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  • NEURAL Networks and Deep Learning(简体中文)

    NEURAL Networks and Deep Learning(简体中文),比较经典的深度学习入门教程。

    标签: Networks Learning NEURAL Deep and 简体中文

    上传时间: 2016-11-09


  • NEURAL Systems For Control

    If you are acquainted with NEURAL networks, automatic control problems are good industrial applications and have a dynamic or evolutionary nature lacking in static pattern-recognition; control ideas are also prevalent in the study of the natural NEURAL networks found in animals and human beings. If you are interested in the practice and theory of control, artificial neu- ral networks offer a way to synthesize nonlinear controllers, filters, state observers and system identifiers using a parallel method of computation.

    标签: Control Systems NEURAL For

    上传时间: 2020-06-10


  • 基于BP神经网络的永磁同步电机自适应控制研究.rar

    本文拟借助于神经网络良好的逼近能力,实现永磁同步电机的无位置传感器控制。 人工神经网络(NEURAL Network)可以逼近任意复杂非线性映射,具有很强的自学习自适应能力,十分适合于解决复杂的非线性控制问题。其中,BP神经网络是目前广泛应用的神经网络之一,得到了较为深入的研究,其结构简单,需要离线确定的参数少、泛化能力强、逼近精度高、实时性强,采用BP神经网络实现永磁同步电机的调速控制具有重要意义。 文中提出了基于BP神经网络的永磁同步电机自适应调速控制策略,建立了一种包含辨识网络和控制网络的双神经网络结构控制系统。辨识网络在线动态辨识系统输出并对控制网络参数进行调整,控制网络与PI控制方法相结合实现永磁同步电机自适应转速控制。仿真结果表明,该系统动态响应快、实时性较强、精度较高。 文中提出了一种基于混合训练算法的BP神经网络永磁同步电机无位置传感器控制方法。采用混沌优化和梯度下降法相结合的混合算法对BP神经网络进行离线训练后,将其用于永磁同步电机的转子位置角在线估计。结果表明,该训练算法可以有效地加快神经网络收敛速度,且估计的转子位置角误差较小、精度较高。 文中建立了以TMS320F2812芯片为核心的永磁同步电机调速控制系统,并进行了相应的软硬件设计,为实现永磁同步电机的各种控制策略奠定了实验基础。DSP控制系统为神经网络训练提供样本,为研究永磁同步电机的自适应调速控制和转子位置角估计创造了条件。

    标签: BP神经网络 永磁同步电机 自适应控制

    上传时间: 2013-05-23


  • 基于BP神经网络的永磁同步电机自适应控制研究.rar

    永磁同步电机(Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor)因功率密度大、效率高、过载能力强、控制性能优良等优点,在中小容量调速系统和高精度调速场合发展迅速。但由于永磁同步电机的磁场具有独特的交叉耦合和交叉饱和现象,且其控制系统是一个强非线性、时变和多变量系统,要实现高精度调速就需对其控制策略进行深入研究。 永磁同步电机调速系统中,位置传感器的存在使得系统成本增加、结构复杂、可靠性降低,所以永磁同步电机的无位置传感器控制成为一个新的研究热点。本文拟借助于神经网络良好的逼近能力,实现永磁同步电机的无位置传感器控制。 人工神经网络(NEURAL Network)可以逼近任意复杂非线性映射,具有很强的自学习自适应能力,十分适合于解决复杂的非线性控制问题。其中,BP神经网络是目前广泛应用的神经网络之一,得到了较为深入的研究,其结构简单,需要离线确定的参数少、泛化能力强、逼近精度高、实时性强,采用BP神经网络实现永磁同步电机的调速控制具有重要意义。 文中提出了基于BP神经网络的永磁同步电机自适应调速控制策略,建立了一种包含辨识网络和控制网络的双神经网络结构控制系统。辨识网络在线动态辨识系统输出并对控制网络参数进行调整,控制网络与PI控制方法相结合实现永磁同步电机自适应转速控制。仿真结果表明,该系统动态响应快、实时性较强、精度较高。 文中提出了一种基于混合训练算法的BP神经网络永磁同步电机无位置传感器控制方法。采用混沌优化和梯度下降法相结合的混合算法对BP神经网络进行离线训练后,将其用于永磁同步电机的转子位置角在线估计。结果表明,该训练算法可以有效地加快神经网络收敛速度,且估计的转子位置角误差较小、精度较高。 文中建立了以TMS320F2812芯片为核心的永磁同步电机调速控制系统,并进行了相应的软硬件设计,为实现永磁同步电机的各种控制策略奠定了实验基础。DSP控制系统为神经网络训练提供样本,为研究永磁同步电机的自适应调速控制和转子位置角估计创造了条件。

    标签: BP神经网络 永磁同步电机 自适应控制

    上传时间: 2013-07-03


  • java人工股市源码

    java人工股市源码,用了GA(Genetic Algorithm)和ANN(Artificial NEURAL Network)。内附程序详细说明,强烈推荐!

    标签: java 人工 源码

    上传时间: 2015-02-26


  • Description: C4.5Rule-PANE is a rule learning method which could generate accurate and comprehensibl

    Description: C4.5Rule-PANE is a rule learning method which could generate accurate and comprehensible symbolic rules, through regarding a NEURAL network ensemble as a pre-process of a rule inducer. Reference: Z.-H. Zhou and Y. Jiang. Medical diagnosis with C4.5 rule preceded by artificial NEURAL network ensemble. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, 2003, vol.7, no.1, pp.37-42. 使用神经网络集成方法诊断糖尿病,肝炎,乳腺癌症的案例研究.

    标签: comprehensibl Description Rule-PANE accurate

    上传时间: 2013-11-30


  • The purpose of this computer program is to allow the user to construct, train and test differenttype

    The purpose of this computer program is to allow the user to construct, train and test differenttypes of artificial NEURAL networks. By implementing the concepts of templates, inheritance andderived classes from C++ object oriented programming, the necessity for declaring multiple largestructures and duplicate attributes is reduced. Utilizing dynamic binding and memory allocationafforded by C++, the user can choose to develop four separate types of NEURAL networks:

    标签: differenttype construct computer purpose

    上传时间: 2013-12-06


  • The Netlab toolbox is designed to provide the central tools necessary for the simulation of theoreti

    The Netlab toolbox is designed to provide the central tools necessary for the simulation of theoretically well founded NEURAL network algorithms and related models for use in teaching, research and applications development. It contains many techniques which are not yet available in standard NEURAL network simulation packages

    标签: simulation necessary the designed

    上传时间: 2013-12-11


  • MULTIDIMENSIONAL SCALING in matlab by Mark Steyvers 1999 %needs optimization toolbox %Modified b

    MULTIDIMENSIONAL SCALING in matlab by Mark Steyvers 1999 %needs optimization toolbox %Modified by Bruce Land %--Data via globals to anaylsis programs %--3D plotting with color coded groups %--Mapping of MDS space to spike train temporal profiles as described in %Aronov, et.al. "NEURAL coding of spatial phase in V1 of the Macaque" in %press J. Neurophysiology

    标签: MULTIDIMENSIONAL optimization Modified Steyvers

    上传时间: 2015-08-26


  • ICA介绍课件。There has been a wide discussion about the application of Independence Component Analysis (I

    ICA介绍课件。There has been a wide discussion about the application of Independence Component Analysis (ICA) in Signal Processing, NEURAL Computation and Finance, first introduced as a novel tool to separate blind sources in a mixed signal. The Basic idea of ICA is to reconstruct from observation sequences the hypothesized independent original sequences

    标签: Independence application discussion Component

    上传时间: 2016-01-12
