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Mosfet Power Loss

  • MAX17600数据资料

     The MAX17600–MAX17605 devices are high-speedMOSFET drivers capable of sinking /sourcing 4A peakcurrents. The devices have various inverting and noninvertingpart options that provide greater flexibility incontrolling the MOSFET. The devices have internal logiccircuitry that prevents shoot-through during output-statchanges. The logic inputs are protected against voltagespikes up to +14V, regardless of VDD voltage. Propagationdelay time is minimized and matched between the dualchannels. The devices have very fast switching time,combined with short propagation delays (12ns typ),making them ideal for high-frequency circuits. Thedevices operate from a +4V to +14V single powersupply and typically consume 1mA of supply current.The MAX17600/MAX17601 have standard TTLinput logic levels, while the MAX17603 /MAX17604/MAX17605 have CMOS-like high-noise margin (HNM)input logic levels. The MAX17600/MAX17603 are dualinverting input drivers, the MAX17601/MAX17604 aredual noninverting input drivers, and the MAX17602 /MAX17605 devices have one noninverting and oneinverting input. These devices are provided with enablepins (ENA, ENB) for better control of driver operation.

    标签: 17600 MAX 数据资料

    上传时间: 2013-12-20


  • MAX4968,MAX4968A数据手册

    The MAX4968/MAX4968A are 16-channel, high-linearity,high-voltage, bidirectional SPST analog switches with18I (typ) on-resistance. The devices are ideal for use inapplications requiring high-voltage switching controlledby a low-voltage control signal, such as ultrasound imagingand printers. The MAX4968A provides integrated40kI (typ) bleed resistors on each switch terminal todischarge capacitive loads. Using HVCMOS technology,these switches combine high-voltage bilateral MOSswitches and low-power CMOS logic to provide efficientcontrol of high-voltage analog signals.

    标签: 4968 MAX 数据手册

    上传时间: 2013-10-09


  • MOSFET应用分析

    华为工程师培训教材模拟电子共含有上下两册,是个不错的资源! ..

    标签: MOSFET

    上传时间: 2014-12-23


  • COOLMOS__ICE2A系列的应用研究

    由lnfineon Technologies (IT)公司推出的COOLMOS ICE2A165/2,65/365系列芯片是PWM+MOSFET二合一芯片,其优点是:用它做开关电源,无需加散热器,在通用电网即可输出20~50W 的功率;保护功能齐全;电路结构简单;能自动降低空载时的工作频率,从而降低待机状态的损耗,故在中小功率开关电源中有着广泛的应用前景。

    标签: COOLMOS ICE 应用研究

    上传时间: 2013-11-09


  • 双绞线和低通滤波器降低EMI_RFI

    Abstract: Alexander Graham Bell patented twisted pair wires in 1881. We still use them today because they work so well. In addition we have the advantage ofincredible computer power within our world. Circuit simulators and filter design programs are available for little or no cost. We combine the twisted pair and lowpassfilters to produce spectacular rejection of radio frequency interference (RFI) and electromagnetic interference (EMI). We also illustrate use of a precision resistorarray to produce a customizable differential amplifier. The precision resistors set the gain and common mode rejection ratios, while we choose the frequencyresponse.

    标签: EMI_RFI 双绞线 低通滤波器

    上传时间: 2014-11-26


  • 高精度I2C实时时钟的设计

    Abstract: This application note presents an overview of the operational characteristics of accurate I²C real-time clocks (RTCs),including the DS3231, DS3231M, and DS3232. It focuses on general application guidelines that facilitate use of device resources forpower management, I²C communication circuit configurations, and I²C characteristics relative to device power-up sequences andinitializations. Additional discussions on decoupling are provided to support developing strategies for mitigating power-supply pushingof device frequency.

    标签: I2C 高精度 实时时钟

    上传时间: 2013-11-23


  • MOS管驱动电路总结


    标签: MOS 驱动电路

    上传时间: 2013-11-18


  • DN426 6通道工业监控应用的SAR ADC

      The 14-bit LTC2351-14 is a 1.5Msps, low power SARADC with six simultaneously sampled differential inputchannels. It operates from a single 3V supply and featuressix independent sample-and-hold amplifi ers and a singleADC. The single ADC with multiple S/HAs enables excellentrange match (1mV) between channels and channel-tochannelskew (200ps).

    标签: 426 ADC SAR DN

    上传时间: 2014-12-23


  • 使用LTC运算放大器宏模型

      This application note is an overview discussion of theLinear Technology SPICE macromodel library. It assumeslittle if any prior knowledge of this software library or itshistory. However, it does assume familiarity with both theanalog simulation program SPICE (or one of its manyderivatives), and modern day op amps, including bipolar,JFET, and MOSFET amplifier technologies

    标签: LTC 运算放大器 模型

    上传时间: 2013-11-14


  • 独特的IC BUFFER增强运算放大器设计

    This note describes some of the unique IC design techniques incorporated into a fast, monolithic power buffer, the LT1010. Also, some application ideas are described such as capacitive load driving, boosting fast op amp output current and power supply circuits.

    标签: BUFFER 运算 放大器设计

    上传时间: 2013-11-12
