制作驱动程序的好工具.支持 ISA,EISA,PCI,Plug&Play 和 DMA.不需要牵涉到很低层的东西即可在很短的时间里编出驱动程序.内含教程.使用WinDriver的优点是:开发者并不需要熟悉任何内部操作系统或kernel programming或DDK及任何驱动程式.WinDriver同时允许开发者能在自己所熟悉的开发环境下,利用使用者模式(User Mode)如使用MSDEV Visual C/C++,Borland C++Builder,Delphi或任何Win32编译器.使用WinDriver所开发的驱动程式均可用于Windows 9x,NT/2000,NT Embedded,CE Linux and Solaris等平台.
上传时间: 2015-06-02
[开源 绿色软件] [运行环境 Windows XP/7/8/10] [语言 简体/繁體/English/Unicode] A cool music player. Powered by Bass and BassVis. 极简本地音乐播放器,透明、纯文本界面。支持轻媒体库、歌词、可视化。最小化到托盘,占用资源少,适合边听音乐边工作。 应网友要求,加入了Tag编辑、自动切换列表、播放队列、鼠标手势、均衡器、音频设备选择、全局音量滚轮(托盘区域)、字体设置、极简模式、鼠标穿透、嵌入桌面、简单布局等功能。 homepage> mcool.appinn.me ==================================================== 音频格式APE、FLAC、WavPack、MP3、OGG、TTA、TAK、Musepack、AAC、AC3、WMA、Wav、CD、ALAC、Aiff、MOD、CUE ==================================================== 更新历史: 3336 -2016.3.25 点睛之笔:任意布局(追上foobar2000)。Arbitrary layout (all in one). 3330 -2016.3.10 一体布局之比例调节(初具foobar2000风貌)。Ratio adjust (all in one). 3308 -2015.11.28 歌词微调(在选项>常规>鼠标手势里设置)。Adds function of lyrics tuning. 3306 -2015.11.15 电台模式(整点时切换歌曲或列表,并非在线音乐),以及多声卡支持。Adds radio mode, and multi sound card support. 3300 -2015.10.15 完善细节,修复切歌卡住bug。完美版。Fixes some bugs. 3280 -2015.8.1 简单布局功能。Layout (all in one) function. 3260 -2015.6.1 Win10模式。Win10 mode. 3252 -2015.5.10 任务栏进度条。Taskbar progress display. 3236 -2015.4.10 点睛之笔:透明度调节。Adds function of transparency tuning. 3232 -2015.3.25 自定义软件名(请在mcool.ini中手动修改)。Adds function of customizing app name. 3230 -2015.3.12 Airplay复刻界面。Airplay interface copy. 3218 -2015.1.20 桌面歌词。Desktop lyrics. 3216 -2015.1.12 一体化界面(学习Foobar2000和豆瓣FM)。All in one interface. 3212 -2015.1.6 新增Winamp音效插件支持(学习千千静听),以及滚轮穿透功能(学习Airplay3)。Adds Winamp DSP plugins support, and adds function of wheel transparent. Winamp音效插件下载:http://uploadgeneration.info/Winamp/www.winamp.com/plugins/dsp-effect/5/top-rated.html 3210 -2014.12.28 重要更新:本地音量调节、自定义鼠标键/手势。Adds local volume control, and adds fuction of customizing mouse control / gesture. 3208 -2014.11.25 简化右键菜单,常规项目移到选项窗口。Simplifies the popup menu, moves the general items to option window. 3206 -2014.11.22 新增文本对齐选项,重新设计导航按钮。Adds option of text alignment, and redesigns the buttons of playback. 3202 -2014.11.10 新增播放记忆、片段循环(Hotkey: Ctrl+1/2)和贴边隐藏功能。Adds functions of playback memory, AB repeat and screen side hide. 3200 -2014.11.5 新增无界面选项(先去掉托盘图标,然后Ctrl+Alt+W隐藏界面,Ctrl+Alt+X关闭)。Adds option of no interface. 3191 -2014.8.26 嵌入桌面。Pins to desktop. 3190 -2014.8.19 音乐管理第一步:列表分组。Playlists grouping. 3186 -2014.8.10 基于列表的分级系统(Hotkey:0..5)。Rating system based on playlist. 3181 -2014.8.1 启用新图标(由虹吸墨作者BGLL友情制作)。Uses the new icon. 3180 -2014.7.22 新增Win7任务栏特效。Adds windows 7 taskbar effect. 3166 -2014.6.29 重要更新:自动下载专辑封面(源于歌词迷)。Downloads album covers from geci.me. 3160 -2014.6.1 重要更新:新增极简模式,以及OGG/Opus内置封面显示功能。Adds minimalist mode, and adds function of displaying cover embedded in OGG/Opus. 3152 -2014.5.18 添加托盘右键菜单,新增MP4/M4A(ALAC)内置封面显示功能。Adds systray popup menu, and adds function of displaying cover embedded in MP4/M4A(ALAC). 3151 -2014.5.1 重新设计可视化效果,新增示波器效果。Redesigns visual effects, and adds oscilloscope effect. 3150 -2014.4.20 采用歌词迷API下载歌词。