PTS paper Mitigation of Non-linear Distortion Using PTS and IDAR Method for Multi-Level QAM-OFDM System
标签: Multi-Level Mitigation Distortion Non-linear
上传时间: 2014-01-08
Mitigation of Non-linear Distortion Using PTS and IDAR Method for Multi-Level QAM-OFDM System
标签: Multi-Level Mitigation Distortion Non-linear
上传时间: 2014-11-26
Rayleigh Fading Channels in Mobile Digital Communication Systems Part II: Mitigation Bibles for Fading Models
标签: Communication Mitigation Rayleigh Channels
上传时间: 2017-07-24
This research work aims at eliminating the off-chip RF SAW filters from fre- quency division duplexed (FDD) receivers. In the first approach, a monolithic passive RF filter was constructed using on-chip capacitors and bondwire inductors. The bond- wire characteristics were studied in details and the effect of mutual inductive coupling between the bondwires on the filter performance was analyzed. Based on that, a bond- wire configuration was proposed to improve the frequency response of the filter. The filter was implemented in 0.18 µm CMOS process for WCDMA applications.
标签: Interference Mitigation Techniques
上传时间: 2020-05-27
Since the 1990s the EU has been pursuing climate change Mitigation targets. Following the international commitment to the legally binding greenhouse gas reduction under the Kyoto Protocol, the 2020 policy package consists of a set of binding legislation to ensure that the EU meets its climate and energy targets for the year 2020. The package sets three key targets: 20% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions (from 1990 levels), 20% of EU energy from renewables (as well as a 10% target for renewable fuels) and 20% improvement in energy efficiency. The targets were set by EU leaders in 2007 and enacted in legislation in 2009 3 . They are also headline targets of the Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.
标签: Preparatory Ecodesign Study
上传时间: 2020-06-06