上传时间: 2013-12-18
标签: A-Moving-Object-Database-Model-Ba sed-on-Road-NetWork 道路网络 移动
上传时间: 2014-01-01
Model-Based predictive control: a practical approach此程序为模型预测控制的例程
标签: Model-Based predictive practical approach
上传时间: 2016-10-03
this program is a Model-Based predictive control to track a sinusoidal target.
标签: Model-Based predictive sinusoidal program
上传时间: 2013-12-28
*** *** *** *** *** *****/ /* 基于遗传算法的人工生命模拟 AL_GA.C */ /* An Artificial Life Simulation model Based on Genetic Algorithm */ /* 同济大学计算机系 王小平 2000年5月
标签: Artificial Simulation AL_GA model
上传时间: 2016-11-15
在航电系统维护过程中,为解决定位故障的效率和降低维修成本等问题,提出了基于ICD(Interface Control Document,接口控制文件)的1553B总线的信息监控系统模型。该系统运用数据采集卡对总线中传输的信号有无失真、偏差等电气特性进行检测,并使用1553B通讯卡通过测控软件LabWindows/CVI编程与ICD数据库的动态链接,实现总线信息的解析和故障的判断。与传统的维护过程相比,这种模型能够从信号的电气特性以及信息的解析等全方位的去检测判断故障的来源,并且能够广泛在其他1553B总线系统内扩展应用。验证表明该监控系统可以对总线信息进行快速有效地监测分析,能满足应用需求。 Abstract: In the process of avionics system maintenance, to solve the problems such as improving the efficiency of fast orientation to troubles and reducing maintenance cost, system of 1553B bus information monitor model based on ICD was proposed. The system observed whether the data which transmitted on the bus appear distortion and deviation by using data acquisition card. And using 1553B communication card programming of the measure software LabWindows/CVI and the dynamic linking of ICD database, message analysis and fault estimation could be realized. Compared with traditional maintenance, this model can all-dimensionally detect and analyze the source of faults from both electrical characteristics of the signal and message analysis, and it can be widely applied in the other 1553B system. Experiment shown that this monitor system can effectively detect and analyze the bus message and can meet the application requirements.
上传时间: 2013-11-23
The purpose of this chapter is to present a survey of recent publications concerning medical image registration techniques. These publications will be classified according to a model based on nine salient criteria, the main dichotomy of which is extrinsic versus intrinsic methods
标签: publications concerning purpose chapter
上传时间: 2015-09-19
Robustnesstochangesinilluminationconditionsaswellas viewing perspectives is an important requirement formany computer vision applications. One of the key fac-ors in enhancing the robustness of dynamic scene analy-sis that of accurate and reliable means for shadow de-ection. Shadowdetectioniscriticalforcorrectobjectde-ection in image sequences. Many algorithms have beenproposed in the literature that deal with shadows. How-ever,acomparativeevaluationoftheexistingapproachesisstill lacking. In this paper, the full range of problems un-derlyingtheshadowdetectionareidenti?edanddiscussed.Weclassifytheproposedsolutionstothisproblemusingaaxonomyoffourmainclasses, calleddeterministicmodeland non-model based and statistical parametric and non-parametric. Novelquantitative(detectionanddiscrimina-ionaccuracy)andqualitativemetrics(sceneandobjectin-dependence,?exibilitytoshadowsituationsandrobustnesso noise) are proposed to evaluate these classes of algo-rithms on a benchmark suite of indoor and outdoor videosequences.
标签: Robustnesstochangesinillumination conditionsaswellas perspectives requirement
上传时间: 2014-01-23
In this project we analyze and design the minimum mean-square error (MMSE) multiuser receiver for uniformly quantized synchronous code division multiple access (CDMA) signals in additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channels.This project is mainly based on the representation of uniform quantizer by gain plus additive noise model. Based on this model, we derive the weight vector and the output signal-to-interference ratio (SIR) of the MMSE receiver. The effects of quantization on the MMSE receiver performance is characterized in a single parameter named 鈥漞quivalent noise variance鈥? The optimal quantizer stepsize which maximizes the MMSE receiver output SNR is also determined.
标签: mean-square multiuser receiver project
上传时间: 2014-11-21
基于IMP模式下的fuzzy model based模糊控制器设计的原始文档,描述了IMP fmb系统的原理以及控制器设计方法,并给出保守性实验测试
标签: IMP T-S模糊控制器 LMI
上传时间: 2016-02-29