基于通用集成运算放大器,利用MASON公式设计了一个多功能二阶通用滤波器,能同时或分别实现低通、高通和带通滤波,也能设计成一个正交振荡器。电路的极点频率和品质因数能够独立、精确地调节。电路使用4个集成运放、2个电容和11个电阻,所有集成运放的反相端虚地。利用计算机仿真电路的通用滤波功能、极点频率和品质因数的独立控制和正交正弦振荡,从而证明该滤波器正确有效。 Abstract: A new multifunctional second-order filter based on OPs was presented by MASON formula. Functions, such as high-pass, band-pass, low-pass filtering, can be realized respectively and simultaneously, and can become a quadrature oscillator by modifying resistance ratio. Its pole angular frequency and quality factor can be tuned accurately and independently. The circuit presented contains four OPs, two capacitors, and eleven resistances, and inverting input of all OPs is virtual ground. Its general filtering, the independent control of pole frequency and quality factor and quadrature sinusoidal oscillation were simulated by computer, and the result shows that the presented circuit is valid and effective.
上传时间: 2013-10-09
jbuzzer is an application written in Java that allows mapping your comuter keyboard to sounds. It supports short samples as well as streaming format. The GUI allows dynamically adding and removing new slots for samples.
标签: application keyboard jbuzzer comuter
上传时间: 2014-12-07
该系统是本人课程设计作业,因为时间关系,只用了两天多的时间编成。所以有很多地方没有得到增强。版本为1.0。现作以下升级。 增加NEW,OPEN版本。 提高输入容错。判断输入的对错。 时间关系,搜索功能为线性搜索,现增强如下:f_search:费氏查找法;btree:二叉树查找法;l_search:线性查找法; r_search:递归折半查找法;zcsear:杂凑碰撞查找法;o_sear:插补查找加强法; 排序是冒泡法,现增强为:heaps:累堆排序;binary:二叉树排序;xieer:谢耳排序;sinsert:插入排序;quicks:快速排序;select:选择排序法; 有时间不仿试试。
上传时间: 2013-12-30
最新的支持向量机工具箱,有了它会很方便 1. Find time to write a proper list of things to do! 2. Documentation. 3. Support Vector Regression. 4. Automated model selection. REFERENCES ========== [1] V.N. Vapnik, "The Nature of Statistical Learning Theory", Springer-Verlag, New York, ISBN 0-387-94559-8, 1995. [2] J. C. Platt, "Fast training of support vector machines using sequential minimal optimization", in Advances in Kernel Methods - Support Vector Learning, (Eds) B. Scholkopf, C. Burges, and A. J. Smola, MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, chapter 12, pp 185-208, 1999. [3] T. Joachims, "Estimating the Generalization Performance of a SVM Efficiently", LS-8 Report 25, Universitat Dortmund, Fachbereich Informatik, 1999.
上传时间: 2013-12-16
介绍几种cpuThe 8xC251SA/SB/SP/SQ improves on the MCS-51 architecture and peripheral features, introducing the advanced register based CPU architecture i.e., the MCS 251 microcontroller architecture. The register based CPU supports a 40-byte register file. In addition, the 8xC251SA/SB/SP/SQ microcontroller has 256-Kbyte expanded external code/data memory space and 64-Kbyte stack space. The new controller is also specially designed to execute C code efficiently. More importantly, the 8xC251SA/SB/SP/SQ maintains binary code compatibility with MCS 51 microcontrollers but at the same time allows the use of the powerful MCS 251 microcontroller instruction set, with many new 8, 16 and 32 bit instructions available. The 8xC251SA/SB/SP/SQ has 512 bytes or 1 Kbyte of on-chip data RAM options and is available in 16 Kbytes and 8 Kbytes of on-chip ROM/OTPROM or ROMless options.
标签: architecture introducin peripheral improves
上传时间: 2015-03-15
The ability to create groups of reports, and grant users access to reports by group. The ability to generate reports as PDF, XLS, HTML, and CSV files. The ability to generate bar, pie and xy charts for inclusion in reports. The ability to schedule and email PDF, XLS, and CSV reports. The ability to define reusable report parameters. Available parameter types include Date, Text, and Query Parameters. The ability to create multiple DataSources for use in generating reports. Support for JNDI DataSources and internal connection pooling via Commons-DBCP is included. The ability to upload and hot deploy new reports. Web based administration of users, groups, reports, parameters, and datasources. Cross platform database support via Hibernate based persistence layer. Available in a preconfigured bundle with Apache Tomcat.
上传时间: 2014-01-14
在一个类中要用到另一个类的方法,通常是在文件 ∶ 头import进来,然后在用到时再new一个对象,我现在 ∶ 希望我的一个类里有一个方法,该方法接受一个类名和 ∶ 一个方法名,然后在在程序中动态的调用其他类的方法 ∶ 而不要在文件头import该类,免得每引用一个类的方法就要 ∶ 从新编译,如何实现呢? ∶ 另外在java里调c++的dll文件我也没试通,请各位大虾 ∶ 指教! ∶ 多谢,多谢!
上传时间: 2013-12-21
LED段码计算工具,增加了方便的功能 NEW
上传时间: 2015-03-23
先编写MFC DLL,打开VC++6.0 => File => New => Project => MFC AppWizzard(dll),在 Project name 里输入Calc =>Next => Finish. 好了,现在你打开Workspace的FileView就可以看到已经有Calc.h、Calc.cpp、stdafx.h、stdafx.cpp这4个文件了.
上传时间: 2013-12-21
上传时间: 2014-01-26