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  • Globalization+of+Mobile

    This book is the outcome of the panel discussions held on the special event honor- ing first 50 PhD students of Prof. Ramjee Prasad. Several of his PhD students are today worldwide telecommunication leaders themselves. Over 60 post-docs, PhDs, colleagues and the scientific staff were present at the event to celebrate the research and development achievements in the field of mobile and wireless communication.

    标签: Globalization Mobile of

    上传时间: 2020-05-27


  • Handbook of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

    Throughout the course of my work in multihop mobile ad hoc networks (MANET) over the last several years, I reached the conclusion that mobility models and perfor- mance metrics need to be treated in detail in designing these networks that are the ultimatefrontierinwirelesscommunications. Awidevarietyofmobilitymodelscan be used by mobile nodes.

    标签: Handbook Networks Mobility Mobile Models Hoc for Ad of

    上传时间: 2020-05-27


  • Introduction+to+Mobile+Telephone+Systems

    Mobile telephone service (MTS) is a type of service where mobile radio tele- phones connect people to the public switched telephone system (PSTN), to other mobile telephones or to other communication systems (such as to the Internet).

    标签: Introduction Telephone Systems Mobile to

    上传时间: 2020-05-27


  • Mobile Broadband Multimedia Networks Techniques

    This books presents the research work of COST 273 Towards Mobile Broadband Multimedia Networks, hence, it reports on the work performed and on the results achieved within the project by its participants. The material presented here corresponds to the results obtained in four years of collaborative work by more than 350 researchers from 137 institutions (universities, operators, manufacturers, regulators, independent laboratories and others – a full list is provided in Appendix B) belonging to 29 countries (mainly European, but also from Asia and North America) in the area of mobileradio. Theobjectiveofpublishingtheseresultsasabookisessentiallytomakethemavailable to an audience wider than the project. In fact, it just follows a ‘tradition’ of previous COST Actions in this area of telecommunications, i.e. COST 207, 231 and 259.

    标签: Multimedia Techniques Broadband Networks Mobile

    上传时间: 2020-05-30


  • Mobile Broadcasting with WiMAX Principles

    This book is exclusively dedicated to WiMAX. The focus of the book is on the applications of WiMAX networks, with delivery of multimedia content to wireless and mobile devices being the area of greatest atten- tion. WiMAX has crossed a number of major milestones in the recent past. 

    标签: Mobile Broadcasting with WiMAX Principles

    上传时间: 2020-05-30


  • Mobile Cloud Computing Systems

    There is a phenomenal burst of research activities in mobile cloud computing systems, which extends cloud computing functions, ser- vices, and results to the world of future mobile communications applications, and the paradigm of cloud computing and virtualization to mobile networks. Mobile applications demand greater resources and improved interactivity for better user experience. 

    标签: Mobile Cloud Computing Systems

    上传时间: 2020-05-30


  • Mobile Multimedia Communications Concepts

    Mobile multimedia communication is increasingly in demand because of the basic need to communi- cate at any time, anywhere, using any technology. In addition, to voice communication, people have a desire to access a range of other services that comprise multimedia elements—text, image, animation, high fidelity audio and video using mobile communication networks. To meet these demands, mobile communication technologies has evolved from analog to digital, and the networks have passed through a number of generations from first generation (1G) to fourth generation (4G).

    标签: Communications Multimedia Concepts Mobile

    上传时间: 2020-05-30


  • Mobile Radio Channels

    With this book at your fingertips, you, the reader, and I have something in common. We share the same interest in mobile radio channels. This area attracted my interest first in autumn 1992 whenImovedfromindustrytoacademiatofindachallengeinmylifeandtopursueascientific career. Since then, I consider myself as a student of the mobile radio channel who lives for modelling, analyzing, and simulating them. While the first edition of this book resulted from my teaching and research activities at the Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg (TUHH), Germany, the present second edition is entirely an outcome of my work at the University of Agder, Norway.

    标签: Channels Mobile Radio

    上传时间: 2020-05-30


  • Mobile Radio Network Design

    Mobile radio networks have risen in prominence over the last few years, primarily by the rise in popularity of cellular phones. It is important to recognise however that mobile radio technology fulfils a far wider range of applications that meet the demands of the modern world. These include the networks that allow police and emergency services to serve the public, military networks for operations and humanitarian support, and the mobile technol- ogies that are vital to the safety of aircraft. 

    标签: Network Mobile Design Radio

    上传时间: 2020-05-30


  • Mobile Telecommunications Protocols

    Mobile telecommunications emerged as a technological marvel allowing for access to personal and other services, devices, computation and communication, in any place and at any time through effortless plug and play. This brilliant idea became possible as the result of new technologies developed in the areas of computers and communications that were made available and accessible to the user.

    标签: Telecommunications Protocols Mobile

    上传时间: 2020-05-30