Downloads lyrics from geci.me. 3136 -2014.3.30 加入可选的按钮,以及鼠标穿透功能。Adds function of transparent window. 3132 -2014.3.6 简化界面,向Foobar2K看齐;增加正在播放面板。Simplifies the interface, and adds now playing panel. 3130 -2014.2.26 重要更新:按照专辑分组。Grouping by album. 3120 -2014.2.18 优化字体渲染(Windows7/8下)。Optimizes font rendering in Windows 7/8. 3110 -2014.1.26 点睛之笔:自定义字体颜色。Adds function of customizing font color. 3108 -2013.11.16 Last.fm同步功能(请到主页下载插件)。Last.fm scrobbler support. 3106 -2013.11.8 可回溯的随机播放(学习Airplay 2)。Random playback can be traced back. 3103 -2013.10.12 优化右键菜单。Optimizes popup menu. 3102 -2013.9.30 修改滚动条样式,增加音频缓冲选项。Modifies style of scroll bar, and adds option of audio buffer length. 3100 -2013.9.10 无边框设计;迷你模式也可以不置顶(Hotkey:T)。Borderless designs. 3086 -2013.8.20 增加歌词面板功能。Adds function of lyrics panel. 3082 -2013.8.08 增加在可视化界面显示歌词功能。Adds function of displaying lyrics on visual interface. 3080 -2013.8.01 新增设置字体功能,恢复简单的自动关机功能。Adds function of setting font, and re-adds simple function of auto shutdown. 3060 -2013.6.26 修复在迷你模式停止响应的Bug,去掉自动关机、歌词调整功能。Fixes bug of stop responding in mini mode, and removes functions of auto shutdown and lyrics trimming. 3050 -2013.5.23 增加手势功能。Adds gesture function. 3030 -2013.3.10 增加Aero磨砂玻璃效果[如需源码请联系我],XP/Win7/8无差别显示,按Insert键开启。Adds aero glass effect. 3020 -2013.2.23 增加简易Tag编辑功能(选中并单击即可,相当于资源管理器中的重命名,按照[歌手 - 歌名][专辑]格式进行编辑)。Adds function of editing audio tags (select and click, edit with [artist - title][album] format). 3010 -2013.1.23 应网友要求,加入读取内嵌CUE、歌词及专辑封面功能。Adds function of reading CUE, LRC and album cover built in media. 3002 -2012.11.03 无按钮设计;微调进度条尺寸。Buttonless design; modifies the size of the progress bar. 3001 -2012.10.15 重要改进,界面即按钮:单击 - 播放/暂停,按住 - 前进。Important update, the interface is a button: Click - Play/Pause, Hold Down - Next. 3000 -2012.9.28 增加Win8模式。Adds Win8 mode option. 2982 -2012.8.26 在Win8下使用微软雅黑字体。Uses Microsoft YaHei font in Windows 8 CHS. 2981 -2012.8.20 视频以插件提供(请到主页下载),增加单曲循环功能。Adds function of repeat track. 2980 -2012.7.26 简化代码,去掉视频和MIDI支持。Removes the video and MIDI support. 2970 -2012.7.20 增加媒体信息显示功能。Adds function of displaying media info. 2960 -2012.6.28 增加专辑封面显示功能(Hotkey:Ins)。Adds function of displaying album cover. 2956 -2012.6.01 再次简化界面。Simplifies the interface again. 2952 -2012.4.28 增加音频设备选择功能:DS、ASIO、WASAPI。Adds function of selecting playback device. 2950 -2012.3.30 *增加滚轮调节音量功能(在托盘,中键静音)和媒体键支持。Adds function of setting volume by mouse wheel (over systray, middle click to mute), and adds multimedia keys support. 2936 -2012.3.17 微调界面,修复物理删除失效的BUG。Fine-tunes the interface, and restores the physical delete function. 2930 -2012.2.27 增加TAK格式支持。Adds TAK format support. 2923 -2012.2.12 紧急修复上一版出现的字体模糊BUG(Vista/Win7下),增加在任务栏显/隐图标功能(Ctrl+T)。Fixes font vague bug for Vista/Win7, and adds showing/hiding icon on taskbar function. 2920 -2012.2.08 微调界面,优化CPU占用(启用背景图片时)。Fine-tunes the interface, and optimizes CPU utilization (while enable background image). 2912 -2012.1.12 增加播放队列功能。Adds playback queue function. 2910 -2011.12.25 改进迷你模式,增加查找功能。Improves mini mode, and adds find function. *注:此功能对杀毒软件过敏,开启方法:按F1进入选项,勾选全局快捷键。The feature is allergic to the anti-virus software.
