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  • Multi-Standard+CMOS+Wireless+Receivers

    Wireless communication is witnessing  tremendous growth with great proliferation of different standards covering wide ,local and personal area NETWORKS

    标签: Multi-Standard Receivers Wireless CMOS

    上传时间: 2020-05-31


  • Network+Routing+Fundamentals,+Applications

    Coverage of routing techniques in various wired and wireless NETWORKS is the unique proposition of this book. Routing protocols and algorithms are the brains of any network. The selection of topics in this book is clear: we attempt to explain routing in its entirety, starting from fundamental concepts, then moving through routing on the Internet, and finally cutting across the recent‐day cellular, ad hoc, and wireless NETWORKS

    标签: Fundamentals Applications Network Routing

    上传时间: 2020-05-31


  • Networking Fundamentals

    Informationnetworkinghasemergedasamultidisciplinarydiversifiedareaofresearchover thepastfewdecades.Fromtraditionalwiredtelephonytocellularvoicetelephonyandfrom wired access to wireless access to the Internet, information NETWORKS have profoundly impactedourlifestyle.Atthetimeofwriting,over3billionpeoplearesubscribedtocellular services and close to a billion residences have Internet connections.

    标签: Fundamentals Networking

    上传时间: 2020-05-31


  • NETWORKS and Telecommunications

    the second ediyion of this text is a much larger work than the first edition,having needed to expand with extensively new section on data

    标签: NETWORKS and Telecommunications

    上传时间: 2020-05-31


  • Next Generation Mobile Broadcasting

    Mobile wireless communications are in constant evolution due to the continu- ously increasing requirements and expectations of both users and operators. Mass multimedia* services have been for a long time expected to generate a large amount of data traffic in future wireless NETWORKS [1]. Mass multimedia services are, by definition, purposed for many people. In general, it can be distinguished between the distribution of any popular content over a wide area and the distribu- tion of location-dependent information in highly populated areas. Representative examples include the delivery of live video streaming content (like sports compe- titions, concerts, or news) and file download (multimedia clips, digital newspa- pers, or software updates).

    标签: Broadcasting Generation Mobile Next

    上传时间: 2020-05-31


  • Opportunistic+Spectrum+Sharing

    Rapid growth of wireless communication services in recent decades has created a huge demand of radio spectrum. Spectrum scarcity and utilization inefficiency limit the development of wireless NETWORKS. Cognitive radio is a promising tech- nology that allows secondary users to reuse the underutilized licensed spectrum of primary users. The major challenge for spectrum sharing is to achieve high spectrum efficiency while making non-intrusive access to the licensed bands. This requires in- formation of availability and quality of channel resources at secondary transmitters, however, is difficult to be obtained perfectly in practice.

    标签: Opportunistic Spectrum Sharing

    上传时间: 2020-05-31


  • Optical Wireless Communication Systems

    Optical wireless communication is an emerging and dynamic research and development area that has generated a vast number of interesting solutions to very complicated communication challenges. For example, high data rate, high capacity and minimum interference links for short-range communication for inter-building communication, computer-to-computer communication, or sensor NETWORKS. At the opposite extreme is a long-range link in the order of millions of kilometers in the new mission to Mars and other solar system planets.

    标签: Communication Wireless Optical Systems

    上传时间: 2020-05-31


  • Personal+NETWORKS+Wireless+Networking

    Recent decades have shown a tremendous expansion of the Internet. The number of connected terminals has increased by orders of magnitude, traffic has grown exponen- tially, coverage has become ubiquitous and worldwide, and today’s sophisticated Web 2.0 applications are increasingly providing services which hitherto have been the realm of telecommunications, such as Skype and video conferencing. This has even led to the thought that access to the Internet might one day be a universal right of every citizen. This evolution will accelerate in the coming decades. 

    标签: Networking Personal NETWORKS Wireless

    上传时间: 2020-05-31


  • Physical Layer Security in Wireless Communications

    The ever-increasing demand for private and sensitive data transmission over wireless net- works has made security a crucial concern in the current and future large-scale, dynamic, and heterogeneous wireless communication systems. To address this challenge, computer scientists and engineers have tried hard to continuously come up with improved crypto- graphic algorithms. But typically we do not need to wait too long to find an efficient way to crack these algorithms. With the rapid progress of computational devices, the current cryptographic methods are already becoming more unreliable. In recent years, wireless re- searchers have sought a new security paradigm termed physical layer security. Unlike the traditional cryptographic approach which ignores the effect of the wireless medium, physi- cal layer security exploits the important characteristics of wireless channel, such as fading, interference, and noise, for improving the communication security against eavesdropping attacks. This new security paradigm is expected to complement and significantly increase the overall communication security of future wireless NETWORKS.

    标签: Communications Physical Security Wireless Layer in

    上传时间: 2020-05-31


  • Principles of Spread Spectrum

    The goal of this book is to provide a concise but lucid explanation and deriva- tion of the fundamentals of spread-spectrum communication systems. Although spread-spectrum communication is a staple topic in textbooks on digital com- munication, its treatment is usually cursory, and the subject warrants a more intensive exposition. Originally adopted in military NETWORKS as a means of ensuring secure communication when confronted with the threats of jamming and interception, spread-spectrum systems are now the core of commercial ap- plications such as mobile cellular and satellite communication. 

    标签: Principles Spectrum Spread of

    上传时间: 2020-05-31
