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  • 本书介绍了瑞萨FLASH 开发工具箱(FDT)的使用方法

    本书介绍了瑞萨FLASH 开发工具箱(FDT)的使用方法,简要目录如下: 第1章简介 第2 章系统概要 第3 章FDT 的使用方法 第4章等待脚本(Wait For Script) 第5章存取权限(Access Rights) 第6 章用户界面的配置(Configuring the User Interface) 第7章菜单(Menus) 第8章窗口(Windows) 第9 章Simple Interface Mode (简化界面模式) 第10 章Basic Simple Interface Mode (基础简化界面模式) 第11章现场写入(Field Programming) 第12 章E8 的升级 第13 章E8Direct 第14 章QzROM 的程序设计(QzROM Programming) 第15章锁定 第16章升级到FDT3.07

    标签: FLASH FDT 瑞萨 开发工具

    上传时间: 2016-04-14


  • This example describes how to use the ADC and DMA to transfer continuously converted data from ADC

    This example describes how to use the ADC and DMA to transfer continuously converted data from ADC to a data buffer. The ADC is configured to converts continuously ADC channel14. Each time an end of conversion occurs the DMA transfers, in circular mode, the converted data from ADC1 DR register to the ADC_ConvertedValue variable. The ADC1 clock is set to 14 MHz.

    标签: continuously ADC describes converted

    上传时间: 2014-01-03


  • usb bulk 传输例程。 * The bulkusb driver is a generic function driver, based on the Windows Driver Mode

    usb bulk 传输例程。 * The bulkusb driver is a generic function driver, based on the Windows Driver Model (WDM). * Supports Plug and Play(PnP), Power Management(PM), Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) and the Selective Suspend (SS) features. * This sample is based off the selSusp DDK sample. Please refer the selSusp sample and the DDK docs to understand the handling of PnP, PM, WMI and SS features and implementations. * The USB device used for this sample is a generic Intel I82930 USB evaluation board programmed with a simple loopback test using a 64 KB circular buffer. None of the code in the sample is specific to this controller chip.

    标签: driver function Windows bulkusb

    上传时间: 2016-04-25


  • *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** * assniffer v0.1 alpha, Copyright (C) 2004, Coc

    *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** * assniffer v0.1 alpha, Copyright (C) 2004, Cockos Incorporated ******************************************************************************* Usage: assniffer output_directory [-d deviceindex] [flags (see below)] -nopromisc disables promiscuous mode -allports watches ports other than 80/8080 (slower) -nosubdirs does not create subdirectories, uses filename for whole url Default MIME extension replaces URL s extension, or: -nomime does not make extensions based on MIME type -addmime makes MIME extensions appended to URL -debugfn adds debug info to filenames

    标签: assniffer Copyright alpha 2004

    上传时间: 2014-01-24


  • Real-Time Digital Signal Processing Implementations, Applications, and Experiments with the TMS320C

    Real-Time Digital Signal Processing Implementations, Applications, and Experiments with the TMS320C55x John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2001 By Sen M. Kuo and Bob H. Lee 2.8.1 Experiment 2A - Interfacing C with Assembly Code 2.8.2 Experiment 2B - Addressing Mode Experiments 2.8.3 Experiment 2C - Experiments using TMS320C55x Evaluation Module

    标签: Implementations Applications Experiments Processing

    上传时间: 2016-05-24



    HIPERLAN/2,16QAM mode with 3/4 code rate (4/6 P2 puncturing rate)

    标签: HIPERLAN

    上传时间: 2016-05-25


  • verilog描述 年月日

    verilog描述 年月日,小时分秒的显示,2000~2099年的万历年循环 用set控制,设置状态,按一下改变一个设置,正常显示时,按set进入小时设置,依次是分钟,年,月,天(天设置带懂周变换) 在设置状态,按一下ADJ,加一下,按cf就减1,同步修改显示;设置状态下,按mode键或是60秒无按键,推出设置状态,返回正常显示 正常显示是,按ADJ,进行24,12小时显示切换,带AM_PM显示

    标签: verilog 年月日

    上传时间: 2016-05-30


  • This a generic PCI express device driver that enable user to access the device without caring much o

    This a generic PCI express device driver that enable user to access the device without caring much of the PCI express protocol in user mode. An utility program was built to help user in developing the application based on the given skeleton.

    标签: device generic express without

    上传时间: 2013-12-22


  • 有关SPI的vhdl实现。包括SPI官方协议

    有关SPI的vhdl实现。包括SPI官方协议,几篇开发时用到的论文,附加了中文注释的SPI IPcore,还有一个经过简化的master mode的SPI实现的vhdl代码

    标签: SPI vhdl 协议

    上传时间: 2013-12-20


  • libftdi - A library (using libusb) to talk to FTDI s FT2232C, FT232BM and FT245BM type chips includ

    libftdi - A library (using libusb) to talk to FTDI s FT2232C, FT232BM and FT245BM type chips including the popular bitbang mode.

    标签: FT libftdi library includ

    上传时间: 2016-06-30