上传时间: 2016-06-10
MSP430系列单片机是美国德州仪器(TI)1996年开始推向市场的一种16位超低功耗、具有精简指令集(RISC)的混合信号处理器(Mixed Signal Processor)。 MSP430单片机称之为混合信号处理器,是由于其针对实际应用需求,将多个不同功能的模拟电路、数字电路模块和微处理器集成在一个芯片上,以提供
标签: 430
上传时间: 2016-09-05
1.软件安装步骤 a)运行光盘中客户软件\CCS5000 CCS2.20\CCS2.2\SETUP.EXE,进入引导界面; b)选择Install下的Code Composer Studio进入安装界面; c)按照默认的方式安装,装在C:\ti下。 d)安装软件补丁:运行光盘客户软件\c5000ccs2.20\CCS FOR C5000-补丁\C5000-2.20.00-FULL-to-C5000-2.20.18-FULL.EXE,进入安装界面,然后按照默认的方式安装即可。 e)重新启动计算机,按DEL键进入CMOS的设置界面CMOS SETUP UTILITY,将Integrated Peripherals中的Onboard Paralell Port改为378/IRQ,Parrallel Port Mode改为EPP,保存退出。 f)进入windows后会出现“CCS 2(‘ C5000) ”、 “Setup CCS 2(‘ C5000) ”两个图标。
标签: 激活
上传时间: 2017-01-03
The AP2406 is a 1.5Mhz constant frequency, slope compensated current mode PWM step-down converter. The device integrates a main switch and a synchronous rectifier for high efficiency without an external Schottky diode. It is ideal for powering portable equipment that runs from a single cell lithium-Ion (Li+) battery. The AP2406 can supply 600mA of load current from a 2.5V to 5.5V input voltage. The output voltage can be regulated as low as 0.6V. The AP2406 can also run at 100% duty cycle for low dropout operation, extending battery life in portable system. Idle mode operation at light loads provides very low output ripple voltage for noise sensitive applications. The AP2406 is offered in a low profile (1mm) 5-pin, thin SOT package, and is available in an adjustable version and fixed output voltage of 1.2V, 1.5V and 1.8V
上传时间: 2017-02-23
ESP8266 WiFi模块用户手册V1.0 ESP8266是一款超低功耗的UART-WiFi 透传模块,拥有业内极富竞争力的封装尺寸和超低能耗技术,专为移动设备和物联网应用设计,可将用户的物理设备连接到Wi-Fi 无线网络上,进行互联网或局域网通信,实现联网功能。 ESP8266封装方式多样,天线可支持板载PCB天线,IPEX接口和邮票孔接口三种形式; ESP8266可广泛应用于智能电网、智能交通、智能家具、手持设备、工业控制等领域。 更多资料,请访问安信可开源社区 www.ai-thinker.com
上传时间: 2017-07-07
标签: Predictive Discrete Control Sliding Mode
上传时间: 2017-08-05
/****************temic*********t5557***********************************/ #include <at892051.h> #include <string.h> #include <intrins.h> #include <stdio.h> #define uchar unsigned char #define uint unsigned int #define ulong unsigned long //STC12C2051AD的SFR定义 sfr WDT_CONTR = 0xe1;//stc2051的看门狗?????? /**********全局常量************/ //写卡的命令 #define write_command0 0//写密码 #define write_command1 1//写配置字 #define write_command2 2//密码写数据 #define write_command3 3//唤醒 #define write_command4 4//停止命令 #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 #define OK 0 #define ERROR 255 //读卡的时间参数us #define ts_min 250//270*11.0592/12=249//取近似的整数 #define ts_max 304//330*11.0592/12=304 #define t1_min 73//90*11.0592/12=83:-10调整 #define t1_max 156//180*11.0592/12=166 #define t2_min 184//210*11.0592/12=194 #define t2_max 267//300*11.0592/12=276 //***********不采用中断处理:采用查询的方法读卡时关所有中断****************/ sbit p_U2270B_Standby = P3^5;//p_U2270B_Standby