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  • pMatlab is a toolsbox from MIT for running matlab in parallel style on a Multi-core PC or a cluster

    pMatlab is a toolsbox from MIT for running matlab in parallel style on a Multi-core PC or a cluster environment. These two documents summary the usage of pMatlab and running time measurements on three simple Monte Carlo simulation codes.

    标签: Multi-core toolsbox parallel pMatlab

    上传时间: 2014-12-05


  • This is a mutlicore and cluster(of single-core,Multi-core systems) matrix inversion code. Which

    This is a mutlicore and cluster(of single-core,Multi-core systems) matrix inversion code. Which uses the MPI(Message Passing Interface) for communication across the compute nodes of cluster and using thread-API based OpenMP(Open Multi Processing) between cores of intra-compute or head node.

    标签: single-core Multi-core inversion mutlicore

    上传时间: 2013-12-21


  • ExcpHook is an open source (see license.txt) Exception Monitor for Windows made by Gynvael Coldwind

    ExcpHook is an open source (see license.txt) Exception Monitor for Windows made by Gynvael Coldwind (of Team Vexillium). t uses a ring0 driver to hook KiExceptionDispatch procedure to detect the exceptions, and then shows information about the exception on stdout (using the ring3 part of the program ofc). The difference between this method, and the standard debug API method it that this method monitores all of XP processes, and the program does not have to attach to any other process to monitor it, hence it s harder to detect. The code currently is considered as ALPHA, and it has been reported to BSoD sometimes (on multi core/cpu machines). Take Care!

    标签: Exception ExcpHook Coldwind Monitor

    上传时间: 2014-02-10


  • 蓝牙系统技术规范 Core v1.0B 英文

    蓝牙系统技术规范 Core v1.0B 英文

    标签: Core 1.0 蓝牙系统 技术规范

    上传时间: 2013-04-15


  • TDK CORE 磁芯 e文

    TDK CORE 磁芯 e文

    标签: CORE TDK 磁芯

    上传时间: 2013-04-15


  • TDK--CORE-磁芯-147页-3.4M-e文.rar

    专辑类----元器件样本专辑 TDK--CORE-磁芯-147页-3.4M-e文.rar

    标签: CORE TDK 147 3.4

    上传时间: 2013-07-14


  • -蓝牙系统技术规范-Core-v1.0B-英文.pdf

    专辑类-超声-红外-激光-无线-通讯相关专辑-183册-1.48G -蓝牙系统技术规范-Core-v1.0B-英文.pdf

    标签: Core-v 1.0 蓝牙系统

    上传时间: 2013-04-24


  • TDK-CORE-磁芯-147页-3.4M-e文.pdf

    专辑类-元器件样本专辑-116册-3.03G TDK-CORE-磁芯-147页-3.4M-e文.pdf

    标签: TDK-CORE 147 3.4 M-e

    上传时间: 2013-04-24


  • SATA协议分析及其FPGA实现.rar

    并行总线PATA从设计至今已快20年历史,如今它的缺陷已经严重阻碍了系统性能的进一步提高,已被串行ATA(Serial ATA)即SATA总线所取代。SATA作为新一代磁盘接口总线,采用点对点方式进行数据传输,内置数据/命令校验单元,支持热插拔,具有150MB/s(SATA1.0)或300MB/s(SATA2.0)的传输速度。目前SATA已在存储领域广泛应用,但国内尚无独立研发的面向FPGA的SATAIP CORE,在这样的条件下设计面向FPGA应用的SATA IP CORE具有重要的意义。 本论文对协议进行了详细的分析,建立了SATA IP CORE的层次结构,将设备端SATA IP CORE划分成应用层、传输层、链路层和物理层;介绍了实现该IPCORE所选择的开发工具、开发语言和所选用的芯片;在此基础上着重阐述协议IP CORE的设计,并对各个部分的设计予以分别阐述,并编码实现;最后进行综合和测试。 采用FPGA集成硬核RocketIo MGT(RocketIo Multi-Gigabit Transceiver)实现了1.5Gbps的串行传输链路;设计满足协议需求、适合FPGA设计的并行结构,实现了多状态机的协同工作:在高速设计中,使用了流水线方法进行并行设计,以提高速度,考虑到系统不同部分复杂度的不同,设计采用部分流水线结构;采用在线逻辑分析仪Chipscope pro与SATA总线分析仪进行片上调试与测试,使得调试工作方便快捷、测试数据准确;严格按照SATA1.0a协议实现了SATA设备端IP CORE的设计。 最终测试数据表明,本论文设计的基于FPGA的SATA IP CORE满足协议需求。设计中的SATA IP CORE具有使用方便、集成度高、成本低等优点,在固态电子硬盘SSD(Solid-State Disk)开发中应用本设计,将使开发变得方便快捷,更能够适应市场需求。

    标签: SATA FPGA 协议分析

    上传时间: 2013-06-21


  • Run Pac-man Game Based on 8086/8088 FPGA IP Core

    Run Pac-man Game Based on 8086/8088 FPGA IP Core

    标签: Pac-man Based Game 8086

    上传时间: 2013-08-23
