KMEANS Trains a k means cluster model.CENTRES = KMEANS(CENTRES, DATA, OPTIONS) uses the batch K-means algorithm to set the centres of a cluster model. The matrix DATA represents the data which is being clustered, with each row corresponding to a vector. The sum of squares error function is used. The point at which a local minimum is achieved is returned as CENTRES.
上传时间: 2014-01-07
杭电 ACM 1002 I have a very simple problem for you. Given two integers A and B, your job is to calculate the Sum of A + B.
标签: integers problem calcul simple
上传时间: 2014-01-12
中南赛区ACM竞赛题 Description Given a two-dimensional array of positive and negative integers, a sub-rectangle is any contiguous sub-array of size 1*1 or greater located within the whole array. The sum of a rectangle is the sum of all the elements in that rectangle. In this problem the sub-rectangle with the largest sum is referred to as the maximal sub-rectangle.
标签: two-dimensional Description negative integers
上传时间: 2013-12-22
上传时间: 2016-07-01
动态规划的方程大家都知道,就是 f[i,j]=min{f[i-1,j-1],f[i-1,j],f[i,j-1],f[i,j+1]}+a[i,j] 但是很多人会怀疑这道题的后效性而放弃动规做法。 本来我还想做Dijkstra,后来变了没二十行pascal就告诉我数组越界了……(dist:array[1..1000*1001 div 2]...) 无奈之余看了xj_kidb1的题解,刚开始还觉得有问题,后来豁然开朗…… 反复动规。上山容易下山难,我们可以从上往下走,最后输出f[n][1]。 xj_kidb1的一个技巧很重要,每次令f[i][0]=f[i][i],f[i][i+1]=f[i][1](xj_kidb1的题解还写错了)
上传时间: 2014-07-16
This programme is to control DC motor in a certain speed using PWM. The target speed is "r", it is the speed in 1s. The sample rate is 0.1s, so the actual speed target is "rc"=r/10. The "r" and "rc" are integer, and the range of "r" is from 50 to 100. Keep rc=r/10!!! The array "speed1" and "speed2" are the control result, in 0.1s and 1s. The length of "speed1" is 2400, and "speed2" is 240. The "pw" and "nw" are the parameters of PWM. The test will last 4 min.
标签: speed programme is control
上传时间: 2014-11-22
中山大学编译原理课程的一个实验,根据OPP(算符优先)做的一个表达式计算器。 内有实验的设计文档。 实验要求支持sin,cos,max,min,power,mod,boolean,?:,等运算。 这个代码可以为学习编译原理的同学参考。
上传时间: 2014-01-27
1.把"Web"文件夹内的文件拷贝到某个文件夹 2.在IIS中新建站点,指向该文件夹,如果新建虚拟路径,会导致一些图片的不正常显示. 3."Database"文件夹内有数据库文件hyb2bTest_Data.MDF,在Sql Server企业管理器中选择"附加数据库" 4.需要修改根目录web.config文件 <add key="DBServer" value="."/>,改成当前数据库地址 <add key="DBUser" value="sa"/>,改成当前数据库用户名 <add key="DBPwd" value="sa"/>,改成当前数据库密码 <add key="DBName" value="hyb2btest"/>,改成当前数据库名称 <add key="SQLConnString" value="server=. database=hyb2btest user id=sa pwd=sa Min Pool Size=10"/>,分别也换成当前数据库的地址,用户名、密码以及数据库名称。 5.后台登录地址: 当前路径+manage/index.aspx 帐户:admin 密码:admin 环境要求: Windows2000 / Windows2003 + IIS5 + .NET Framework 1.1 + MS SQL Server 2000 或各更高版本 演示地址 电话:13061363607 MSN
上传时间: 2014-01-27
ClustanGraphics聚类分析工具。提供了11种聚类算法。 Single Linkage (or Minimum Method, Nearest Neighbor) Complete Linkage (or Maximum Method, Furthest Neighbor) Average Linkage (UPGMA) Weighted Average Linkage (WPGMA) Mean Proximity Centroid (UPGMC) Median (WPGMC) Increase in Sum of Squares (Ward s Method) Sum of Squares Flexible (ß space distortion parameter) Density (or k-linkage, density-seeking mode analysis)
标签: ClustanGraphics Complete Neighbor Linkage
上传时间: 2014-01-02
电子闹钟 clk: 标准时钟信号,本例中,其频率为4Hz; clk_1k: 产生闹铃音、报时音的时钟信号,本例中其频率为1024Hz; mode: 功能控制信号; 为0:计时功能; 为1:闹钟功能; 为2:手动校时功能; turn: 接按键,在手动校时功能时,选择是调整小时,还是分钟; 若长时间按住该键,还可使秒信号清零,用于精确调时; change: 接按键,手动调整时,每按一次,计数器加1; 如果长按,则连续快速加1,用于快速调时和定时; hour,min,sec:此三信号分别输出并显示时、分、秒信号, 皆采用BCD 码计数,分别驱动6 个数码管显示时间; alert: 输出到扬声器的信号,用于产生闹铃音和报时音; 闹铃音为持续20 秒的急促的“嘀嘀嘀”音,若按住“change”键, 则可屏蔽该音;整点报时音为“嘀嘀嘀嘀—嘟”四短一长音; LD_alert: 接发光二极管,指示是否设置了闹钟功能; LD_hour: 接发光二极管,指示当前调整的是小时信号; LD_min: 接发光二极管,指示当前调整的是分钟信号
上传时间: 2017-01-02