BER with ZF equalizer with 2×2 MIMO
上传时间: 2017-09-26
MIMO-OFDM is a key technology for next-generation cellular communications (3GPP-LTE, Mobile WiMAX, IMT-Advanced) as well as wireless LAN (IEEE 802.11a, IEEE 802.11n), wireless PAN (MB-OFDM), and broadcasting (DAB, DVB, DMB). This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the basic theory and practice of wireless channel modeling, OFDM, and MIMO, with MATLAB ? programs to simulate the underlying techniques on MIMO-OFDMsystems.Thisbookisprimarilydesignedforengineersandresearcherswhoare interested in learning various MIMO-OFDM techniques and applying them to wireless communications.
标签: Communications MIMO-OFDM Wireless MATLAB with
上传时间: 2020-05-28
Turbo码是一类并行级联的系统卷积码,它是在综合级联码、最大后验概率(MAP)译码、软输入软输出及迭代译码等理论基础上的一种创新。Turbo码的基本原理是通过对编码器结构的巧妙设计,多个子码通过交织器隔离进行并行级联编码输出,增大了码距。译码器则以类似内燃机引擎废气反复利用的机理进行迭代译码以反复利用有效信息流,从而获得卓越的纠错能力。计算机仿真表明,Turbo码不但在加性高斯噪声信道下性能优越,而且具有很强的抗衰落、抗干扰能力,当交织长度足够长时,其纠错性能接近香农极限。 FPGA(FieldProgrammableGateArray),即现场可编程门阵列,是在PAL、GAL、EPLD等可编程器件的基础上进一步发展的产物。FPGA技术具有大规模、高集成度、高可靠性、设计周期短、投资小、灵活性强等优点,逐步成为复杂数字硬件电路设计的理想选择。 本论文以东南大学移动通信实验室B3G课题组提出的“支持多天线的广义多载波无线传输技术”(MIMO-GMC)为背景,分析了Turbo译码算法,并针对MIMO-GMC系统的迭代接收机中所采用的外信息保留和联合检测译码迭代的特点,完成了采用滑动窗Log-MAP算法的软输入、软输出的Turbo译码器的设计。整个译码器模块的设计采用Verilog语言描述,并在VirtexⅡPro系列FPGA芯片上实现。
上传时间: 2013-04-24
上传时间: 2014-01-01
上传时间: 2013-11-09
This a Bayesian ICA algorithm for the linear instantaneous mixing model with additive Gaussian noise [1]. The inference problem is solved by ML-II, i.e. the sources are found by integration over the source posterior and the noise covariance and mixing matrix are found by maximization of the marginal likelihood [1]. The sufficient statistics are estimated by either variational mean field theory with the linear response correction or by adaptive TAP mean field theory [2,3]. The mean field equations are solved by a belief propagation method [4] or sequential iteration. The computational complexity is N M^3, where N is the number of time samples and M the number of sources.
标签: instantaneous algorithm Bayesian Gaussian
上传时间: 2013-12-19
OFDM-MIMO收发系统,The simulator GUI is started with command ui_start in Matlab command window.
上传时间: 2014-01-18
This model is just testing an idea of MIMO, which IEEE802.11n will have. But I havo not seen the standard, I tried to make it with 11a. Actually this model would not work in real world, because the preambles were not designed to solve the MIMO feature. But this model may be useful to get some idea to start to design a PHY with MIMO.
标签: testing 802.11 model which
上传时间: 2013-12-25
尊敬的站长: 鄙人是研究MIMO通信系统的一名研究生,经人介绍找到贵站,感觉贵网站资料有鄙人一直苦苦搜索的内容,但苦于自己不是专门的编程人员,对源码所知甚少,仅上传4篇有关我研究专业的英文版论文,均为2005年下半年及06年IEEE检索文章(国内网站均未见中文版本,对于研究MCMC(蒙特卡罗-马尔科夫检测方法)方法有很大帮助),希望能予以录用,给予下载权限(本人只需很少资源有寥寥几个便足矣)。盼回信告之!
上传时间: 2015-08-11
OFDM-MIMO收发系统,The simulator GUI is started with command ui_start in Matlab command window.-,matlab,通讯编程/Communication
上传时间: 2013-12-11