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  • 这是一个ACM中的题请大家看以下哈 如果有问题请多多指教 n个猴子围坐一圈并按照顺时针方向从1到n编号

    这是一个ACM中的题请大家看以下哈 如果有问题请多多指教 n个猴子围坐一圈并按照顺时针方向从1到n编号,从第s个猴子开始进行1到m的报数,报数到第m的猴子 退出报数,从紧挨它的下一个猴子重新开始1到m的报数,如此进行下去知道所有的猴子都退出为止。 求给出这n个猴子的退出的顺序表。 Input 有做组测试数据.每一组数据有两行,第一行输入n(表示猴子的总数)第二行输入数据s(从第s 个猴子开 始报数)和数据m(第m个猴子退出报数).当输入0 0 0时表示程序结束. Output 输出中,每组数据的输出结果为一行,中间用逗号间隔。

    标签: ACM 方向

    上传时间: 2014-01-01


  • A stochastic-flow network consists of a set of nodes, including source nodes which supply various re

    A stochastic-flow network consists of a set of nodes, including source nodes which supply various resources and sink nodes at which resource demands take place, and a collection of arcs whose capacities have multiple operational states.

    标签: nodes stochastic-flow including consists

    上传时间: 2013-12-22


  • In a preemptive priority based RTOS, priority inversion problem is among the major sources of deadl

    In a preemptive priority based RTOS, priority inversion problem is among the major sources of deadline violations. Priority inheritance protocol is one of the approaches to reduce priority inversion. Unfortunately, RTOS like uC/OS can’t support priority inheritance protocol since it does not allow kernel to have multiple tasks at the same priority. Although it has different ways to avoid priority inversion such as priority ceiling protocol, developers still have some difficulties in programming real time applications with it. In this paper, we redesign the uC/OS kernel to provide the ability to support round robin scheduling and implement priority inheritance semaphore on the modified kernel. As result, we port new kernel with priority inheritance semaphore to evaluation board, and evaluate the execution time of each of the kernel service as well as verify the operations of our implementation.

    标签: priority preemptive inversion problem

    上传时间: 2015-12-14


  • « 问题描述: 假设要在足够多的会场里安排一批活动

    « 问题描述: 假设要在足够多的会场里安排一批活动,并希望使用尽可能少的会场。设计一个有效的 贪心算法进行安排。(这个问题实际上是著名的图着色问题。若将每一个活动作为图的一个 顶点,不相容活动间用边相连。使相邻顶点着有不同颜色的最小着色数,相应于要找的最小 会场数。) « 编程任务: 对于给定的k个待安排的活动,编程计算使用最少会场的时间表。 « 数据输入: 由文件input.txt给出输入数据。第一行有1 个正整数k,表示有k个待安排的活动。接 下来的k行中,每行有2个正整数,分别表示k个待安排的活动开始时间和结束时间。时间 以0 点开始的分钟计。 « 结果输出: 将编程计算出的最少会场数输出到文件output.txt。

    标签: laquo

    上传时间: 2013-12-20


  • ICP fit points in data to the points in model. Fit with respect to minimize the sum of square errors

    ICP fit points in data to the points in model. Fit with respect to minimize the sum of square errors with the closest model points and data points. Ordinary usage: [R, T] = icp(model,data) INPUT: model - matrix with model points, data - matrix with data points, OUTPUT: R - rotation matrix and T - translation vector accordingly so newdata = R*data + T . newdata are transformed data points to fit model see help icp for more information

    标签: points the minimize respect

    上传时间: 2014-01-02


  • This library allows creating, modifying and extracting zip archives in the compatible way with PKZIP

    This library allows creating, modifying and extracting zip archives in the compatible way with PKZIP (2.5 and higher) and WinZip. Supported are all possible operations on the zip archive: creating, extracting, adding, deleting files from the archive, modifications of the existing archive. There is also the support for creating and extracting multiple disk archives (on non-removable devices as well) and for password encryption and decryption. This module uses compression and decompression functions from zlib library by Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler.

    标签: compatible extracting modifying creating

    上传时间: 2014-12-22


  • 最大流

    最大流,The programs are designed to run under BSD UNIX. All programs read from the standard input and write to the standard output. Run "make" to compile the programs and generators. File "list" lists the programs produced my "make". Input files are in DIMACS format. See sample.input.


    上传时间: 2015-12-30


  • This paper investigates the design of joint frequency offset and carrier phase estimation of a mult

    This paper investigates the design of joint frequency offset and carrier phase estimation of a multi-frequency time division multiple access (MF-TDMA) demodulator that is applied to a digital video broadcasting—return channel system via satellite (DVB-RCS). The proposed joint estimation algorithm is based on the interpolation technique for two correlation values in the frequency and phase domains. This simple interpolation technique can significantly improve frequency and phase resolution capabilities of the proposed technique without increasing the number of the correlation values. In addition, the overall block diagram of a digital communications receiver for DVB-RCS is presented, which was designed using the proposed estimation algorithms. Index Terms—Carrier phase estimation, DVB-RCS, frequency offset estimation, interpolation, joint estimation, MF-TDMA.

    标签: investigates estimation frequency carrier

    上传时间: 2015-12-30


  • Hammerhead2 is a stress testing tool designed to test out your web server and web site. It can init

    Hammerhead2 is a stress testing tool designed to test out your web server and web site. It can initiate multiple connections from IP aliases and simulated numerous (256+) users at any given time

    标签: Hammerhead2 web designed testing

    上传时间: 2016-01-04


  • Abstract The Lucene Server project is an attempt to extend the Jakarta Lucene tool with server ca

    Abstract The Lucene Server project is an attempt to extend the Jakarta Lucene tool with server capabilities. Lucene is a robust Java API that enables you creating indexes from text sources and perform powerful searches on these indexes. With Lucene, creating an index must be done programmatically and there are almost no possibilities of integrating index management in a distributed environment. In other words, out of the box, Lucene is suitable for integrating indexing and searching possibilities in a single application but not for providing index/search services for multiple applications. The Lucene Server project comes with a Java API that propose the following make it easy to create indexes in a declarative way by simply providing an XML configuration document. make it easy to personalize the way Lucene must handle different kind of data sources. provide services for index management and searching that can be accessed from several applications. enable batch tasks scheduling.

    标签: Lucene Abstract Jakarta project

    上传时间: 2016-01-10