PIN=13 sbit p_U2270B_CFE = P3^3;//p_U2270B_CFE PIN=6 sbit p_U2270B_OutPut = P3^7;//p_U2270B_OutPut PIN=2 sbit wtd_sck = P1^7;//SPI总线 sbit wtd_si = P1^3; sbit wtd_so = P1^2; sbit iic_data = P1^2;//lcd IIC sbit iic_clk = P1^7; sbit led_light = P1^6;//测试绿灯 sbit led_light1 = P1^5;//测试红灯 sbit led_light_ok = P1^1;//读卡成功标志 sbit fengmingqi = P1^5; /***********全局变量************************************/ uchar data Nkey_a[4] = {0xA0, 0xA1, 0xA2, 0xA3};//初始密码 //uchar idata card_snr[4]; //配置字 uchar data bankdata[28] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7}; //存储卡上用户数据(1-7)7*4=28 uchar data cominceptbuff[6] = {1,2,3,4,5,6};//串口接收数组ram uchar command; //第一个命令 uchar command1;// //uint temp; uchar j,i; uchar myaddr = 8; //uchar ywqz_count,time_count; //ywqz jishu: uchar bdata DATA; sbit BIT0 = DATA^0; sbit BIT1 = DATA^1; sbit BIT2 = DATA^2; sbit BIT3 = DATA^3; sbit BIT4 = DATA^4; sbit BIT5 = DATA^5; sbit BIT6 = DATA^6; sbit BIT7 = DATA^7; uchar bdata DATA1; sbit BIT10 = DATA1^0; sbit BIT11 = DATA1^1; sbit BIT12 = DATA1^2; sbit BIT13 = DATA1^3; sbit BIT14 = DATA1^4; sbit BIT15 = DATA1^5; sbit BIT16 = DATA1^6; sbit BIT17 = DATA1^7; bit i_CurrentLevel;//i_CurrentLevel BIT 00H(Saves current level of OutPut pin of U2270B) bit timer1_end; bit read_ok = 0; //缓存定时值,因用同一个定时器 union HLint { uint W; struct { uchar H;uchar L; } B; };//union HLint idata a union HLint data a; //缓存定时值,因用同一个定时器 union HLint0 { uint W; struct { uchar H; uchar L; } B; };//union HLint idata a union HLint0 data b; /**********************函数原型*****************/ //读写操作 void f_readcard(void);//全部读出1~7 AOR唤醒 void f_writecard(uchar x);//根据命令写不同的内容和操作 void f_clearpassword(void);//清除密码 void f_changepassword(void);//修改密码 //功能子函数 void write_password(uchar data *data p);//写初始密码或数据 void write_block(uchar x,uchar data *data p);//不能用通用指针 void write_bit(bit x);//写位 /*子函数区*****************************************************/ void delay_2(uint x) //延时,时间x*10us@12mhz,最小20us@12mhz { x--; x--; while(x) { _nop_(); _nop_(); x--; } _nop_();//WDT_CONTR=0X3C;不能频繁的复位 _nop_(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void initial(void) { SCON = 0x50; //串口方式1,允许接收 //SCON =0x50; //01010000B:10位异步收发,波特率可变,SM2=0不用接收到有效停止位才RI=1, //REN=1允许接收 TMOD = 0x21; //定时器1 定时方式2(8位),定时器0 定时方式1(16位) TCON = 0x40; //设定时器1 允许开始计时(IT1=1) TH1 = 0xfD; //FB 18.432MHz 9600 波特率 TL1 = 0xfD; //fd 11.0592 9600 IE = 0X90; //EA=ES=1 TR1 = 1; //启动定时器 WDT_CONTR = 0x3c;//使能看门狗 p_U2270B_Standby = 0;//单电源 PCON = 0x00; IP = 0x10;//uart you xian XXXPS PT1 PX1 PT0 PX0 led_light1 = 1; led_light = 0; p_U2270B_OutPut = 1; } /************************************************/ void f_readcard()//读卡 { EA = 0;//全关,防止影响跳变的定时器计时 WDT_CONTR = 0X3C;//喂狗 p_U2270B_CFE = 1;// delay_2(232); //>2.5ms /* // aor 用唤醒功能来防碰撞 p_U2270B_CFE = 0; delay_2(18);//start gap>150us write_bit(1);//10=操作码读0页 write_bit(0); write_password(&bankdata[24]);//密码block7 p_U2270B_CFE =1 ;// delay_2(516);//编程及确认时间5.6ms */ WDT_CONTR = 0X3C;//喂狗 led_light = 0; b.W = 0; while(!