比较字符串sample.asm(文件名) 试编写一程序:比较两个字符串stringl和string2所含的字符是否相同。若相同则显示‘Match’,否则,显示‘No match’。
标签: stringl string2 sample Match
上传时间: 2013-12-24
Shut the Box is a simple diversion written in C and GTK+. The object is simple: Roll the dice and click the tiles that sum up to that dice roll until there are no more tiles to click.
上传时间: 2014-12-03
1)自选存储结构,输入含n个顶点(用字符表示顶点)和e 条边的图G; (2)求每个顶点的度,输出结果; (3)指定任意顶点x为初始顶点,对图G作DFS遍历,输出DFS 顶点序列(提示:使用一个栈实现DFS); (4)指定任意顶点x为初始顶点,对图G作BFS遍历,输出BFS 顶点序列(提示:使用一个队列实现BFS); (5)输入顶点x,查找图G:若存在含x的顶点,则删除该结点及 与之相关连的边,并作DFS遍历(执行操作3);否则输出信 息“无x”; (6)判断图G是否是连通图,输出信息“YES”/“NO”; (7)如果选用的存储结构是邻接矩阵,则用邻接矩阵的信息生 成图G的邻接表,即复制图G,然再执行操作(2);反之亦然。
上传时间: 2013-12-26
Connector/Net 5.0.6 Release Notes --- --- --- Welcome to the release notes for Connector/Net 5.0.6. Important Changes --------------------- There are no major changes in this version. Please see the changelog for the list of bugs fixed.
标签: Connector Net Release Welcome
上传时间: 2013-12-16
Free open-source disk encryption software for Windows Vista/XP, Mac OS X, and Linux Main Features: * Creates a virtual encrypted disk within a file and mounts it as a real disk. * Encrypts an entire partition or storage device such as USB flash drive or hard drive. * Encrypts a partition or drive where Windows is installed (pre-boot authentication). * Encryption is automatic, real-time (on-the-fly) and transparent. * Provides two levels of plausible deniability, in case an adversary forces you to reveal the password: 1) Hidden volume (steganography) and hidden operating system. 2) No TrueCrypt volume can be identified (volumes cannot be distinguished from random data). * Encryption algorithms: AES-256, Serpent, and Twofish. Mode of operation: XTS. Further information regarding features of the software may be found in the:http://www.truecrypt.org/
标签: open-source encryption Features software
上传时间: 2013-12-20
The Red Hat Linux and Fedora distributions have become one of the major Linux distributions, bringing to the PC all the power and flexibility of a Unix workstation as well as a complete set of Internet applications and a fully functional desktop interface. This book is designed not only to be a complete reference on Linux, but also to provide clear and detailed explanations of Linux features. No prior knowledge of Unix is assumed Linux is an operating system anyone can use
标签: distributions Linux Fedora become
上传时间: 2017-02-11
To review what a metaball is, and how to render them and to describe a new optimization I ve made for rendering metaballs. For complex scenes, it can render hundreds of times faster, though I m certain others have discovered this trick as well. It does very slightly change the characteristic shape of the blobs, but there is no loss in image quality whatsoever. (I actually developed all this about two years ago, but just now felt like writing it all down, and had the time!)
标签: optimization and metaball describe
上传时间: 2013-12-27
Custom Visual Basic Packager and Installer for Visual Basic Developers. This is a group of standard exe projects 1. Packager 2. Setup1 The packager works like Visual basic Application deployment Wizard. And the setup1 project is used for the installation of the package. This project demonstrates how to compile visual basic project without launching the Vb6 kit and retrieving the dependency Files of any Visual basic project (although roughly done without any specific algorithm), Somebody can help me with this. I don’ t have time for the project, so I don’ t want any comment on the code indentation or arrangement and variable scoping. Comments are in the code therefore it would not be a problem to understand the code. If anyone wants to vote, I will like it Oh! I found some of the setup1 code and modify it with new features, so i have no or less credit for the setup1 project I felt like sharing code with PSCites. Thats why I made it
标签: Visual Basic Developers Installer
上传时间: 2017-02-26
回文素数序列 查找两个正整数 m 和n 之间既是素数又是回文数的所有数(包括m 和 n),其中,m 不大于n。并按从小到大顺序输出这些数,如果 没有这样的数,则输出 no (回文数是正向看和逆向看相等的数,如,123321,121)。
上传时间: 2013-12-24
有限元素求和 给定具有n个不同元素的整数集合A和另一个整数值M,问,可否从A中取最多k次元素(所取元素可以相同),使得所取的元素和为M。 例如,从n=3个元素的集合A={1, 4, 6}中取最多 k=3次,使 M=13 。可以取 1+6+6=13,若m=6,则可以直接取6 或者 1+1+4。 若可以,则输出 yes,否则,输出no.
上传时间: 2017-02-28