-12-14
HashTable实例 public class HashTable_msg { public HashTable_msg() { String sum_sql="select mobilenum,count(*) from SJSJ_Msg where (left(in_date,6)=(select left(CONVERT(varchar(12) , getdate(), 112 ),6)))group by mobilenum" Hashtable<String,Integer> ht = new Hashtable<String,Integer>() try{ ResultSet rs= DBAccess.getInstance().select(sum_sql) while(rs!=null) { ht.put(rs.getString(1),rs.getInt(2)) } } catch (Exception e) { Logs.printError(e) } } }
标签: HashTable_msg public HashTable sum_sql
上传时间: 2014-12-07
The BuildBot is a system to automate the compile/test cycle required by most software projects. CVS commits trigger new builds, run on a variety of client machines. Build status (pass/fail/etc) are displayed on a web page or through other protocols.
标签: BuildBot automate required projects
上传时间: 2017-05-06
Open-source, free, multi-platform BASIC compiler, with syntax similar MS-QuickBASIC (including the GFX statements), that adds new features such as pointers, unsigned data types, inline assembly, a pre-processor and many others.
标签: multi-platform MS-QuickBASIC Open-source including
上传时间: 2017-05-06