The tar file contains the following files: ptfsf.c: heart of the perfect TFSF code ptfsf.h: header file for same ptfsf-demo.c: FDTD code which demonstrates use of perfect TFSF code. Essentially this program used to generate results shown in the paper ptfsf-file-maker.c: code to generate an incident-field file using the "perfect" incident fields ptfsf-demo-file.c: FDTD code which uses the perfect incident fields stored in a file fdtdgen.h: defines macros used in much of my code Makefile: simple make-file to compile programs Also include are some simple script files to run the programs with reasonable values. The code assumes a two-dimensional computational domain with TMz polarization (i.e., non-zero field Ez, Hx, and Hy). The program is currently written so that the incident field always strikes the lower-left corner of the total-field region first. (If you want a different corner, that should be a fairly simple tweak to the code, but for now you ll have to make that tweak yourself.)
标签: ptfsf following the contains
上传时间: 2013-11-28
The Reed-Somolon code is specified by the finite field, the length (length <= 2^m-1), the number of redundant symbols (length-k), and the initial zero of the code, init_zero, such that the zeros are: init_zero, init_zero+1, ..., init_zero+length-k-1
标签: length the Reed-Somolon specified
上传时间: 2014-07-31
zemax源码: This DLL models a standard ZEMAX surface type, either plane, sphere, or conic The surface also demonstrates a user-defined apodization filter The filter is defined as part of the real ray trace, case 5 The filter can be used at the stop to produce x-y Gaussian apodization similar to the Gaussian pupil apodization in ZEMAX but separate in x and y. The amplitude apodization is of the form EXP[-(Gx(x/R)^2 + Gy(y/R)^2)] The transmission is of the form EXP[-2(Gx(x/R)^2 + Gy(y/R)^2)] where x^2 + y^2 = r^2 R = semi-diameter The tranmitted intensity is maximum in the center. T is set to 0 if semi-diameter < 1e-10 to avoid division by zero.
标签: standard surface models either
上传时间: 2013-12-05
This article describes Atmel’s FingerChip technology for electronic fingerprint sensing that combines the advantages of small size, low cost, high accuracy, zero maintenance, low energy consumption and portability. This technology has applications in a wide range of fixed and portable secured devices including access control systems, cash terminals, public transport, PCs, PDAs, Smart Card readers and motor vehicles. It can be used in almost any situation where rapid, reliable and accurate identification or authentication of an individual is required.
标签: fingerprint FingerChip technology electronic
上传时间: 2013-12-27
Input The input contains blocks of 2 lines. The first line contains the number of sticks parts after cutting, there are at most 64 sticks. The second line contains the lengths of those parts separated by the space. The last line of the file contains zero. Output The output should contains the smallest possible length of original sticks, one per line. Sample Input 9 5 2 1 5 2 1 5 2 1 4 1 2 3 4 0 Sample Output 6 5
标签: contains The blocks number
上传时间: 2015-10-27
CORDIC (Coordinate Rotation Digital Computer) is a method for computing elementary functions using minimal hardware such as shifts, adds/subs and compares. CORDIC works by rotating the coordinate system through constant angles until the angle is reduces to zero. The angle offsets are selected such that the operations on X and Y are only shifts and adds.
标签: Coordinate elementary computing functions
上传时间: 2015-11-08
UC Library Extensions UnderC comes with a pocket implementation of the standard C++ libraries, which is a reasonably faithful subset. This documentation describes those UnderC functions and classes which are not part of the C++ standard. UC Library Builtin functions: Most of these are standard C functions, but there are a few unique to the UnderC system which give you runtime access to the compiler. You may evaluate expressions, execute commands, compile code, etc. * Expands the text in expr using the UnderC preprocessor, putting the result into buff. void uc_macro_subst(const char* expr, char* buff, int buffsize) * Executes a UC #-command, like #l or #help. uc_cmd() expects the name of the command, _without_ the hash, e.g. uc_cmd("l fred.cpp") or uc_cmd("help"). void uc_cmd(const char* cmd) * Evaluates any C++ expression or statement will return non-zero if unsuccessful.
标签: implementation Extensions libraries standard
上传时间: 2013-12-14
% A 2D homogeneous convection-diffusion case (u=exp(-ex*deta*x-ex*deta*y) with a square with % all Dirichlet boundary, note that reaction coefficient is not zero % by indirect BKM
标签: convection-diffusion deta with homogeneous
上传时间: 2016-01-03
空间音乐查询工具1.9 1122 本工具采集php抓取QQ空间音乐。 换播放器可直接去qq空间音乐播放器 系统要求 PHP+ZEND3.3以后 cache 目录可写 cfg_qq_file.txt 可写 用二进制模式上传本系统文件 确认服务器能ping 文件目录说明 player 播放器目录 cache 查询缓存目录,必须为可写 style 风格目录,所有风格存放此目录,config.php中$cfg_style来确认要现实的风格目录,默认为default config.php系统配置文件 index.php主程序 cfg_qq_file.txt为最近查询的QQ号码,文件必须可写 top.js头部JS foot.js底部JS 屏蔽底部copyright,修改样式#copyright{display:none},支持本工具的请保留
上传时间: 2014-11-26
Algorithms for the estimation of a channel whose impulse response is characterized by a large number of zero tap coefficients are developed and compared.
标签: characterized Algorithms estimation response
上传时间: 2013-12-26