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Mosfet Power Loss

  • MOSFET驱动保护电路设计

    功率场效应晶体管由于具有诸多优点而得到广泛的应用;但它承受短时过载的能力较弱,使 其应用受到一定的限制。分析了MOSFET 器件驱动与保护电路的设计要求;计算了MOSFET 驱动器的功耗及MOSFET 驱动器与MOSFET 的匹配;设计了基于IR2130 驱动模块的 MOSFET 驱动保护电路。该电路具有结构简单,实用性强,响应速度快等特点。在驱动无 刷直流电机的应用中证明,该电路驱动能力及保护功能效果良好。

    标签: mosfet 保护

    上传时间: 2016-01-11


  • Switch Power Source

    Switch Power Source 这是开关电路的ddb文件。。。。。。。。。。。。。。

    标签: Switch Source Power

    上传时间: 2016-06-10


  • mosfet驱动器资料


    标签: mosfet驱动器

    上传时间: 2016-11-25


  • simulink的Power Systems blockset 官方教程

    power system blockset 官方教程

    标签: Simscape Components Systems Power Guide User

    上传时间: 2018-05-30


  • MiniTool Power Data Recovery(数据恢复工具) v6.8 绿色版

    MiniTool Power Data Recovery(数据恢复工具) v6.8 绿色版

    标签: MiniTool Recovery Power Data v6 数据恢复 绿色版

    上传时间: 2018-08-29


  • Dual USB High-Side Power Switch

    The SP2526A device is a dual +3.0V to +5.5V USB Supervisory Power Control Switch ideal for self-powered and bus-powered Universal Serial Bus (USB) applications. Each switch has low on-resistance (110mΩ typical) and can supply 500mA minimum. The fault currents are limited to 1.0A typical and the flag output pin for each switch is available to indicate fault conditions to the USB controller. The thermal shutdown feature will prevent damage to the device when subjected to excessive current loads. The undervoltage lockout feature will ensure that the device will remain off unless there is a valid input voltage present.

    标签: High-Side Switch Power Dual USB

    上传时间: 2019-03-06


  • 丝印1KAX SOT23封装小容量锂电充电IC

    芯派科技创立于台湾新竹,为全球混合讯号IC设计领导厂商之一,已开发并成功量产之产品包含Power Management IC、Power MOSFET等,公司拥有强大的技术研发团队,能为广大客户提供产品解决方案及FAE技术支持。 产品概述: SP4057(丝印:1KAX)是一款极限100mA充电电流的锂电池充电管理芯片。相比于其他品牌500mA的同款锂电充电IC,SP4057可以设置小电流充电,非常适用于智能穿戴、蓝牙耳机、指纹锁等小容量电池产品充电。 产品特性: 1、可编程使充电电流为100mA 2、不需要MOSFET,传感电阻和阻塞二极管 3、SOT23-5无铅封装 联系人:唐云先生(销售工程)   手机:13530452646(微信同号) 座机:0755-33653783 (直线) Q Q: 2944353362

    标签: 1KAX SOT 23 丝印 封装 充电IC 小容量

    上传时间: 2019-03-18


  • BTS50_datasheet

    The BTS5016SDA is a one channel high-side power switch in PG-TO252-5-11 package providing embedded protective functions. The power transistor is built by a N-channel vertical power MOSFET with charge pump. The design is based on Smart SIPMOS chip on chip technology. The BTS5016SDA has a current controlled input and offers a diagnostic feedback with load current sense and a defined fault signal in case of overload operation, overtemperature shutdown and/or short circuit shutdown.

    标签: datasheet BTS 50

    上传时间: 2019-03-27


  • 高速双MOSFET驱动器及在开关电源中应用


    标签: MOSFET 驱动器 开关电源

    上传时间: 2019-07-31


  • Introduction to RF Power Amplifier Design

    Radio frequency (RF) power amplifiers are used in everyday life for many applica- tions including cellular phones, magnetic resonance imaging, semiconductor wafer processing for chip manufacturing, etc. Therefore, the design and performance of RF amplifiers carry great importance for the proper functionality of these devices. Furthermore, several industrial and military applications require low-profile yet high-powered and efficient power amplifiers. 

    标签: Introduction Amplifier Design Power to RF

    上传时间: 2020-05-27
