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  • 这是一个好用的MD5的C++类;这个类可以加在控制台 程序中也可用在MFC中

    这是一个好用的MD5的C++类;这个类可以加在控制台 程序中也可用在MFC中, 并且提供了详细的错误处理 函数,是一个安全的类。例程是一个MD5的MFC程序, 支持字符串和文件两种输入。 LPCSTR TargetFile(char *filename=NULL) //计算文件的MD5值 void TargetStr(LPCSTR str) //计算字符串的MD5值 LPCSTR GetDigestKey() //取MD5运算后的结果 LPCSTR GetErr() //如果有错误,取错误字串

    标签: MD5 MFC 控制台 程序

    上传时间: 2015-04-04


  • unit Other interface Uses Windows,tlhelp32,PsAPI type PStrData = ^TStrData TStrData

    unit Other interface Uses Windows,tlhelp32,PsAPI type PStrData = ^TStrData TStrData = record Ident: Integer Str: string end TUseInfo=record QQ, Mail, Page:string DL:boolean end TSendMailInfo=record IPAddress, FAddress, FName, FPW, FCName, FCPW:string //发信邮箱检证用户密码 end { FloatToText, FloatToTextFmt, TextToFloat, and FloatToDecimal type codes }

    标签: TStrData interface PStrData Windows

    上传时间: 2014-12-22


  • There are some 79 or so Matlab files here which will help in many aspects of the computer vision str

    There are some 79 or so Matlab files here which will help in many aspects of the computer vision structure from motion problem, a full description is provided in the manual, torrsam.ps.

    标签: computer aspects Matlab vision

    上传时间: 2014-01-02


  • Wavelets have widely been used in many signal and image processing applications. In this paper, a ne

    Wavelets have widely been used in many signal and image processing applications. In this paper, a new serial-parallel architecture for wavelet-based image compression is introduced. It is based on a 4-tap wavelet transform, which is realised using some FIFO memory modules implementing a pixel-level pipeline architecture to compress and decompress images. The real filter calculation over 4 · 4 window blocks is done using a tree of carry save adders to ensure the high speed processing required for many applications. The details of implementing both compressor and decompressor sub-systems are given. The primarily analysis reveals that the proposed architecture, implemented using current VLSI technologies, can process a video stream in real time.

    标签: applications processing Wavelets widely

    上传时间: 2014-01-22


  • header file of the specific codes for LPC2100 target boards ** Every project should include a

    header file of the specific codes for LPC2100 target boards ** Every project should include a copy of this file, user may modify it as ne

    标签: specific include project header

    上传时间: 2014-01-14


  • header file of the specific codes for LPC2100 target boards Every project should include a copy of

    header file of the specific codes for LPC2100 target boards Every project should include a copy of this file, user may modify it as ne

    标签: specific include project header

    上传时间: 2013-11-27


  • 蓝牙协议(GAVDP)This profile defines the requirements for Bluetooth™ devices necessary to set up str

    蓝牙协议(GAVDP)This profile defines the requirements for Bluetooth™ devices necessary to set up streaming channels used for support of audio/video distribution. The requirements are expressed in terms of services provided to applications, and by defining the features and procedures that are required for interoperability between Bluetooth devices in the Audio/Video Distribution usage model.

    标签: requirements Bluetooth necessary profile

    上传时间: 2014-01-04


  • 本文简要介绍了集成电路MAX038的性能

    本文简要介绍了集成电路MAX038的性能,并给出了以MAX038波形产生器为核心具有四种输出波形的函数 信号发生器的设计方案。用这种方法设计的信号发生器具有结构简单、成本低、体积小等特点,很好地满足 了一般的实验要求。 关键词:集成电路 信号发生器 频率 Abstract:The performance ofIC_MAX038 was introduced briefly in this paper.At the sa/ne time,a signal generator design making with integrated circuit MAX038 is provided,which can produce four kinds of waveforms output.The signal generator was of characters such as simple structur,cheap expense,small volume and SO on.The signal generator contents the demand of general experiments very wel1. Key words:Integrated circuit Signal generator Frequency

    标签: MAX 038 集成电路 性能

    上传时间: 2013-12-12


  • 词法分析器制作与应用 设计思想 (1)程序主体结构部分: 说明部分 %% 规则部分 %% 辅助程序部分 (2)主体结构的说明 在这里说明部分告诉我们使用的LETTER,DIGIT,

    词法分析器制作与应用 设计思想 (1)程序主体结构部分: 说明部分 %% 规则部分 %% 辅助程序部分 (2)主体结构的说明 在这里说明部分告诉我们使用的LETTER,DIGIT, IDENT(标识符,通常定义为字母开头的字母数字串)和STR(字符串常量,通常定义为双引号括起来的一串字符)是什么意思.这部分也可以包含一些初始化代码.例如用#include来使用标准的头文件和前向说明(forward ,references).这些代码应该再标记"%{"和"%}"之间 规则部分> 可以包括任何你想用来分析的代码 我们这里包括了忽略所有注释中字符的功能,传送ID名称和字符串常量内容到主调函数和main函数的功能. (3)实现原理 程序中先判断这个句语句中每个单元为关键字、常数、运算符、界符,对与不同的单词符号给出不同编码形式的编码,用以区分之。 PL/0语言的EBNF表示 <常量定义>::=<标识符>=<无符号整数> <标识符>::=<字母>={<字母>|<数字>} <加法运算符>::=+|- <乘法运算符>::=*|/ <关系运算符>::==|#|<|<=|>|>= <字母>::=a|b|…|X|Y|Z <数字>::=0|1|2|…|8|9

    标签: LETTER DIGIT 程序

    上传时间: 2015-11-04


  • 根据用户输入的命令行选项的不同

    根据用户输入的命令行选项的不同,来实现三种功能:argc为2时,命令格式为 myfind <pathname> 它要统计出,在常规文件中,文件长度不大于4096字节的常规文件,在所有允许访问的普通文件中所占的百分比。不允许打印出任何路径名。 argc为4且argv[2] == “-comp”时,命令格式为 myfind <pathname> -comp <filename> 输出在<pathname>目录子树之下,所有与<filename>文件内容一致的文件的绝对路径名。不允许输出任何其它的路径名,包括不可访问的路径名。当参数pathname不是绝对路径时,调用getcwd()等函数来取得文件的绝对路径名。 argc 大于等于4且argv[2] == “-name”时,命令格式为myfind <pathname> -name <str>…<str>…是一个以空格分隔的文件名序列(不带目录)。命令输出<pathname>目录子树之下,所有与<str>…序列中文件名相同的文件的绝对路径名。不允许输出不可访问的或无关的路径名。

    标签: 用户 命令行 输入

    上传时间: 2014-11-30
