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  • CHAPT07CHAPT07.CPP 16-Bit test program for the Fossil class CHAPT07CHAPT07.EXE 16-Bit executable of

    CHAPT07\CHAPT07.CPP 16-Bit test program for the Fossil class CHAPT07\CHAPT07.EXE 16-Bit executable of the test program. CHAPT07\CHAPT07.MAK A makefile for Borland or MicroSoft C++ CHAPT07\BIOSPORT.CPP A copy of the file from Chapter 6 CHAPT07\BIOSPORT.H A copy of the file from Chapter 6

    标签: CHAPT 07 executable Bit

    上传时间: 2013-12-09


  • CHAPT08TESTTERM.CPP 16-Bit test program for the terminal emulation classes CHAPT08TESTTERM.EXE 16-B

    CHAPT08\TESTTERM.CPP 16-Bit test program for the terminal emulation classes CHAPT08\TESTTERM.EXE 16-Bit executable of the test program. CHAPT08\TESTTERM.MAK A makefile for Borland or MicroSoft C++.

    标签: TESTTERM CHAPT emulation terminal

    上传时间: 2016-02-03


  • CHAPT09TERMW16.CPP 16-Bit test program for the Win16Port class. CHAPT09TERMW16.DEF A file needed by

    CHAPT09\TERMW16.CPP 16-Bit test program for the Win16Port class. CHAPT09\TERMW16.DEF A file needed by the linker for this program. CHAPT09\TERMW16.EXE 16-Bit exeuctable of the test program. CHAPT09\TERMW16B.MAK A makefile for Borland C++. CHAPT09\TERMW16M.MAK A makefile for MicroSoft C++.

    标签: CHAPT TERMW 16 program

    上传时间: 2016-02-03


  • CHAPT14MODEM.CPP Implementation of the Modem class CHAPT14MODEM.H Declarations of the Modem class

    CHAPT14\MODEM.CPP Implementation of the Modem class CHAPT14\MODEM.H Declarations of the Modem class CHAPT14\TSTMODEM.CPP 16-bit test program for the Modem class CHAPT14\TSTMODEM.EXE 16-bit executable of the test program CHAPT14\TSTMODEM.MAK Make file for use with Borland or MicroSoft C

    标签: CHAPT MODEM Modem class

    上传时间: 2013-12-24


  • 用Visual C++6.0编程工具

    用Visual C++6.0编程工具,使用MicroSoft Communications Control控件(MSComm控件)进行串行通信程序的开发。

    标签: Visual 6.0 编程工具

    上传时间: 2014-01-05


  • CrE-ME410_X86_CE40_HPC The .exe file that you will receive upon download is an installer to be exec

    CrE-ME410_X86_CE40_HPC The .exe file that you will receive upon download is an installer to be executed on a Desktop PC to which your Windows CE device is attached through ActiveSync. Should this fail (and also if it succeeds) you can find a CrE-ME CAB file in the ActiveSync folder on the PC ("\Program Files\MicroSoft ActiveSync\NSIcom") which you put on the device to install CrE-ME (by clicking on it as it appears on the device s file explorer).

    标签: installer download receive CrE-ME

    上传时间: 2016-02-11


  • Windows程序设计(第5版)对于Windows程序员来说

    Windows程序设计(第5版)对于Windows程序员来说,“从 Chares 的(Window程序设计)一书中寻找答案。”几乎成了一句至理名言。而(Windows程序设计》第5版是专门为在MicroSoft Windows 98、MicroSoft Windows NT 4和 Windows NT 5下编程的开发人员编写的。内容博大精深,并有大量的源代码来帮助读者掌握Windows编程。本书覆盖了Windows编程的方方面面,是广大编程人员和学习Windows编程的读者必备的一本好书。

    标签: Windows 程序设计 程序员

    上传时间: 2013-12-05


  • 在使用VC6.0时,能够自动提示函数参数信息,以及对象的属性、方法等信息

    在使用VC6.0时,能够自动提示函数参数信息,以及对象的属性、方法等信息,但是不提供常量、宏的信息(不知MicroSoft为什么会这样????)。这使得我们在使用常量时,如果记不全,就得查帮助文件。本人想如果能自动提供常量信息的话,就方便许多。于是自己开发了这个Add_In(VCExtendTools)。 此版本把原 VC常量、宏等自动提示器(AutoList.dll)的文件名改成了现在的 VC扩展工具集(VCExtendTools.dll)。 并新增两项功能:头文件与接口文件互换、用文本方式打开资源文件两个功能。 这个Add_In包括三个文件:VCExtendTools.dll、AutoDisplayList.dll、list.txt。其中 list.txt 为在提示框中显示的信息库(即常量、宏、函数等)。如果本库中没有你需的常量,你可以修改此文件,加入你需要的信息(注意:每条信息占一行)。或者,换成你自己的常量库。此文件已经包含了VC6.0中的常量、宏、VBScript对象、VBScript事件、VBScript方法、VBScript属性和部分函数、数据类型。

    标签: 6.0 VC 自动 函数参数

    上传时间: 2016-02-17


  • vb图书管理系统源代码 结合开放式图书馆的要求

    vb图书管理系统源代码 结合开放式图书馆的要求,对MicroSoft Office Access 2003数据库管理系统、Visual Basic 6.0应用程序设计进行了学习和应用,主要完成对图书管理系统的需求分析、功能模块划分、数据库模式分析,并由此设计了数据库结构和应用程序。系统运行结果证明,本文所设计的图书管理系统可以满足借阅者、图书馆工作人员的使用需要。

    标签: 图书管理 源代码 开放式

    上传时间: 2013-12-25


  • C++读取Excel AppWizard uses "TODO:" to indicate parts of the source code you should add to or custom

    C++读取Excel AppWizard uses "TODO:" to indicate parts of the source code you should add to or customize. If your application uses MFC in a shared DLL, and your application is in a language other than the operating system s current language, you will need to copy the corresponding localized resources MFC42XXX.DLL from the MicroSoft Visual C++ CD-ROM onto the system or system32 directory, and rename it to be MFCLOC.DLL. ("XXX" stands for the language abbreviation. For example, MFC42DEU.DLL contains resources translated to German.) If you don t do this, some of the UI elements of your application will remain in the language of the operating system.

    标签: AppWizard indicate custom source

    上传时间: 2016-03-12
