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  • 采用归零法的N进制计数器原理

    计数器是一种重要的时序逻辑电路,广泛应用于各类数字系统中。介绍以集成计数器74LS161和74LS160为基础,用归零法设计N进制计数器的原理与步骤。用此方法设计了3种36进制计数器,并用Multisim10软件进行仿真。计算机仿真结果表明设计的计数器实现了36进制计数的功能。基于集成计数器的N进制计数器设计方法简单、可行,运用Multisim 10进行电子电路设计和仿真具有省时、低成本、高效率的优越性。

    标签: 归零法 N进制计数器原

    上传时间: 2013-10-11


  • p-n结的隧道击穿模型研究

    在理论模型的基础上探讨了电子势垒的形状以及势垒形状随外加电压的变化, 并进行定量计算, 得出隧穿电压随杂质掺杂浓度的变化规律。所得结论与硅、锗p-n 结实验数据相吻合, 证明了所建立的理论模型在定量 研究p-n 结的隧道击穿中的合理性与实用性。该理论模型对研究一般材料或器件的隧道击穿具有重要的借鉴意义。

    标签: p-n 隧道 击穿 模型研究

    上传时间: 2013-10-31


  • N+缓冲层对PT-IGBT通态压降影响的研究


    标签: PT-IGBT 缓冲层

    上传时间: 2013-11-12


  • (N+X)热插拔模块并联逆变电源应用前景


    标签: 热插拔 模块 并联 应用前景

    上传时间: 2014-03-24


  • 51单片机串口发N字节


    标签: 51单片机 串口 字节

    上传时间: 2014-12-25


  • 一种用N+1条线实现矩阵键盘


    标签: 矩阵键盘

    上传时间: 2014-12-26


  • PCA9546A 4 channel I2C bus swi

    The PCA9546A is a quad bidirectional translating switch controlled via the I2C-bus. TheSCL/SDA upstream pair fans out to four downstream pairs, or channels. Any individualSCx/SDx channel or combination of channels can be selected, determined by thecontents of the programmable control register.

    标签: channel 9546A 9546 PCA

    上传时间: 2013-11-16


  • PCA9547 8 channel I2C bus mult

    The PCA9547 is an octal bidirectional translating multiplexer controlled by the I2C-bus.The SCL/SDA upstream pair fans out to eight downstream pairs, or channels. Only oneSCx/SDx channel can be selected at a time, determined by the contents of theprogrammable control register. The device powers up with Channel 0 connected, allowingimmediate communication between the master and downstream devices on that channel.

    标签: channel 9547 mult PCA

    上传时间: 2014-12-28


  • PCA9548A 8 channel I2C bus swi

    The PCA9548A is an octal bidirectional translating switch controlled via the I2C-bus. TheSCL/SDA upstream pair fans out to eight downstream pairs, or channels. Any individualSCx/SDx channel or combination of channels can be selected, determined by thecontents of the programmable control register.An active LOW reset input allows the PCA9548A to recover from a situation where one ofthe downstream I2C-buses is stuck in a LOW state. Pulling the RESET pin LOW resets theI2C-bus state machine and causes all the channels to be deselected as does the internalPower-on reset function.

    标签: channel 9548A 9548 PCA

    上传时间: 2013-10-13


  • 求N皇后问题回溯算法


    标签: 回溯算法

    上传时间: 2014-07-13