(read_ok == 1)) { //while(p_U2270B_OutPut);//等一个稳定的低电平?超时判断? while(!p_U2270B_OutPut);//等待上升沿的到来同步信号检测1 TR0 = 1; //deng xia jiang while(p_U2270B_OutPut);//等待下降沿 TR0 = 0; a.B.H = TH0; a.B.L = TL0; TH0 = TL0 = 0; TR0 = 1;//定时器晚启动10个周期 //同步头 if((324 < a.W) && (a.W < 353)) ;//检测同步信号1 else { TR0 = 0; TH0 = TL0 = 0; goto read_error; } //等待上升沿 while(!p_U2270B_OutPut); TR0 = 0; a.B.H = TH0; a.B.L = TL0; TH0 = TL0 = 0; TR0 = 1;//b.N1<<=8; if(a.B.L < 195);//0.5p else { TR0 = 0; TH0 = TL0 = 0; goto read_error; } //读0~7块的数据 for(j = 0;j < 28;j++) { //uchar i; for(i = 0;i < 16;i++)//8个位 { //等待下降沿的到来 while(p_U2270B_OutPut); TR0 = 0; a.B.H = TH0; a.B.L = TL0; TH0 = TL0 = 0; TR0 = 1; if(t2_max < a.W/*)&&(a.W < t2_max)*/)//1P { b.W >>= 2;//先左移再赋值 b.B.L += 0xc0; i++; } else if(t1_min < a.B.L/*)&&(a.B.L < t1_max)*/)//0.5p { b.W >>= 1; b.B.L += 0x80; } else { TR0 = 0; TH0 = TL0 = 0; goto read_error; } i++; while(!p_U2270B_OutPut);//上升 TR0 = 0; a.B.H = TH0; a.B.L = TL0; TH0 = TL0 = 0; TR0 = 1; if(t2_min < a.W/*)&&(a.W < t2_max)*/)//1P { b.W >>= 2; i++; } else if(t1_min < a.B.L/*a.W)&&(a.B.L < t1_max)*/)//0.5P //else if(!(a.W==0)) { b.W >>= 1; //temp+=0x00; //led_light1=0;led_light=1;delay_2(40000); } else { TR0 = 0; TH0 = TL0 = 0; goto read_error; } i++; } //取出奇位 DATA = b.B.L; BIT13 = BIT7; BIT12 = BIT5; BIT11 = BIT3; BIT10 = BIT1; DATA = b.B.H; BIT17 = BIT7; BIT16 = BIT5; BIT15 = BIT3; BIT14 = BIT1; bankdata[j] = DATA1; } read_ok = 1;//读卡完成了 read_error: _nop_(); } } /***************************************************/ void f_writecard(uchar x)//写卡 { p_U2270B_CFE = 1; delay_2(232); //>2.5ms //psw=0 standard write if (x == write_command0)//写密码:初始化密码 { uchar i; uchar data *data p; p = cominceptbuff; p_U2270B_CFE = 0; delay_2(31);//start gap>330us write_bit(1);//写操作码1:10 write_bit(0);//写操作码0 write_bit(0);//写锁定位0 for(i = 0;i < 35;i++) { write_bit(1);//写数据位1 } p_U2270B_CFE = 1; led_light1 = 0; led_light = 1; delay_2(40000);//测试使用 //write_block(cominceptbuff[4],p); p_U2270B_CFE = 1; bankdata[20] = cominceptbuff[0];//密码存入 bankdata[21] = cominceptbuff[1]; bankdata[22] = cominceptbuff[2]; bankdata[23] = cominceptbuff[3]; } else if (x == write_command1)//配置卡参数:初始化 { uchar data *data p; p = cominceptbuff; write_bit(1);//写操作码1:10 write_bit(0);//写操作码0 write_bit(0);//写锁定位0 write_block(cominceptbuff[4],p); p_U2270B_CFE= 1; } //psw=1 pssword mode else if(x == write_command2) //密码写数据 { uchar data*data p; p = &bankdata[24]; write_bit(1);//写操作码1:10 write_bit(0);//写操作码0 write_password(p);//发口令 write_bit(0);//写锁定位0 p = cominceptbuff; write_block(cominceptbuff[4],p);//写数据 } else if(x == write_command3)//aor //唤醒 { //cominceptbuff[1]操作码10 X xxxxxB uchar data *data p; p = cominceptbuff; write_bit(1);//10 write_bit(0); write_password(p);//密码 p_U2270B_CFE = 1;//此时数据不停的循环传出 } else //停止操作码 { write_bit(1);//11 write_bit(1); p_U2270B_CFE = 1; } p_U2270B_CFE = 1; delay_2(560);//5.6ms } /************************************/ void f_clearpassword()//清除密码 { uchar data *data p; uchar i,x; p = &bankdata[24];//原密码 p_U2270B_CFE = 0; delay_2(18);//start gap>150us //操作码10:10xxxxxxB write_bit(1); write_bit(0); for(x = 0;x < 4;x++)//发原密码 { DATA = *(p++); for(i = 0;i < 8;i++) { write_bit(BIT0); DATA >>= 1; } } write_bit(0);//锁定位0:0 p = &cominceptbuff[0]; write_block(0x00,p);//写新配置参数:pwd=0 //密码无效:即清除密码 DATA = 0x00;//停止操作码00000000B for(i = 0;i < 2;i++) { write_bit(BIT7); DATA <<= 1; } p_U2270B_CFE = 1; delay_2(560);//5.6ms } /*********************************/ void f_changepassword()//修改密码 { uchar data *data p; uchar i,x,addr; addr = 0x07;//block7 p = &Nkey_a[0];//原密码 DATA = 0x80;//操作码10:10xxxxxxB for(i = 0;i < 2;i++) { write_bit(BIT7); DATA <<= 1; } for(x = 0;x < 4;x++)//发原密码 { DATA = *(p++); for(i = 0;i < 8;i++) { write_bit(BIT7); DATA >>= 1; } } write_bit(0);//锁定位0:0 p = &cominceptbuff[0]; write_block(0x07,p);//写新密码 p_U2270B_CFE = 1; bankdata[24] = cominceptbuff[0];//密码存入 bankdata[25] = cominceptbuff[1]; bankdata[26] = cominceptbuff[2]; bankdata[27] = cominceptbuff[3]; DATA = 0x00;//停止操作码00000000B for(i = 0;i < 2;i++) { write_bit(BIT7); DATA <<= 1; } p_U2270B_CFE = 1; delay_2(560);//5.6ms } /***************************子函数***********************************/ void write_bit(bit x)//写一位 { if(x) { p_U2270B_CFE = 1; delay_2(32);//448*11.0592/120=42延时448us p_U2270B_CFE = 0; delay_2(28);//280*11.0592/120=26写1 } else { p_U2270B_CFE = 1; delay_2(92);//192*11.0592/120=18 p_U2270B_CFE = 0; delay_2(28);//280*11.0592/120=26写0 } } /*******************写一个block*******************/ void write_block(uchar addr,uchar data *data p) { uchar i,j; for(i = 0;i < 4;i++)//block0数据 { DATA = *(p++); for(j = 0;j < 8;j++) { write_bit(BIT0); DATA >>= 1; } } DATA = addr <<= 5;//0地址 for(i = 0;i < 3;i++) { write_bit(BIT7); DATA <<= 1; } } /*************************************************/ void write_password(uchar data *data p) { uchar i,j; for(i = 0;i < 4;i++)// { DATA = *(p++); for(j = 0;j < 8;j++) { write_bit(BIT0); DATA >>= 1; } } } /*************************************************/ void main() { initial(); TI = RI = 0; ES = 1; EA = 1; delay_2(28); //f_readcard(); while(1) { f_readcard(); //读卡 f_writecard(command1); //写卡 f_clearpassword(); //清除密码 f_changepassword(); //修改密码 } }
标签: 12345
上传时间: 2017-10-20
上传时间: 2017-12-22
标签: Design Radix Architecture Approaches Hardware gurable Recon Using Mode FFT
上传时间: 2018-03-29