生成Bipartite Graphs ./distributions -u -m 1 -M 10 -n 100 -s 500 > top_distrib ./distributions -p -2.2 -m 1 -M 100 -n 200 -s 500 > bottom_distrib ./random_bipartite -t top_distrib -b bottom_distrib > bn_test
标签: distributions top_distrib Bipartite Graphs
上传时间: 2015-10-02
American Gladiator,You are consulting for a game show in which n contestants are pitted against n gladiators in order to see which contestants are the best. The game show aims to rank the contestants in order of strength this is done via a series of 1-on-1 matches between contestants and gladiators. If the contestant is stronger than the gladiator, then the contestant wins the match otherwise, the gladiator wins the match. If the contestant and gladiator have equal strength, then they are “perfect equals” and a tie is declared. We assume that each contestant is the perfect equal of exactly one gladiator, and each gladiator is the perfect equal of exactly one contestant. However, as the gladiators sometimes change from one show to another, we do not know the ordering of strength among the gladiators.
标签: contestants consulting Gladiator are
上传时间: 2013-12-18
Preparation of a function, even to the importation of n, the function call seeking +1/n 1/2+1/4+ .... When n is odd input, the function call 1/1+1/3+ ... +1/n (using function pointer)
标签: function Preparation importation the
上传时间: 2014-01-21
--- --- --- ----UART0: 115200,8,n,1------------------------------- Embest S3CEV40 >Embest Info&Tech Co., Ltd. Embest Info&Tech Co., Ltd. Embest S3CEV40 >
上传时间: 2013-11-30
Embest S3C44B0X Evaluation Board RTC Test Example RTC Check(Y/N)? y Set Default Time at 2004-12-31 FRI 23:59:59 Set Alarm Time at 2005-01-01 00:00:01 ... RTC Alarm Interrupt O.K. ... Current Time is 2005-01-01 SAT 00:00:01 RTC Working now. To set date(Y/N)? y Current date is (2005,01,01, SAT). input new date (yy-mm-dd w): 5-2-23 3 Current date is: 2005-02-23 WED RTC Working now. To set time(Y/N)? y Current time is (00:00:21). To set time(hh:mm:ss): 19:32:5 Current Time is 2005-02-23 WED 19:32:
标签: Evaluation RTC S3C44B0X Default
上传时间: 2014-01-03
上传时间: 2014-01-15
此程序实现八嗲DFT运算,已调试通过! N为运算的点数,运行后再输入运算对象,然后回车即可!
上传时间: 2014-01-26
基于决策树的n则交叉验证分类器 (决策树程序直接调用matlab中的) crossvalidate.m N则交叉验证程序,N可选 NDT.mat 含9个国际公认标准数据集,已做过标么处理,可直接使用 专业
标签: crossvalidate matlab 决策树 交叉验证
上传时间: 2013-12-29
假定已经有许多应用采用了程序1 - 1 5中所定义的C u r r e n c y类,现在我们想要对C u r r e n c y类 的描述进行修改,使其应用频率最高的两个函数A d d和I n c r e m e n t可以运行得更快,从而提高应 用程序的执行速度。由于用户仅能通过p u b l i c部分所提供的接口与C u r r e n c y类进行交互,
上传时间: 2015-10-11
邻接矩阵类的根是A d j a c e n c y W D i g r a p h,因此从这个类开始。程序1 2 - 1给出了类的描述。程 序中,先用程序1 - 1 3中函数Make2DArray 为二组数组a 分配空间,然后对数组a 初始化,以描述 一个n 顶点、没有边的图的邻接矩阵,其复杂性为( n2 )。该代码没有捕获可能由M a k e 2 D A r r a y 引发的异常。在析构函数中调用了程序1 - 1 4中的二维数组释放函数D e l e t e 2 D
标签: 矩阵
上传时间: 2013-12-21