ELinks is an advanced and well-established feature-rich text Mode web (HTTP/FTP/..) browser. ELinks can render both frames and tables, is highly customizable and can be extended via Lua or Guile scripts. It is quite portable and runs on a variety of platforms. Check the about page for a more complete description. ELinks is an Open Source project covered by the GNU General Public License. It originates from the Links project written by Mikulas Patocka. If you want to see ELinks in action check out the screenshots.
标签: ELinks well-established feature-rich advanced
上传时间: 2014-01-22
Windows PE 文件在 DOS 下运行一般会显示:This program cannot be run in DOS Mode. 这是PE文件头部的一个"dos stub"程序,这个就是"dos stub"的源码,我们可以修改它,用fasm.exe编译,在vc连接时,加上 /stub:stub.exe
标签: DOS Windows program cannot
上传时间: 2013-12-06
Hid Led Tester is a simple USB(interrupt Mode)device tester package. There are firmware and software in it. Hid Led tester follows USB HID protocol, we don’t need to install driver for the device, and Windows (Win 2000 and later) will install the device automatic.
标签: interrupt firmware software package
上传时间: 2014-01-03
ET44 Bulk transfer is a simple USB(bulk Mode)device tester package. There are firmware, software and driver in this package.
标签: transfer firmware software package
上传时间: 2014-07-08
An adaptive fuzzy integral sliding Mode controller for mismatched time-varying linear systems is presented in this paper. The proposed fuzzy integral sliding Mode controller is designed to have zero steady state system error under step inputs and alleviate the undesired chattering around the sliding surface
标签: time-varying controller mismatched adaptive
上传时间: 2014-12-04
switch config tool for configuring kernel Mode switch phy driver in openwrt. uses generic netlink for kernel to use communication.
标签: switch configuring generic openwrt
上传时间: 2017-01-04
kernel Mode code for configuring switches. can attach to phy abstraction layer. communicates with user land tool swconfig through generic netlink
标签: communicates abstraction configuring switches
上传时间: 2017-01-04
this a user-Mode application to detect device change on the system, i.e. plug-in a USB drive, iPod, USB wireless network card, etc.
标签: i.e. application user-Mode plug-in
上传时间: 2014-01-05
本例展示了如何设置TIM工作在输出比较-非主动模式(Output Compare Inactive Mode),并产生相应的中断。 TIM2时钟设置为36MHz,预分频设置为35999,TIM2计数器时钟可表达为: TIM2 counter clock = TIMxCLK / (Prescaler +1) = 1 KHz 设置TIM2_CCR1寄存器值为1000, CCR1寄存器值1000除以TIM2计数器时钟频率1KHz,为1000毫秒。因此,经过1000毫秒的时延,置PC.06输出为低电平。 同理,根据寄存器TIM2_CCR2 、TIM2_CCR3和 TIM2_CCR4的值,经过500毫秒的时延,置PC.07输出为低电平;经过250毫秒的时延,置PC.08输出为低电平;经过125毫秒的时延,置PC.09输出为低电平。 输出比较寄存器的值决定时延的大小,当计数器的值小于这个值的时候,点亮与PC.06-PC.09相连的LED;当计数器的值达到这个值得时候,产生中断,在TIM2的4个通道相应的中断里,把它们一一关闭。
标签: Inactive Compare Output Mode
上传时间: 2013-12-20
Photonic crystal square resonant cavities TE-TM Mode
标签: Photonic cavities resonant crystal
上传时间: 2013-12-24